Never give up

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Third person POV>

Sandy sighed floating out of the room. He had tried to access jack through a dream but for some strange reason his dreams sand wouldn't affect jack. Sandy just couldn't wrap his head around it. His magic had never failed to put anyone in a dream. Then again, jack was in the belief sleep and sandy had never tried it against anyone like that.

There was suddenly a loud bang from behind him. Sandy spun around his sand whips already materialized in his hands. They disintegrated when he saw that jacks staff had been knocked over. He floated over when he realized that jack had moved. Jack's right hand hung off the bed directly next to where the staff had been propped against the wall.

Sanderson eyed the young spirit of winters form. Surely jack couldn't have knocked the staff down? He realized his feet where freezing and floated up. He gasped the sound of bells filling the air. He quickly propped jacks staff back up and hurried out of the room.

"Sandy any luck with jack?" north asked as he entered the globe room. Sandy shook his head but quickly made a long line of symbols to explain what happened.

"Jack knocked down his staff?" tooth asked confused she looked at north whose eyes had widened. "North how could that have happened?"

"I do not know what this is but i might have a guess. But what did the message say sandy?" north asked focusing his attention back on sandy. Sandy quickly made an identical image in dreamsand of the ice on the floor.

Guys don't worry about me I'll be fine just make sure Jamie doesn't give up okay? And give pitch a tough time

"so.... is jack going to be okay?" she asked his eyes brimming with tears, sandy waved to show he was not finished he made another long line of symbols smile.

Tell tooth i enjoyed seeing her throw a fit ;)

"Did jack really say that?" she asked softly sandy nodded a huge smile broke out on Tooth's face "Then he must be okay he wouldn't joke if he wasn't!" tooth exclaimed grinning wider and wider showing her perfect white teeth. Bunny smiled knowingly noticing tooth's behavior.

"Im going to tell Jamie" tooth declared before flying to the room the teenage believer was in. she knocked and fluttered in sitting next to Jamie on the bed.

"What do you want tooth?" Jamie asked tiredly tooth stopped smiling. No child should ever sound like this in her opinion.

"Sandy got to talk to jack" tooth said cheerfully trying to make the boy smile.

"Why does it matter? He's never gonna wake up so I'll never get to see him again so i might as well not believe in him." Jamie's voice signaled defeat and that was something tooth was ready to accept so easily.

"Jamie!" Jamie looked up eyes wide he had never heard her scold anyone before her always sweet and caring not athorative. "Who taught you to never give up?"


"Who told you that well always be here?" tooth placed a hand over Jamie's heart.

"J-jack . . . jacks . . . ." The boy trailed off in thought the memory coming back.


"What if pitch comes back? What if we stop believing? if i can't see you . . " Jamie trailed off looking at the ground the worst scenarios running through his head.

"Hey hey slow down, slow down" jack chuckled putting a hand on Jamie's shoulder he kneeled down to the boys height. "You tell me you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes out?"

The comment made him smile and feel silly for even thinking such things. He laughed a little but smiled at jack.


"okay well do you stop believing in the sun when clouds block it out?" the winter spirit asked pointing up ward Jamie shook his head.


"We'll always be there Jamie and now, we'll always be here"

The frosty spirit poked Jamie where his heart is. Jamie looked down at it before looking back up smiling softly

"Which kinda makes you a guardian too" jack admitted looking up Jamie smiled so hard he thought his heart would burst. Jack smiled nodding slightly before getting up and starting to walk towards Santa's sleigh. Jamie stopped smiling and realized what he needed to do.

"Jack!" he called out. He broke out in a dead run for the spirit. Jack turned around just as Jamie launched himself at him in a hug. Jack seemed to stiffen up but then kneeled down to return the hug.


"Im a guardian too" Jamie realized out loud. Tooth looked at him confused. "I-i was wrong tooth jack may be gone but i still need to keep believing to help him, im not going to let jack go without a fight!" Jamie declared tooth smiled and hugged the young boy who hugged her back.

"Jack believes in you He'll get through this." tooth whispered in the boy's ear the boy only smiled and hugged tooth closer. In jack's room unknown to the two spirits jack's staff glowed a light blue and frost climbed up a third of it before going back to normal.

Shadows ~Siblings Trilogy Book #2~Where stories live. Discover now