Hello Mr.GrumpyPants~

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A/N: Ok so here we go~

I am writing off the top of my head so there may be some mistakes but hopefully I will fix them by the time I publish this (−_−;)


((Probably still mistakes...))


"Hey, wake up!"

"I don't wanna..."

"I'm hungry!"

"I will get you food, just wait five more minutes..."

"I said I'm hungry!"

"Can't you just go get your own food?"

"Yeah sure I can dumbass!"

"Hey! That's not nice!"

"Does it look like I care?"


I slowly get up and out of bed, my (h/l) (h/c) hair messy from me constantly trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. As I turn I find myself face to face looking at a tiny Levi who was glaring at me with quite the irritated expression, his tail slightly flicked back and forth, and his tiny eyebrows became knotted.

To be quite honest I am tired as can be and five minutes would've be nice. I feel as though anyone who had this little shit in their house would also be as tired as I if not more.

--------FLASH BACK---------

"You call this clean!?"

"Yeah, somethig bothering you?" I gave him a puzzled look,

"Yes actually there is, I thought you said your place was clean but to me it looks like shit." Levi's tiny little hands pick up a candy wrapper, he held it up so I could see, he looked at it with disgust.

"(r/n) what the fuck is this!?"

"Candy wrapper..."

"What is this doing on the floor!"

"Hey I was tired and I wanted a snack... I guess I just missed the trash." You take the wrapper out of his hands pulling him up slightly before he slips off and you throw away the trash.

"Tch! Are you blind, how do you not see all this dirt!"

"I see it, but I am not a clean freak like you so it does not bother me as much." you roll your eyes irritation evident in your tone.

"Well (r/n), I can not see how you can live in such filth... I will surly not be sleeping in this shit hole, unlike you so I want you to clean it." He flicked his tail as he walked around examining my so called 'filthy room' pointing out everything that both disgusted him and didn't meet his standards.

-------END OF FLASHBACK------

I basically spent the whole night following him around cleaning everything little thing he said until he was satisfied.

You walked into your kitchen Levi on your shoulder eagerly awaiting his meal. He jumps off your shoulder landing with a little thud.

"What are you wanting?"

"Tuna" his small fluffy raven colored ears slowly rise as he spots the can of tuna.

"I am also guessing your wanting tea, am I right?"

"Yeah..." He crosses his tiny arms looking up at me

"Black no sugar?"

"Yes, now if you would be ever so kind to get started, I'm starving."

I held a tea packet and a small aluminum can filled with tuna as I walked over to my can opener.

The little clean freak follows me as he flicks his tail as he waits impatiently for me to finish, I can't blame him, who knows how long he was out for.

While the can is still being opened I open the cabinet that holds my favorite kettle and some of my tiny dishes. He sat at his little table legs and arms crossed as he watched me move around the kitchen.

"Oh shit!" I run over to the tuna as it slid from the can openers grip.

"Is everything okay?" He flicked his tail again and a some what puzzled look found its way on his small some-what chubby face.


I placed the tuna next to the kettle that was filled with water that slowly started to steam and walked over to the table where the lil shit sat.

"So how is life?"


"I'm just trying to start a conversation, no need to be so grumpy~" I could feel a small playful grin grace my face as I moved over to pinch his chubby cheeks.

"Owe, what the fuck!"

"I'm so not sorry, you look adorable, especially when your mad!"

"Tch~ I'm still hungry, I could care less about how... cute... I am."

"Hmph... Let me go get it for you, the water for the tea should be done by now..."

Tini tiny time skip~

"Here you go Mr.GrumpyPants." I said with a sarcastically sweet tone. I place the tiny dish on the table once again playfully pinching his cheeks.

"Whelp I am going to go get ready!"

He said nothing just gave me a pissed off look so I just walked into my bathroom grabbing my brush and trying to untangle my messy hair. 'You should have put it up stupid you know this happens everytime!' I thought as you pulled the brush through my tangles. When I finally got it smooth I put it up in a messy ponytail (Whenever I read xreaders they usually put alternatives but even with short hair you can put it up in a tiny ponytail... then again a boy cut would be a little harder to do that with ewe), you grabbed your (f/c) toothbrush, applied your (f/f) toothpaste and brushed away.

I looked some-what decent so I walked back into the kitchen. Levi was drinking his tea holding it in the weirdest of ways. He glanced at me and placed it the tiny glass cup onto the little platter.

"Took you long enough." As always he kept his emotionless face but this time he fixed his cravat.

"You done?" I asked moving my bangs out of the way 'should have clipped them back...' ( I'm sorry I have bangs, if you don't then you are fixing your hair~)

He didn't answer, he just looked at me as if it was obvious.

"Taking that as a yes."

"We still have more tea you want some more?"

"Sure." He looked awfully bored

"Is there anything you want to do?" I offered while I poured more tea.

"Clean... kitchen's a mess!"

"Oh um... you know I just remembered something I had to do..." nervously I laughed and sat the tea down trying to leave but he picked up on my crappy excuse and looked less than pleased.

~ ok so I am going to leave it there c; ~

So please if anyone at all is reading please tell me if you liked it!

I am thinking about making a part two~

In this part two it will bring you the reader back to when you found Levi~

(ノ≧∀≦)ノ but don't you think he is adorable!

~ Bokkusu

(btw (f/f) is favorite flavor ~ < 3 )

((I love the feeling of going through this again... heh... so many mistakes...))

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