First believer

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Jack's POV Third person>

"Jack! Jack!" a voice called. Jack opened his eyes expecting to see pitch. Instead bright violet eyes stared at him. He sat up in his bed looking around confused. Tooth smiled fluttering back next to the bed. He looked around spotting the green walls and figured he was in North's infirmary.

"Wha-what happened?' he asked voice hoarse. Tooth handed him a glass of water and he gladly took it taking a small drink.

"We don't know bunny found you and brought you here, you've been mumbling in your sleep, . . . i couldn't make out much but you screamed like you were in pain sometimes." tooth explained looking at him worried. Jack sighed running a hand through his white hair ruffling it.

"I've got to see north . . . is bunny and sandy here?" he asked swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. he jumped up grabbing his staff. he wobbled a few steps feeling a little dizzy.

"Be careful jack!, maybe you should stay in bed" tooth said worried he shook his head smiling at her.

"No im fine i was just a little dizzy its gone now" he reassured her. he walked out of the infirmary with tooth fluttering behind him. When he entered the globe room north turned and spotted him.

"Jack! you should be resting not out of bed" he scolded him.

"C'mon north it takes more than a knock on the head to bring me down" he joked with a smile. Bunny hopped forward and folded his arms.

"How did ya get knocked on the head in the first place mate?" he asked jack winced

"well . . . . It's kind of embarrassing" he admitted rubbing the back of his head with one hand. bunny laughed shaking his head. "what? It's not like ya got hit by a girl" he laughed jack smiled awkwardly.

"Welllllllll . . . ."

"Ha! I can't believe this! ya got taken out by a girl? Ho boy this is rich!" bunny snickered jack frowned folding his arms

"Hey! It's not my fault she had this giant wolf!" he mumbled back. Bunny immediately stopped laughing.

"A big black wolf with bright green eyes?" bunny asked jack nodded surprised.

"Yeah how did you know?" he asked

"Because i knew that girl a long time ago . . . . jack we gotta talk" bunny sighed walking down the hallway. jack followed giving each of the other guardians a puzzled look. they simply gave him a knowing smile.

The pair entered an empty storage room and bunny turned around and locked the door. "What is all this about?" jack asked curious "jack . . . . . pitch wasn't alone when he came back those years ago" bunny started jack looked up in shock.

"What do you mean? . . . . ." he asked "i mean he somehow turned a good friend of mine bad, the girl who knocked ya out did the sheila have amber eyes?" bunny asked jack nodded but he thought back to his nightmare.

"Before you brought me back here . . . when that girl knocked me out pitch got into my dream"

bunny spun around eyes wide. "what did pitch tell ya?" he demanded

"he at first was just going to beat me up but then i . . . ." jack paused thinking back to the thing he saw "we saw . . . this thing I've never seen anything like it" Jack admitted

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