Don't be afraid.

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Jamie's POV>

I woke up groggily and sleepily rubbed my eyes. i got up but then rushed over to the window. Frosty patterns were swept across it in a message.

Meet me at the lake ~ jack

I excitedly pulled on my jacket and pants along with my signature beanie. i ran down the stairs hurriedly slipping on my gloves.

"Im going to see pippa at the lake love you mom!" i yelled over my shoulder happily running out into the street. Within minutes i was at the lake. "Jack! Where are you?" i called out.

"hey Jamie" came the voice from the shadows i spun around to see blue eyes eyes staring at me from under a tree. Despite not being afraid my senses jumped a little.

"Jack!" i called out happily "what are we doing today?" i asked and looked around confused "and where are the others?" A bad feeling started to creep up on me.

"There not coming" he answered simply i frowned looking at his staff. The familiar sight of frost creeping up the staff was gone. I backed up heart beating wildly in my chest. This wasn't jack.

"You're not jack" i said bravely. The figure laughed evilly shaking his head.

"Oh what a clever child . . . bravo" there was suddenly slow clapping i spun around to spot pitch. How the heck did he get out? I stared at him not able to figure out if this was real or a nightmare. "What did you do to jack!" i yelled

"Jack is gone Jamie" pitch said shaking his head "no he isn't!" i yelled not wanting to accept that my best friend was gone. The other jack walked around me to pitch's side.

"I killed jack Jamie" he sneered i stared at him in fear

"No! You're just a fake to scare me, you're not tricking me!" i shouted confidently Dark jack laughed walking forward. He threw the staff at my feet.

"And how did i get this?" he asked smirking i picked up the rough piece of wood. I felt something inside me sink up as dread filled me when i realized this was jacks staff.

"Jamie you fail to realize the guardians don't even know that jack is dead, they aren't quite as perceptive as you when it comes to details" pitch explains walking forward i stumbled backward. I felt scared so so scared right now. How had pitch managed to kill jack? Jack. . Jack couldn't be dead.

They just made a really good fake of his staff jack has to be alive. He's probably on his way right now.

"i have to admit i didn't think they would fall for it" pitch admitted grinning like a cat.

"No your wrong! Jack isn't dead!" i cried defiantly

He was my best friend he couldn't be dead! i started backing away. All of a sudden there were nightmares surrounded the clearing. i looked around nervous. How had pitch become so powerful this fast? My heart pounded in my chest

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid Jamie if you're not afraid he can't hurt you.

"Oh really child? Where is he then!? Where is your precious guardian" pitch crowed sweeping his arms around. The night mares stomped and reared neighing causing fear to jump in me. I did the only thing i could do at this point.

"JACK! Help please there are nightmares! Get the others and hurry!" I yelled as loud as loud as i could to the wind. I could only hope he heard it. I turned around panic beginning to settle in. pitch was nowhere to be found but the nightmares kept advancing.

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now