A voice.

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Third person Bunny's POV>

Bunny bounded in to find north yelling out orders to a yeti getting his coat back on. "North what's going on?" bunny asked north turned to him.

"Trouble at tooth palace come we take the sleigh" north answered bounding out to the sleigh. Bunny groaned but jumped in knowing it would be faster and easier. The sleigh took off and bunny's stomach lurched.

I'm so glad I didn't eat before that guardian meeting.

Bunny gripped the sleigh with his claws holding tight to the sleigh.

"Ha ha! Bunny remember the loop de loops?" north called laughing bunny's stomach lurched again

"Oh shut up ya blowhard" bunny growled holder on even tighter they launched off the runway and into the air. Feeling a bit better bunny loosened his grip slightly. North took out a snow globe and soon swirling colors surrounded them before molding into a different sky. Bunny's ears perked up in attention. Nightmares rushed from the palace but that isn't what alarmed bunny. They seemed to be wearing some sort of ice armor with nightmare sand mixed in. They rushed and landed in one of the many plazas.

"Tooth where are you?" north called they heard shouting from a platform next to them. Bunny's ears shot up that didn't sound good.

"Jack what is wrong with you this isn't you! What did pitch do to you!" echoed tooth's voice shrill a stab of fear ran through bunny at the sentence. They arrived only to freeze at the sight of jack. His hoodie was black not a trace of frost to be seen and his hair was completely black but that isn't what scared bunny. Jack's eyes were that same poisonous yellow that cress's had been. Bunny took a step forward

"Jack mate what happened to ya?" he asked in disbelief knowing full well what had happened

We have to get jacks memories back

"My name isn't jack cottontail." jack smiled Bunny could spot fangs and he growled inside at the sight. Bunny took another step forward

"Yes it is its jack frost" Bunny replied narrowing his eyes. Jacks eyes narrowed in anger the yellow seeming to have gotten a red tinge.

"No my name is Jackson frostbite kangaroo I would advise you to stop calling me jack." Bunny stared at him shock. Jack had his memories so how had pitch corrupted him with the nightmare sand? Bunny took out a boomerang and pointed it at jack.

"Or what? Jack this isn't you ya sound like-" jack cut him off

"pitch" he finished "I know isn't it great?, Im tired of being ignored by you and the rest of the guardians, you ignored me for what? 300 years! and you suddenly think four years is going to change that?" jack yelled making bunny flinch jack glared at him "you never cared about me, you just needed me to defeat pitch, I was never cared about, and I should have never became a guardian in the first place" jack shouted tooth gasped at his last statement. Bunny winced knowing firsthand what she must be feeling right now. She flew back next to the rest of them

"jack that's not true, if we didn't care why did I let you collect teeth with me why would bunny put up with your pranks why would north let you help out in the workshop?" tooth asked softly Bunny could tell she didn't want to believe what happened to jack. Jack focused on her and laughed

"why if it isn't the Love sick bird You know i was going to say i cared about you then say I don't anymore but im an honest person" Bunny watched silently as tooth deflated her eyes filling with tears. "I never liked you, you were pining for something you could never have, Pitch is the only one who really understands me" jack sneered suddenly a nightmare flew past chasing a tooth fairy.

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now