ch. 1 | dont forget where you belong

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Harry's POV

"Come on, lads! We have a show to do..." I heard our body guard Paul shout from outside the tour bus. I struggled standing up, tired from the show yesterday.

Liam followed in behind me, walking out the door. "Where are we at?" I swear he knows nothing half the time.

"We are at Maryland right now, idiot!" Louis shouted, coming up from behind him slapping him upside the head. I laughed at their fight.

I sluggishly walked towards the arena, dreading another concert. Zayn, Niall, and the rest of the boys follow behind me. "Cheer up! Maybe you'll find a pretty girl in the crowd." Niall winked. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Maybe there will be...


I jumped into the chair, spinning around. Lou grabbed the back of the chair to make it stop spinning. "Stop!" She shouted. We all halted, calming ourselves down. I was up first for Lou to do my hair.

After all the boys got their hair done, we headed to the side of the stage. We all huddled together, for our pre show ritual. "Hands in." Liam yelled over the crowd. "On 3, 1.....2.....3...... Let's go!" We all shouted.

We ran on stage one by one.

"How's everyone down here in Maryland!!" I shouted through the microphone. Cheers surrounded the stadium.

I looked down at the song list in the ground, first song up was "Don't Forget Where You Belong."

The music started out slow, then got louder by the second.

Liam started out his solo, "Been a lot of places, I've been all around the world, seen a lot of faces, never knowing where I was, on the horizon, hmmm well I know, I know, I know, I know the sun will be rising back home."

Niall then started his solo, "Living out of cases, backing up and taking off, made a lot of changes, but not forgetting who I was, on the horizon, ohhh well I know, I know, I know, I know the moon will be rising back home...."

Then we all joined in unison, "Don't forget where you belong, don't forget where you belong, if you ever feel alone, you are never on your ownnn, and the proof is in this song."

We finished up our Midnight Memories album featuring some old songs..

This concert was just like any other one, we sing our album, 5 Seconds of Summer performs, then we leave for another state. I wish it wasn't the same routine! Maybe just, maybe I could meet the one girl, who could change my life around. Just when will it be?

Like Niall said, maybe I'd meet her tonight... I just feel left alone... Zayn's engaged, Louis and Liam have girlfriends. Niall is actually talking to a girl! What am I doing?

Being known as the biggest celebrity flirt! I just wish that image would change, one of these days.


We made our way to the tour buses outback, somebody came up behind me and patted my back. "Cheer up buddy! We just finished one of our biggest concerts yet! What's gotten into ya?" I heard the voice of Niall say. I shrugged. I wasn't sure what was up with me.

"Don't know really. I'm just worn out." I shrugged again. He nodded, stepping into the bus.

I jogged up the steps making my way to the bus, I slid into my bunk bed between Louis and Zayn.

I groaned, I'm so exhausted.

"Go to bed, mate. Next concert is tomorrow at Ohio. Just please cheer up?" Niall tried to pull a smile. I faked smile, so he'd leave me alone.

I used to never act like this, I was always cheeky and happy. I always had a smile on my face. Until management decided to ruin my image. They wanted me to go out each night and leave with different girls. Like I was forced to date these models or singers. Like Taylor Swift. Yeah, never liked her, Kendall Jenner? Yeah, I hated her..

Now I'm all over the magazines.

'Reportedly: Saw Harry Styles out with model Nadine! Our they a couple?'
'Harry Styles drunk? Who's the Mystery Girl on his arm??'

It's really annoying.

All this thoughts jumbled up in my brain, but thankfully sleep took over..


Short beginning I know, but thanks for reading!!

Just to let everyone know, I have another book. Almost done!!!! It's called Mistakes || H.S||

Hope you guys check it out!! Thanks for reading! (:

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