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A/n: 102 followers! Can you believe it! I'm thinking about doing a little special, but of what I'm not sure... I could do a Q&A but I'm boring and I doubt you guys would really want to know about my personal life and stuff... so maybe this is a good time to start taking requests? Like story requests... idk tell me what you guys think I should do c:

Also if you're curious, "Me Before You" had a really satisfying yet hella sad ending. Quite bittersweet. In all honesty, I put it down for a few days, yet the feelings and everything were still quite fresh and I ended up shedding a few tears as I read the letter he left her. (。'ノω・')


"(R/n)" ...

"Come on, wake the fuck up already. I can't move with your fat ass on me." I heard him hiss. "Nice... to see you're doing better and I'm... I'm not fat..." I said sleepily before rubbing my eyes and giving him the best stink eye I could manage in my current state. It wasn't a very good stink eye. I could tell because I wasn't really irritated, so therefore noneffective.

"Brat, you should really stop." He monotony replied to my terrible stink eye as he gently flicked my forehead.

"Stop what?" I sharply said as I scrunched up my nose giving him a more intense, yet even more stupid version of the last look.

"You look like you're constipated, and trust me that's not a very attractive look."

I felt my eyes widened and my face flushed, I stopped immediately and threw my head into my arms, hiding my face from him. I could just imagine his face, he was smirking and I knew it! My embarrassment amused him to no end. He placed one surprisingly strong but delicate hand on my messy rat's-nest of (h/c) hair and messed it up even more. "Tch." All I could really hope was that he knew I was kidding...

We sat in silence for some time and for some odd reason him rubbing my head clammed me. I soon found myself asking that one stupid, cliche question that's always asked in those cheesy, sappy, and unrealistic romance movies that for some reason I just love to binge watch. With new found confidence and the feeling of false security I said what was on my mind, "Levi, do you mind if I ask you a question?" I mumbled from the sheet covering his lap before lifting my head. He slowly pulled his hand back and answered blandly with, "I guess." I took a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever the answer may be. "What... What do you think about me?" His eyes widened a bit but quickly went back to normal; he was shocked and taken aback. I knew I put him on the spot and I could see him trying to decide whether or not he wanted to tell me what he really thought or not, so to save him the trouble I interrupted his train of thought, "It's okay. You don't have to answer, it was a stupid question..." The silence this time was not peaceful, it was awkward. It was as if time itself had stopped. Each second felt like an hour, no, a year. I couldn't help but regret my decision, yet I still waited for his answer, say there was one.
'Noted, don't be stupid and ask somebody you have romantic interest in "what do you think of me?"' I've watched enough of those movies to know that this wasn't a good idea, go me... I probably ruined everything and made things awkward...

"(R/n)..." He sighed as he hesitantly came closer to me to pull me up to him and give me a tight hug. I felt my cheeks go crimson, "Tch, I... I know it goes against what I believe... ugh... That's not important, just know that I don't find you as annoying..." I wrapped my arms around him and returned the hug (an effort to comfort us both), but part of me couldn't help but ask myself, 'What does this hug mean? What exactly is this supposed to mean... Now I'm left even more confused... Does this mean he... no... I shouldn't get my hopes up, I'm only setting myself up to get hurt...' I didn't want to get my hopes up so I didn't think much of it... It was just an ordinary hug right? Maybe I'm just a really good friend to him...


"Talk to me (R/n), I know something is bothering you. Something happen with shorty?" Hanji asked in concern. I didn't answer her question, but rather changed the subject, "So, it's going well I assume?"

"(R/n), it's going terrible, I can't find out what I did to get it working the first time... in all honesty that friend of your's may come in handy..." She said while progressively getting quieter. "But that's not important at the moment! Tell me what happened with short-stuff~" She exclaimed. I walked into the dust filled room and sat on the bed. I wrapped my arms around my legs and sighed, "Something did happen, but you have to promise me you won't tell him..." She looked at me some-what shocked that I gave in so easily, but to be fair I just really need to vent. She nodded her head and gave me a comforting smile. "Well?" I hesitated before answering her, "Well... basically I was being stupid and I asked him a dumb question..." I bit my lip and turned my eyes away from hers. "Go on, what was his response?" Hanji coaxed. "He said that he doesn't find me as annoying... then..." Hanji's sweet smile began to fade and turn into one of pure interest and excitement, which confused me, but I continued, "He hugged me!" I shouted a bit louder than I wanted. Hanji jumped up from her seat and pulled me into her deadly embrace, "(R/n) that's amazing! I'm so proud of him for expressing his feelings!~" I could literally see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "I know you didn't know him before, but he never use to do anything like this! So trust me, there's nothing to worry about!" She exclaimed while thrusting her head into my shoulder to wipe off her tears. 'So... he may like me?' I thought to myself. I felt a soft smile plant itself on my face as I hugged Hanji. I too, rested my head on her shoulder as I quietly thanked her.


A/n: I'm sorry if this seems a bit rushed... but yeah, I still hope you enjoyed ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

I'm also sorry for any big mistakes because I finished this on my phone... and please don't hesitate to leave suggestions for what I should do! If you want a Q&A, then please leave a question down below~ Even if I don't make one specifically I'll still answer your questions~

~ Bokkusu

Neko!Levi x Reader {AU}Where stories live. Discover now