The spirit of Spring

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Tooth's POV>

I flew as fast as I could to Stone Haven. If what the letter said was true then I needed to know as much about this as possible. I only hoped that the Spirit of stories was home. I spotted the small cottage relieved to see smoke coming out of the chimney.

I knocked on the door politely hoping he would answer.

"Ananis? It's me Cress sent me here" I said. The door opened and a young tanned man was standing there.

"Come in Tooth" he said before closing the door behind the two of us. I sat down on the couch thankful for the roaring fire.

"How long ago was Cress here?" I asked

"About a week almost" He answered Brown eyes staring into the fire.

"She said in the letter that she has something for me to give to Pitch and she said she might have something for Jack but she had to be the one to give it to him"

"Yes Cress already has one weapon now she just needs the other but that isn't why you are here am I correct?" Ananis asked raising an eyebrow.

"She said to ask you about the spirits of spring and summer"

"Ahh Nivalis and Cadite eh?" Ananis said shaking his head. I nodded not knowing who these spirits were.

"Who were they?"

"They were the siblings the spring and the summer and right now the winter and the fall."

"You mean they changed powers?" I asked eyes wide. I had never heard of any spirit changing powers.

"No, look these two were born from a meteor and both possessed a strange magic as a result now they lived in peace for 50 years but they were chosen to take down the worst threat this world had ever seen" Ananis's voice automatically grew foreboding and deeper.

"What do you mean?" tooth asked confused

"I mean that when the Man in the Moon was very young he saw this threat and prayed for help, that help came in the form of Nivalis and Cadite they battled Chaos a spirit whose main aim was to create as much chaos destruction pain and strife as she could those two sacrificed themselves and died trapping her in what mortals call the ring of volcanoes Chaos was predicted to rise again and the siblings would come back in the forms of fall and winter"

"You mean Jack and cress . . . . Are Nivalis and Cadite reincarnated" I whispered slowly He nodded. "How does this help me again?" I asked

"Nivalis and Jack haven't bonded and as far as I know neither has Cadite and Cress but Both the siblings are still alive they are in a state of consciousness within Jack and Cress essentially they are the same person though until they bond then they will become the same person"

"So If I can reach Nivalis I have a chance of bringing Jack back" I said the pieces fitting together He nodded smiling before standing up giving me his hand. I fluttered up taking his hand and shaking it.

"Goodbye queen good luck with Jack" Ananis called as I flew out heading back to the North Pole. As soon as I got close I could tell something was wrong.

My eyes widened at the storm that was over the workshop. Clouds swirled around the top lightning going off in the clouds but never touching the ground. Snow was falling down in sheets but I could also see rain mixed in.

Nivalis was the spirit of spring . . . that means storms!

I flew forward as fast as I could. I looked inside not meeting a happy sight. North Sandy and Bunny were surrounded by nightmare ice wolves but they weren't attacking. I looked up to see Jack on top of the globe. I carefully snuck in making sure Jack didn't see me. I slowly made my way around Jack to the balcony next to him hiding in the shadows. My eyes met Bunny's and he gave a slight nod. I noticed Destiny next to him and smiled. She didn't notice me as her eyes never left Jacks form.

Cress I hope you were right


"Ah I see her majesty finally joined the party" Jack laughed flashing his fangs. His yellow eyes gleamed in satisfaction. I flew out in front of him facing away from the others.

"Jack you know this isn't you" I begged trying one last time to get Jack to come through on his own.

"Oh yes it is and you know what?" He flew close his nose almost touching mine. I found myself unable to move as he moved to my ear breath on my neck. I gulped nervously unconsciously shivering.

"I love it"

He laughed flying away and I let loose the breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I sighed closing my eyes wishing I didn't have to do this.

"You know . . . I didn't want to have to do this but it seems like that magic has too good of a hold on you. . . . You do realize that it's raining and snowing outside" I said looking up. I smiled at the look on his face.

"How the hell did you find out about him!" he growled eyes narrowing

"You forgot about Cadite"

"That little trouble maker! I should have ended her like Pitch said" Jack snarled eyes almost glowing.

"Nivalis is in there and I know he's been fighting otherwise that storm wouldn't be out there" I reminded him pointing outside.

"You don't know ANYTHING!" He roared leaping at me with his staff. I hit the wall hard as Jack held me there.

"Fight him Nivalis you've got to fight him!" I yelled struggling in Jack's arms.

"Tooth!" I looked down where Bunny pulled out a boomerang

"No don't! Bunny, trust me on this" I told him authority ringing in my voice. He halted green eyes wide with confusion.

"Aww look at that you still love me . . . . How much will it hurt when I kill you?" Jack chuckled reaching forward nipping my ear. I let out an involuntary whimper at the sudden action.

"Toothy!" North's voice thundered out interrupting my frantic thoughts.

"I-im fine don't worry about me" I stammered still shaken by his action. I turned back my attention to Jack. He smiled fangs glistening in the light.

"Still sticking up for me? Your stubborn" He chuckled I shook my head.

"I love you no matter what form you take and no matter who you are or was you should know that Jack"

Jacks eyes widened and I thought I almost saw a hint of blue in them.

"I don't care what you love" He suddenly growled his calm demeanor gone.

"Nivalis I know you're in there, listen to me you've got to fight harder you've got to do it so Cadite can-" I froze realizing I almost gave it away.

"What do you mean Cadite? You mean you know whose form she's taken?" Jack asked. I bit my lip realizing I let it slip.

"Im not telling you!" I spat glaring at him.

"Oh believe me when I get done you'll wish you had" Jack smiled and I could see the predatory gleam in them. He leaned forward and his lips met mine. I squirmed under the kiss wanting this to end. I wanted to kiss Jack but not like this. This wasn't Jack.

"Oh now what's the matter I thought you wanted to kiss me?' He laughed ending the kiss.

"You aren't Jack" I told him coldly.

"Too bad I could've had some fun with you" he replied seductively.

"I don't care what you do, but Nivalis definitely won't let you do anything to his sister"

"Is that so?"

Well this was one hard chapter to write . . I remember when I wrote this I stepped back and reread it and was like whoa . . . Jacks a real perv in this but do not fear! jack will be better soon in fact the book is almost over! so stay tuned and get ready for the feels! 

Dont forget to comment and vote and read! BYE!


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