~Little Boots and Tiny Feet~

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(R/n) POV:

I watched as his tiny boots entered the snow and disappeared. His small pint sized torso was covered and being tightly hugged by soft cozy coats that were layered to keep out the cold. On the back of the last layer of coats was an unfamiliar symbol which he had informed me were called the 'Wings of Freedom' (Though in the manga I'm pretty sure Isayama referred to it as 'Wings of Humanity'... I remember that being one of the few things I noticed when it came to the differences between the manga and the anime.)

I wrapped my arms around myself and pulled the neck of my pure white turtle neck over my mouth. As I walked out of my house I firmly held onto the keys to my father's car in my hand. He always had it parked out on the driveways because the garage only had room for one car, not to mention my mother's car was a lot better than his and actually had a working heater.

Levi was ahead of me but because of his tiny legs I quickly passed him on our way to the car.

"Wait up... I can't walk that fast dumb ass!"

"Stop complaining and hurry up then, you talked about how you are in the military so you should be use to this am I right?"

"It's cold and I am not use to these tiny weak legs!" he paused and took a breath, " I am going to remember this when I get back to my normal height brat!"

"That is if we find a way to return you to your 'normal height'..."


I placed the key into the door of the car and unlocked it. I could hear his tiny boots as he stepped onto the concrete pavement. 'I should probably call my father before I take his car to go anywhere... I would hate to worry him'

"Hey Levi, if you don't mind I think I am going to call my father..."

"Fine... Just hurry up, i'm freezing my ass off..."

My phone would not respond to my cool touch, I guess it could not pick up enough heat from my fingers. To warm my hands I rubbed them together and tried again, as a result I was finally able to put in  my father's number and the phone rang but no one picked up.

"Well that's strange..." 

"What is?"

"My... My father did not pick up... He always dose..."

"Maybe he is trying to take a shit and it won't come out."



I walk over and flicked his tiny red nose, his ears went back and he flicked his tail.

"What was that for!"

"Just get in the damn car."


~Time Skip Just Because I Can~

The car's engine started weakly only after multiple tries, he sat in the slightly torn seat with his seat belt on. Only the bottom strap reached him and it covered his chest.

"Damn it's cold..."

His teeth chattered and he shivered, a small string of clear mucus escaped his constant sniffling.

"Need a tissue?"


"To bad~" 

When we finally hit a stop light I grabbed a tissue from the compartment and wiped his nose. 


"Sure... How much longer do we have?"

"I don't know you tell me, where is this person you were talking about?"

"I have no idea you dumb ass." He rolled his steal grey eyes.

"I am guessing that is my new name..." I shrugged as I turned we turned the corner.

"Just look on around..."

"Why, do you think she would be walking the streets when it is this cold?"


"Why is that?"

"She tends to obsess over stuff especially new things."


A/N: Ok so I am kinda trying to change my writing up a bit and please take into consideration that this is still unedited so it will change...

Anyways I hope you enjoyed! I know my writing can be quite crappy so I want to thank you all for reading and even voting! 


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