ch.19 | Scandal

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Guys ahhhh. I saw Harry live in concert again!!! Other than the time I saw one direction, but he was so beautiful and he sang so great. I could cry ahhhhh!!!!  I just bought pit seats for 5sos and I'm so looking forward! Comment below who you guys have seen in concert! All the love guys! Thank you so much for reading.

Also this chapter is dedicated to lylaheart for giving me such a great idea on what to continue the story on. Enjoy

Olivia's POV

My alarm went blaring through my room, I was really dreading this school year. It's my last year of high school. I think I can make it right? People might treat me differently from what they know about Harry. I really hope not, Nicole is the only one who knows everything and my softball girls but we aren't as close.

Thoughts still radiating through my head. I wonder how Harry's date went? Did they do anything?  Wait did he not text me?

I grabbed my phone with no text messages from Harry? He should've texted me after the date. I send a quick good morning to him hopefully getting a response.

Time was ticking so I quickly grabbed a cardigan with a blank tank top and jeans. I brushed my hair back, since it was already pretty straight this morning. I put on some mascara, since I don't wear a lot of makeup. Slipped my shoes on and made my way out the door. Mom was already away for work so I won't be seeing her.

As I was pulling into school, I could already see the stares coming from the parking lot. Please let nobody ask any questions. I grabbed my bag and made my way to where Nicole was standing. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Nicole asked and looked around. People were whispering and staring. "Well what I'm thinking is that everyone is staring at us."

"No honey, they're staring at you." Of course they would be. I'm Harry's so called girlfriend, but to the public I'm not since management doesn't want that image for Harry.

We made our way into the school, "Well I have Physics first period, I guess I'll see you later?" Nicole said. "Sure, please pray for me. I don't know what I'm going to do." I shook my head looking down. I was the talk of the school, and I didn't like it at all.

"You'll be alright boo. Just text me if you need anything!" She yelled down the hall as she walked away. I needed to go to my locker, but I could already tell I made a bad decision.

Kenzie, the queen bitch of our school walked towards me at my locker.

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, and made me walk to the classroom. "So Olivia Cline, you're dating Harry Styles?" I nodded, not wanting to speak up.

"You're such a liar. Quit trying to get attention." Her groupie, Sara and Kara were laughing away. What? It's on instagram? I have proof?

"Why are you laughing? I'm seriously dating him? He's back in California, but we still talk everyday." I took up for our relationship, but she continued laughing as she pulled out her phone.

"This doesn't look like you guys are dating." She handed me her phone, and it was a picture of Harry and Kendall kissing. THEY KISSED ON THEIR DATE LAST NIGHT! He told me it wouldn't come to that? He really cheated on me. I turned my heels in the opposite direction, and headed into the classroom. I sat in the very back, away from everybody and their bull crap gossip.

I can't believe Harry did that to me. I know he used to be with Kendall, but still he could've just ended it with me before lying about how management set this up. I shouldn't be hurt, he's a celebrity. I should've expected him to cheat on me.

I grab my phone from my pocket and check my messages. Harry still hasn't texted back. He's ignoring me. He knows he did wrong. You know what? Screw him. I'll never see him and I was fine before him, I'll be fine now.

I deleted me and Harry's messages and put my phone away.

"Olivia, please pay attention." My Calculus teacher, Mr. Smith spoke towards me. I nodded, trying to pay attention but all I could think about was how I'm never going to see Harry again. 

Harry's POV

"How could you be such a fucking idiot mate?" Niall slapped me against the head. Honestly I deserved that. The pictures on the internet look bad, but Kendall kissed me and I pushed her away.

"Niall! I fucking know dude, I messed up. But Olivia isn't going to listen to me. There's no point." I shook my head, pushing my fingers through my hair. Even if I tried contacting her she wouldn't listen. I know she's saw the pictures.

"Text her! Or I'm going to. She has to know, she may listen to you or something. You can't just fucking not text her back forever and not even give an explanation." Niall shouted. We were currently sitting in my room while the other lads are out to eat. I stayed back, too upset with myself. Niall took notice and stayed back.

"It's not that easy Niall! I'm just not going to text her and let her be happy without me. She will do so much better without me." Niall rolled his eyes. I love Olivia, I really do. I just don't want to hurt her anymore. I'm gone to LA, and we will never see each other as much as she wants. She needs someone to love her every second of the day.

"Do whatever you want dude, but I'm gonna call her." I nodded. Niall just needs to tell her, not me. I feel like such a coward but I know if I hear her voice, I'll break down and go back to her. I want her to be happy and I can't do that for her.

I made my way to my bed, and Niall walked out. I just need to sleep on it. I laid on my bed, scrolling through my phone of the pictures of me and Olivia. She's so beautiful.... That gave me an idea!

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