A/N Important Annoucement !PLS READ!

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Before any of you start freaking out in no way, shape, or form am I quitting this series!

I am still writing on Shadows the last book of the trilogy and while it's making progress it hasn't made much.

I wrote on it but now I have to go back and edit almost three fourths of the book and fix major plots holes and dead ends and stuff that my brain thought would be fun to add in.

For example being slightly depressed and not motivated and having writer's block stranded jack with chaos and having a character love another when it was impossible to literally.

(Like how are you supposed to fall in love with a character when the person you would fall in love with is the demon possessing her not the actual person?)

So yeah that's a whole great big mess . . . . . But rest assured I am ailing from writer's block no more! And I'm a lot happier as well I have a super sweet amazing boyfriend who cares about me.

So while Shadows will definitely not be out anywhere within a month it is being worked on and finally progressing!

I've been quiet lately and I apologize but go check out my other story dellusional! I will be dropping an update on Tuesday and if I get it done a double update possibly so hang tight!

See you later solos!


P.S SupergirlStyles You know wat that is ^^^ 😉😋

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now