Jackson Frostbite

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Third person Bunny's POV>

Bunny bounded through his tunnels coming up in his warren. He sat down on the edge of the dye river eggs chattering around him. He looked up at the many tunnels that led all across the world and sighed.

"I'm sorry jack I wasn't there to protect ya mate" bunny's ears went flat against his skull.

Im sorry . . . i didn't mean for this to happen!" jack explained franticly. Bunny shook his head sadly. He was just starting to trust the spirit but now he realized jack had been right. They didn't want him. "We SHOULD have never TRUSTED him!" he yelled he almost punched jack but managed to hold back.

He sniffed feeling tears start to sting his eyes. He thought about cress and the hole in his heart grew. He sighed looking at jack who stared back at him with haunted eyes.

"Easters . . About new life new beginnings. . Easters about hope, and now there is none" Bunny said he walked away his heart in shreds.

Bunny felt something wet hit his cheek as he remembered. He swiped his paw across his cheek and it came back wet. He was crying. Bunny stood up suddenly sending the eggs around him scattering. "This isn't what jack would want me to do he'd want me to go out and try to get pitch and get him back! Not standin here feelin sorry for myself!" the rabbit made up his mind and bounded out of the warren as fast as he could.






Jack's POV>

I managed to catch myself as the nightmare sand dumped me out on the lake. "What are we doing here pitch?" I snarled pitch laughed and threw my staff at him.

"Your almost done transforming frostbite" pitch informed me a gleeful smile on his lips I looked up at him sharply. He had been calling me that for the past hour and i was getting sick of it.

"My name is jack frost" I glared at him

"Your name is Jackson frostbite bringer of cold and terror!" pitch laughed I stood up and pointed my staff at him

"NO! I am not yours and I never will be." I yelled at him pitch looked at me with a smirk

"Are you so sure about that Jackson" pitch mocked me.

"That's not my NAME!" I yelled lunging for pitch. Pitch grabbed me by the neck and held him up. I gasped trying to weakly pry off his hands at my neck.

"You better listen boy, that is your name, you are not a guardian, and you work with me now" pitch growled throwing before throwing me down onto the ice I coughed out gasping

"Go to hell pitch" i spit out

Silly silly boy, don't you realize this is your destiny?

Pitch smirked at the shocked expression on my face.

"Heard the voices inside your head have you", pitch sneered "Won't you listen to them?" pitch asked staring me in the eyes. I could see something of the old pitch in his eyes. They gleamed with a familiar light.

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