ch. 18 | Keeping Up

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Harry's POV

I know it sounds crazy that I just met Olivia and hardly know a lot about her, yet we are dating and I've fallen for her, but she's different and she makes me feel like a better person. I think it has something to do with the fact she doesn't use me for my fame or my money and she wants to be with me for me, and she's so outgoing and athletic. She makes me smile, and I don't have that here in LA. My management wants me to be seen out with a model but I didn't have the guts to tell Liv that.

"So are you going out with Kendall tonight?" I cringed at her name, knowing this will hurt Liv. I nodded painfully.

"Management is making me. They saw the tabloids about Liv and they don't think it's good for my image."

"Does Liv know this?" Liam asked. I shook my head. "Dude, She is gonna be really hurt, you might wanna warn her." Liam was right, I know he was but I'm so scared. Liv should understand shouldn't she?

"I'll call her, tell her I have to go out." Liam nodded, walking out of the room. I dialed the number I grew very familiar with. "Hello?" A smile spread across my face as I heard her voice. "Hi love, I kinda need to talk. Are you busy?" She kindly said "Sure, Harry. What's up?" She sounded very worried, as you know something always comes out bad as when a person in a relationship said they need to talk.

"Management didn't find it very amusing that we were dating, so theyaremakingmegooutonadatewithkendalljenner." I said very very quickly.

"What???" She asked. I know she heard me.

"Liv, I have to go out with Kendall because management is making me." I really didn't wanna go out, because all I could think about was Olivia. I wish I could take her out in public, but I know how she feels. My management doesn't agree with my decisions because she's not famous. But I care for her a lot. "I'm sorry I really am. I don't have any control over this." I could hear her sigh with disapproval.

"But Harry, didn't you have history with her?" I could hear it in her voice how upset she was, but she didn't want to show it. Yes I did have history, but it nothing ever serious with her. Management kind of forced it upon us, and I tried to be with her. She's just not the one for me.

"Yes, but it was nothing ever serious with her I promise you Olivia. You have nothing to worry about. I'll text you throughout the date!" I really hope she trusted me.

"Please Harry, I know we aren't like publicly official but please don't let me see any negative headlines." She sounded so sad. Right now she probably doesn't think she's good enough and I'd leave her, but it's not true. The first thing I'll do is tell Kendall who I'm with.

"You won't baby, I promise. I have to leave soon, but I'll call you as soon as I'm home!" I smiled, thankful for this wonderful girl. "Okay Harry, please be careful. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Olivia."

"Bye Harry." She hung up as the line ended.

"That sounded okay, is she alright with it?" Liam asked as I laid my phone down. I had to meet her in thirty minutes so I had a few minutes. "Yeah, she's alright I just pray Kendall doesn't do anything to jeopardize us. Paparazzi will be surrounding us." What if Kendall tries to make a move? Who knows, but she will definitely know about Olivia.

"She shouldn't do that to you. But I hope everything goes alright, I'm heading out. Enjoy your date Harold!" Liam laughed it off as he walked out. "Fuck off!" I yelled, while laughing. He thinks he's so funny. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

Kendall and I decided to meet at a local Starbucks just to make it a small outage and not a big date. I made my way inside, noticing that she hasn't made it here yet. I decided to go ahead and order.

"I'll have a Vanilla Frappe with Caramel drizzle." I politely told the barista. She nodded, "That'll be 6.75." I handed her my card and awaited my drink.

She handed my drink in no time, and Kendall still wasn't here. Guess I'll sit down and send a text to Liv.

Harry: Hey just texting you to let you know that I'm waiting on Kendall at Starbucks. No need to worry. 

She hasn't texted back in a few minutes, and finally Kendall walked through the door quickly. "I'm so sorry I was late, I could not find my phone anywhere." I smiled, accepting her apology.

"Um I already ordered, if you want me to go get you something." I tried standing up, but she made me sit back down. "It's fine I'll go." And she went on.

She came back with a muffin and coffee. I really miss Olivia. She might've gotten a frappe just like I did, because she doesn't like coffee this much and she said these taste almost like milkshakes. I haven't seen her in so long.

"Harry?" Kendall coughed, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Sorry what?"

"Are you alright? You just ignored everything I said. That's not like you." Kendall asked. I shook my head, looking down at my phone noticing Liv has yet to text me back....

"I just really miss my girlfriend. I'm sorry Kendall, but I didn't want to do this, no offense. She just doesn't like this scene so we can't come public." She nodded. That was easy.

"It's alright, I understand." After that, the date was very quiet and nobody spoke as we sipped our drinks.

After a while we decided to head out, I walked her to her car to be a gentleman since it was pretty dark out. I opened the door and she turned my way. "Just to let you know, if you ever need anything let me know." She rubbed her hand down my chest, and crashed her lips into mine. I suddenly heard a click ad of course it was paparazzi.
"Kendall, stop. I have a girlfriend. I even told you!" I grabbed my hair in frustration.
"You knew I always cared for you. Harry I want to be with you, I thought I could change your mind." She replied.

I shook my head multiple times, "No Kendall, it hasn't. I care for her so much and you probably just ruined my chance with her. Thanks." I shut Kendall's door as she got in. What am I going to do???

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