~You Don't Have To...~

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A/n: OGGG!!!! 202 followers!
AHHHH! Thank you guys! The only thing left to do is to get this story to 1k votes! Though that's just my own personal goal... 
Hanji Pov:


Slide. To. Open... Enter password... What would (R/n)'s password be... I know! L. E. V. I... Darn! I was really hoping that'd work... Of course! H. U. B. B. Y. L. E. V. I... Whaaaaat! I've seen her put in her password hundreds of times! Okay, focuse Hanji... Remember... Third time's the charm...


  Okay... Now to put in Petra's number... 

Blring~ Blring~ Blring~

"Hello, this is Petra, who's this?"

"Oh! I'm happy you picked up! It's Hanji! Remember the pen incident!"

"It's you! Yeah I remember, how are you?"

"I'm great! I was wondering if you'd like to go have that cup of coffee tomorrow!"

"I'd love too." Petra chirped.

"Yahoooo! I'll see you soon! You pick which shop! Preferably one in walking distance though!" 

   On the other end of the line I could hear her trying to suppress her laughter. I couldn't explain how I felt at that moment, it was as though my emotions were playing a mean game of tug o' war. My finger hovered over the red button on the screen.


"Call ended..." I murmured to myself.

  "Who was that? And how did you get (R/n)'s phone?" He monotonously asked me. I threw (R/n)'s phone behind my back as ignored his question. I wrapped my free arm around his small stature. "Levi, you're coming with me. Trust me you'll have fun!" I declared. I lied a little though, he's not going to have fun, but that doesn't matter! The little shit needs to know she's well and living a happy life... Sure I snuck onto (R/n)'s phone to stalk her, but that most definitely isn't important! Not creepy at all! It was for the greater of goods and I knew the information would come in handy.

  I went to grab his wrist after he threw me off of him, and as a reaction, he slapped my hand away, refusing to let me touch him. "I don't know what you're up to you four eyed fuck, but I'm not going anywhere with you." He stated with a voice that was ice cold, "I have no intention of meeting whoever that was on the phone. Do you underst..." 

  "Levi." I interrupted, "You have no choice. Now I'm trying to help you, so please trust me. If you won't do it for me, do it for (R/n)." His body stiffened, "What does this have to do with her?" 

  "Quite a bit actually, but it mostly has to do with helping you settle some troubling feelings." I explained briefly. His browline began to furrow as his feature slowly turned into a menacing scowl , "I don't need your help."

    'He can smell fear, I can't let him get to me...' I told myself as I blindly reached for a sack of some-sort to restrain him in... No luck... Damn... I planted one foot behind me and pushed myself off the ground with all my strength, I wasn't going to let that dwarf get away! 

    His eyes, that smirk, I made a mistake... The breath was knocked right out of my lungs, I could feel the bile rise, everything in and around my stomach began to ache. I opened one teary eye and found him looking down at me with deadpanned features. He's reverting back... I can't... I won't allow him too...


Levi Pov:

  I watched as Hanji's body curled into a small fetal like ball; her body began to twitch and shake as she violently coughed. She brought one sleeve up to her face and wiped the drool from her lips, "You got me." Her hand raised for me to help, but I turned a blind eye and walked out the door...


(R/n) Pov:

   Wheezing and short-cut breaths were all I heard as I entered the dimly lit hallway. Levi had just walked out of the guest bedroom with clenched fists. Hanji went too far, I'm not completely sure what all happened or what kind of mad plan she had in mind, but it didn't go over well with the other party. I quickened my pace to a light jog as I went to check on her. When I reached the room she just gave me a disfigured smile and pointed to the direction Levi had went.

  "Levi." I called. There was no answer so I searched in every nook and cranny for him. I was met with disappointment at every turn, but when I finally turned the knob to the back door I saw his curled silhouette propped against the wall. "Levi..." I gently sighed. I tucked my arm under each other as I made my way over to him; his raven locks swayed with the breeze as he lifted his head towards the stars. "What's wrong..." I asked as I propped myself up against the wall alongside him. He looked at me with slightly pained eyes, "I'm alright... I'm just... Nevermind." His body grew limp as he fell onto my lap, "Levi?" 

"Tch, be quiet..." He said to silence me. 




"Why is it that whenever I get close to someone that they're always taken from me?" He questioned emotionlessly. 

"What do you mean?" 

"First Isabel and Farlan... then my whole squad... Now you..."

"You're not going to lose me Levi." 

"Yes I will, Hanji's going to finish that portal sooner or later."

"I'll go with you..."

"No." He snapped. "I don't want you to ever have to carry the burdens my world brings."

"Then stay." I replied.

"I can't, I made a promise to Eyebrows and the rest of humanity... I have to go back..."

"Then I'm going with you."

"(R/n)... Please..."

"I don't have to fight... I'll stay at your headquarters... You won't have to worry about me there!" I spewed.


"You can't stop me, I've made up my mind." 

   He removed himself from my lap and pulled me into his arms, placing his head on my shoulder. 


   Levi had already fell asleep and I was left fiddling with his hands. They were so pale and delicate... I knew I couldn't avoid letting him go any longer... The thought of Hanji's request for Armin's help came to mind. I carefully pulled out my phone and opened my messages, tapping on the contact labeled with his name.

//: Armin ://

(R/n): Hey... I hope I'm not waking you... Are you free anytime this week?

//read 2:05 a.m//

Armin: Not at all, and yeah this weekend, I never have anything to do, you know that. It's not like I have any friends... Why?

(R/n): You know Mr.Alien Cat thingy? Well his friend needs some help with a few equations to help them get back... I'll fill you in on all the deets later... It's kinda complicated...

Armin: Sounds more interesting then anything I'll be doing! So count me in! 

(R/n): I hope I'm not causing you any trouble...

//read 2:16 a.m//

Armin: No no, it's no trouble at all! I enjoy helping you :]

//read 2:18 a.m//

(R/n): Thank you, you're too kind ^^

Armin: Psh .///3///.

(R/n): I'll see you this weekend! 


   I closed my eyes and wrapped Levi's arms tightly around me. Before I let myself drift off I turned my head and gave him a soft peck. "Night..." I whispered.

Short will be out by the end of tomorrow... Hopefully... Sorry that I'm a bit late...

(Update) HAH what short! TT^TT

But yeah an update will be coming out soon... Sorry for the disappointment.

Neko!Levi x Reader {AU}Where stories live. Discover now