Good bye

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Third person Jamie's POV>

Jamie walked into Jack's room. He smiled being able to see jack. Tooth smiled seeing that he found his belief again. Jamie thought back to the lake. His brow scrunched up in confusion. Why was he afraid of pitch? He shouldn't have been he couldn't hurt him with his nightmares he can turn them back into dream sand so why did he believe jack was dead? Jamie shook his head clearing his thoughts there were a lot of questions in his head.

Which kinda makes you a guardian too

Tooth fluttered out wanting to give first believer and spirit time alone. Jamie sat in thought wondering how he was going to help jack wake up.

I have to heal his center . . . .

"That's it" he whispered "that's it!" he yelled grinning he flinched as he yelled too hard. Jamie leaned close to jack and whispered "jack I believe in you but you gotta come back, we can't beat fear without you, and someone's gotta make it fun"

Nothing happened and Jamie groaned doing a face palm. He didn't want jack to stay like this forever. An idea came to him and he grinned.

"I gotta go jack but I'll be back i promise!" The boy whispered. He fished out his phone and texted his mom. He ran out quietly closing the door. He quickly found north who was in his office.

"Hey north can i go to the library?" Jamie asked North gave him a surprised look.

"Why would you want to go there?" the Russian asked raising a bushy eyebrow.

"I need to look something up it's for jack" Jamie explained north nodded and Jamie took off for the books. He entered the huge space and immediately started searching for the book he wanted. He grinned at the title before opening it.

Guardians and magic.

When he found what he wanted he read eagerly. He stopped and frowned not sure if what he was reading was right. He silently put the book back tears threatening to fall. He put his head in his arms and sobbed.

We'll always be here Jamie.

Jamie sat up the hole in his heart bigger. He hated what he was going to do but in the end he knew it was right. If he didn't accept this jack wasn't going to wake up and there would be no more snow days. It was selfish of him to think he would be friends with jack forever. He made his way to jack's room and the dread only grew. Jamie swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly opened the door. He sat down next to jack and sat still for a moment thinking.

"If you don't come back pitch wins but if you don't come back . . . ." Jamie sighed wiping at the tears in his eyes "I don't want to stop other kids in the future from now being able to see you, I know now that im not always going to be able to see you but that doesn't i won't believe in you."

Jamie sighed trying to calm down but it didn't work.

"I-I'm always going to believe in the person you are, im never going to stop believing that someone will have a friend like you to get into snowball fights and crazy sledding rides in the middle of the street." he smiled a little bit at the memory.

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now