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I moaned as the nightmare sand dumped me onto the ground. I shakily sat up clutching my staff scanning my surroundings

Where am I?

::Not anywhere good that is for sure::

I nodded groggily and looked around my heart instantly filled with dread

"No" i whispered clutching my staff closer. I was in pitches caves. I looked up and i could just make out the figure of those cages. I pulled myself up using my staff as a sort of crutch and looked around warily.

"Trying to leave already" came pitches voice from behind I spun around but i couldn't see anything. "Hahahahaha oohh jack what's the matter? Afraid of the dark" this time the voice came directly behind me again and i spun around narrowing my eyes.

"Pitch where are you? You coward!" I called out bravely

::You dimwit do not taunt him!::

"Im right here frost" came the cold reply right next to my ear I spun around to see pitch looming above me. Pitch snarled and grabbed my wrist. I twisted trying to get him to let go but he didn't budge. I didn't want to fight pitch not when he was like this.

"Let go pitch you can't do anything to me" I said staring pitch in the eye

"That's where you're wrong" pitch grinned his smile unnerved me and my gaze faltered "you see those silly guardians forgot one thing, your center still needs to be healed"

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Your center is still hurt jack, look at your staff and you'll see"

I looked down at my staff and a cold chill ran through me. I hadn't noticed that frost only covered two thirds not the whole staff. I recalled the burning shooting pain that went through my arm when I used it. It was a far cry from when Jamie stopped believing but it had that same feeling. My hopes instantly dwindled of getting out of here by myself. I couldn't use my staff which meant i probably couldn't fly either.

I was thrown to the floor suddenly and i groaned in pain. Pitch chuckled circling me like a hawk. I growled and stood up. I tried to take a step forward only to find i couldn't i looked down to see my hands and feet chained to the floor. I growled and pulled at them knowing they wouldn't budge. There was the sudden feeling of cold steel at my neck and i froze.

"You know I've thought many time of what i would do once i had you" pitch murmured standing in front of me.

"Is that so?" i challenged

"Oh yes all the things i could do to you, i only wish i could put you through what i did the rabbit" Pitch said wistfully

::Do not answer jack he is just baiting you::

"What are you talking about what did you do to Aster!" I snapped letting my anger take ahold of me

"Seeing the one you love the most destroy something so close to you"

"You mean cress? That was you and we both know it! Cress didn't do anything it was you, It was always you but not this time" I challenged eyes bright with defiance.

"Oh jack you don't realize im glad for her influence i know exactly what im doing and im enjoying every second of it"

"No you won't be not when you go back to who you really are pitch, then you'll know what it feels like to have done something so horrible" i frowned trying to shake off the quilt from those words. It wasn't going to get me anywhere here. Pitch chuckled putting a hand on my shoulder

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now