Going home

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Cress's POV>

I fell onto my knees crying. I hugged destiny as she shuddered. She reached up licking me on the nose.

"F-fate has a funny . . . way o-of happening huh?" she stammered quietly.

"No no no! You aren't dying! You can't die destiny! Please you are my best friend! Don't leave me like this!" I screamed hugging her tight. She coughed and I could hear her wheezing trying to get air.

"I-it is too late m-my friend Y-you can't stop it this time" she replied quietly.

A deathly calm started to settle over her body and I could feel her heart start to slow down.

"D-don't do this to me I-I can't –I can't do this without you des, Please don't leave . . . . Y-you're my best friend" I begged sobbing.

"Bye cress I love you don't . . . Don't give up hope . . . b-be happy Crescent . . . . . . I-I'm going home . . . . . Im going home"

She fell silent and I stopped hiccuping long enough to listen for a heartbeat.

1 minute . . .

2 minutes . . .

3 minutes . . .

4 minutes . . .





I screamed






Jack's POV>

I stared in horror where she lay on the floor hugging the wolf. I didn't bond in time. I fell to the floor defeated. I yelled punching the ground. This was all my fault.

"DESTINY! NO DESSTTINNY!" I watched in silence where bunny picked her up still screaming. She was trying to claw her way out of bunny's arms but he had a strong grip on her.

"J-jack" I didn't look up where toothiana was hovering

"T-this is all my fault" I said softly.

"J-jack this isn't your fault don't blame yourself."

"I wasn't strong enough t-to stop her i-I should have fought harder, this wouldn't have happened" I said through gritted teeth. I cried out tears running down my face. Warm arms embraced me from behind holding me while I cried. Eventually I stopped and just sat still staring at the floor.

"Why do you love me?"

"What do you mean jack" tooth asked her voice weary and tired.

"W-why do you love me back i-im a monster I-im broken" I stammered tears welled up in my eyes again.

"You're not broken jack and you're not a monster" tooth said softly holding me. She rocked back and forth as if to sooth me.

"How do you know?" I whispered

"Because you're still the Jack Frost I fell in love with the one who did anything to protect his friends you may not have bonded until it was too late but if you didn't, think about what could have happened." Tooth whispered in my ears. I sat up my mind going back to Antarctica.

"Im going" I said standing up.

"Jack! Wait where are you going?" tooth called after me franticly.

"I've got something I have to do please let me do this alone" I begged turning around. She looked like she was going to say no but she finally sighed.

"Be careful" she called after me. I turned around the corners of my mouth uplifting in an almost smile. I turned and left flying through the snow until everything was white. I found the spot and landed in front of it softly.

"This has to come down" I said aloud. With a massive burst of effort I swung my staff sending a bolt of ice at the bottom of the column. The whole thing cracked falling over before shattering into a million pieces sending nightmare sand scattering across the snow.

"Jack" I froze recognizing the voice not wanting to turn around.

I couldn't face her not after what just happened. After what I just did.

I couldn't bear to see the heart broken look in her eyes.

"Jackson Adam Overland"

"Where did you hear that?" I asked spinning around. She smiled softly looking at the ground once before looking back up at me.

" . . . .I'm your sister Jack"

Annnnddd it's done! I cant believe i finished the second book! This book has been so wonderful to write! I hated to say goodbye to such a wonderful character like destiny. I give credit to Hope_Forever_18  For her wonderful Character who inspired this one. If anyone is wondering i was thinking about releasing a book focused solely on Destiny's story. i feel it only right considering how you all might have wanted to find out.  IF you all want to give me titles for it go ahead. This book would not be possible without you guys.

You guys inspire me make me want to write. I've created such a fantastic world here in rise of the guardians that i still cant believe I've written such wonderful characters and people. It makes me proud to say I'm a wattpadian I love all you all so much and It makes me happy. Now before you all leave this story waiting for the final and third book Here is a sneak  peak of the cover

 Now before you all leave this story waiting for the final and third book Here is a sneak  peak of the cover

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I hope you all enjoyed Shadows! Bye!!


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