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Now before i let you go ahead and read this chapter i have something to say . . . I have not read the Guardian books unfortunately and I am using some elements from the books such as Pitch's full name from when he was a warrior. (Kozmotis Pitchiner) I know that the monsters he guarded tricked him and he let them out and that is how he became pitch black. My twist is that his memories were taken and if he gets them back then he will no longer be evil and controlled by the fearlings. If you have a problem with this let me remind you. I HAVE NOT READ THE BOOKS! i am sorry if this offends you. I do eventually plan on reading them so if i make another fan-fic i will   be able to properly create the characters and make sure everything is alright. Again i am sorry but please give me opinions on how good I did and if you like my twist on Pitch.


Bunny's POV>

I watched as Tooth walked down a hallway quietly. I wanted to go after her but i thought better of it. I sighed but someone tugged my arms pulling me backward.

"Sandy what do ya want?" I asked tired the little man pointed to a small little black box on the floor. I frowned before walking forward and sniffing. I stumbled back surprised at the scent that flooded my nose. Pinewood and pumpkin spice.

Cress's scent.

"North ya better get in here!" i yelled

I picked up the box and opened it ignoring the protests of Sandy.

"What is it?"

"It's from cress" I told him.

I peeked inside the box. Four white envelopes each addressed in her swirling writing. There was one for each of us except jack. I set down the box handing the letters out to their corresponding owners. I opened mine curious to see what was inside.

Dear Bunny,

I know it's been years since you last saw me. I still miss you as much as ever but hopefully this will cheer you up. I know about jack and pitch and I've been keeping an eye on him. Although i want to help him I am not able to help him right now though. There is something more important I need to take care of. Don't worry if all goes well we will see each other soon. Now even if i can't get involved i am going to help you.

I'm sure you've sensed something about pitch that's different by now. Something's influenced his mind and that same thing is half of what corrupted jack. You already know what the other half is. You can thank Crescent Black for that. Pitch is not himself. Whatever influenced him is making him act on his darkest thoughts. The things he would never do because he couldn't. Sure he's the king of nightmares but even fear draws a line. This may seem strange but I know pitch better than most of you. Comes with the package of being his 'daughter' for over 50 years.

There is something in the box for the tooth. She's the only one that can take care of that. Just give it to her and she'll know what to do with it.

You guys need to bring back the real pitch. You guys need to bring back Kozmotis Pitchiner. I have to be somewhere else but don't worry I'll be back soon. Also I left someone to help you. Someone who missed you a lot.

Dearest wishes, 

love Cress

I closed the letter with a smile. Cress would be back soon i could feel it. My mind wandered to who she could've left to help us. I turned around to go get tooth but i was knocked to the floor.

"Alright alright! Destiny . . . jeez i missed ya too pupper" i chuckled She let out a happy bark and licked my nose. She jumped off of me tail wagging like crazy. I smiled before remembering the box. I grabbed it and left to search for tooth. I followed her scent trail down the hall before it disappeared. I sighed realizing she must have flown off somewhere.

"Think ya can find her girl?" i asked destiny. She nodded green eyes growing serious. She sniffed the air before barking out a reply. I was immediately surprised. I opened a tunnel glancing over at Destiny who sniffed at the edge uncertainly.

"Aw come on its fine I won't let nothin happen to ya" I encouraged her. She let out a canine version of a sigh before carefully leaping down into the tunnel. I jumped down closing the tunnel and started running. Destiny easily caught up to me and almost matched my pace. I smiled but it soon disappeared as the tunnel opened up where tooth was. I looked up to see i was in a child's bedroom. Tooth was hovering above a little girl who was fast asleep in bed.

"Tooth" i asked softly. She looked up and i could tell she had been crying. She softly fluttered down before giving the kid one last look. She walked over crossing her arms as if cold.

"S-she can't see me" she stammered she let out a cry flinging herself into my arms. I rubbed her back gently letting her sob into my chest.

"Are ya okay now sheila?" i asked after she fell quiet.

"I-i think so i-it's just I can't get over the way jack talked. Do you really think he didn't like me?" she asked looking up at me with wide eyes. I shook my head.

"There really isn't a way to tell tooth not with the darkness in him." I said explaining to her. "But i do think that we have a plan to get pitch and turn jack back to normal, Cress left us some stuff."

"Really?" she asked eye gaining back some of their spark. I nodded handing the letter with her name on it. She opened eye carefully skimming over the letter as she read it. She let out a small noise of surprise eyes widening.

"What is it?" I asked worried. She lowered her eyes to the ground sadly.

"I can't tell you; this is something that cress wants me to do myself." She said. She flitted up flying over to the window.

"Where are ya goin?" I asked confused.

"I've got to see someone tell sandy I want to talk to him when I get back okay?" she asked I nodded and she nodded back before disappearing out the window. I sighed before realizing she hadn't even recognized destiny. I laughed before opening a tunnel home. This time was a lot easier for destiny and she easily kept pace with me. 

Yayyyy! One of my Fav OC's is back! Destiny was created with another character in mind and i owe all my credit for her creation and name to hope_forever_18 's character Hamato Destiny. (That's Japanese so the last name is first) Her character was amazing so Destiny was at first modeled after her but after a while took a life of her own. I'm really proud of both her and Cress so i hope you guys like it. 

This chapter was kind of nostalgic with the return of Destiny because it just reminds me of the heartbreak that is going to happen soon. Next chapter is wayyyyyyyyyy longer than this one and a LOT more emotional. It was super scary writing that one because of the way Jack *ahem* Jackson acts sooo yeahhhhhhhh. I hope you like this! Don't forget to read and comment! BYE!


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