ch. 15 | Kiss and Tell

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Olivia's POV

So, I kissed Harry last night... Wow... I kissed Harry Styles.. Oh my! I have to tell Nicole. 
I grab my phone, dialing Nicole's home number instead of cell.

"Hello?" Nicole picked up, thankfully.

"You'll never guess what happened!" I squealed. Nicole paused..

"What?" She sounded worried.

"So maybe, somebody kinda kissed Harry last night?" I laughed.

"Ahhhhh! Is that somebody you!" She yelled through the phone, hurting my ears.

There was ringing through my ears, "Yes..." I replied.
"Oh my gosh! was it good?" Nicole asked.

"Mhmm yes. I'm not sure though, cause I've barely kissed anybody. but I felt butterflies. " I blushed, remembering what happened at my door.

"I'm soooo jealous. You'll have to hook me up with Niall." She said.

"Wait aren't you dating Ryan?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, but you know. I'd pick a One Direction member over him any day. Plus, we've been arguing lately." She laughed.

"Oh, well I'm sorry babe." I replied with sympathy.

"It's fine, but I'll come over later if you're free." Nicole brought up. 

"Sure.. see ya later." I yelled through the phone. I hung up, falling back onto the bed.

I think I love Harry? Wait, that's not possible. We barely know each other, and we aren't even dating. Yes, he gives me sooo many butterflies, and yes that kiss was great. Also, Harry is an amazing guy and I'd probably die for him. I think I just feel this way because I've never been with a guy before.

Today is Monday, so he's probably out somewhere. I don't start school till next week. So I'm excited that it's my senior year. Just will I be able to see Harry as much?

Harry is gonna be here another week so maybe I'll get to see him a lot more. Plus he said he was taking me to that Sherri Hill show, this month sometime. Lord, I'm dreaming about that. I might as well get dressed.

I grabbed black leggings, and a comfortable, soccer tournament shirt from my dresser drawer. I slip that outfit on, and put my hair in a little bun.

What could I do today? Mom is at work, and Noah left back to Duke. Maybe I could go practice with my team? Yes!

I grab my phone, texting in our group: Softball 

Me: Hey girls, wanna go to the cages?

Chloe: Sure, I'll be down there in like 10 minutes. lol

Makala: Sure.

Paige: Can't, going to a wedding! 

Shea: Sorry, my car is kinda messed up. Mom said I ain't allowed out until I learned my damn lesson about it.

Savannah: Can't. Me, Kaylee, Brooklyn, and Hannah are gonna be gone for a softball camp with our other team. Sorry bud. 

Okay. So it's just us three. That can work.

I'll just wear what I'm wearing, but I grab my tennis shoes, and slip my sandals on with socks. I grab the car keys, and my phone.

Making my way to the car, my phone starts ringing.

I click accept without even glancing who it is.

"Hey love." A deep voice replied. Harry.

"Hi." I blushed.

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