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Jamie's POV>

"Jack you need to stop" I yelled up at him seeing this new jack gave me goose bumps

"So what, are you going to make me?" he challenged yellow eyes gleaming with a victorious look. I took a deep breath hating what I was going to say.

"You need to stop and let me go Im not going to believe in you forever" I said staring him directly in the eyes. I saw a hint of blue and realized it was working.

"You won't be here to believe in me" Jack growled narrowing his eyes at me. I stood my ground not backing away.

"You won't be able to touch me because I won't believe in you anymore" I yelled taking a step forward away from the guardians.

"Shut up!" jack yelled wincing. I saw them completely change back for a second and grinned for a second.

"Why should i? This is your fault your like this, you couldn't accept the fact that I wouldn't always be able to see you and that's the reason your still weak like this"

"I don't believe you" jack shouted back he yelled out in frustration the sound carrying across the room.

"Why don't you look at your staff you know im right." I argued. His eyes traveled down to his staff in surprise. He held it out hands rubbing on the part with no frost. His arms suddenly went slack in defeat and he looked down his hair now covering his face. I waited in silence and after a few moments something happened. Jacks staff started to glow and the frost finally traveled up the last third. It stopped and I was relieved to see his staff back to normal.

"Jack" tooth called out from behind me hopefully.

"hehe" Jack looked up and I saw bright purple orbs. I backed up my eyes widening.

"J-jack" I gulped

"Oh I'm sorry honey he isn't here to play, Unfortunately for you now that he's fully healed he's got his head back" Jack's voice rang out a feminine ring to it.

"You were too stupid to realize that half the magic that turned him dark is my magic and I can control him long enough to do something bad"

Jack suddenly swung his staff a shot of energy coming out. I closed my eyes my hands in front of me defensibly. I waited a few seconds for the ice to hit me my eyes screwed shut. Nothing happened.






Cress's POV>

I looked up from where the golden shield had formed around me and Jamie. I narrowed my eyes at her. Possessing my brother was going too far. I felt my eyes change as well as my hair. To the other's I was now a light golden strawberry blond and I knew my eyes were also a light gold. I growled flying up in front of him.

"I don't care who the hell you are possessing my brother is the last straw" I growled.

"He's not your brother sweetie they haven't bonded"

"All history repeats itself" I replied with a grin. Her eyes widened and she scowled.

"Well then let's see what we can change."

Before I knew it she swung the staff at me. I brought up my hands melting the ice in midair. I swung my hands aiming for his stomach. She dodged turning to face me but I was already behind her. I thrust a hand forward and the flames licked her shoulder. She let out a yell flying forward.


I looked over at tooth in surprise momentarily distracted. I suddenly went flying across the room hitting the globe hard. I cried as suddenly every part of me burned with electricity. I looked up into her eyes with defiance. She laughed as she added more power but I ground my teeth determined not to let out another peep.

There was suddenly a flash of blue then green in her eyes and an idea came to me. Closing my eyes I let the power build until it was ready to burst. Snarling I opened my eyes and I knew they were glowing orange. I grabbed her arms and shoved her forward letting the power loose at the same time.

"Jack! Nivalis! The only chance you have is to bond." I yelled as she stopped herself from hitting the wall. She looked up eyes glowing a deep purple now.

"You underestimated me Cadite" she snarled.

"You know what why don't we take this down a level" I replied I twirled letting out another blast of energy and lunged for her. She dodged the blast but I caught her and down we went onto the floor. I twisted letting her hit the floor and flipped off of her landing with cat like grace. She struggled to get up and I turned to the guardians.

"Get Jamie out of here now!" I yelled I caught Bunny's eyes and he shook his head. I shook my head no and smiled. "Bunny I can handle her trust me just get Jamie out of here for jack" He finally nodded and giving me one last longing look left.

"Im ending you Cadite now!"

I turned and if was if time was frozen. In my distraction I hadn't noticed her get back up. A deadly beam of ice was now headed straight for my heart. I closed my eyes bracing for the impact hoping I could put up a shield in time. There was a dull thump and a moment of silence. I cracked open an eye and my breath caught in my throat.

"This is it old friend"

I stared in horror at where she lay on the floor. A gaping wound ran down her side from the icy blast. I choked tears streaming down my face.

"No . . . no . . . NO!"

"I love you cress f-fight her for me it has . . it has been a good fight o-old friend"


Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now