~ Around In My Head ~

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A/n: First off I have to say this because I feel really bad about not updating. I'm sorry! I really am... If you've been wondering where I've been... well.. I've kinda been locked up in my room either sleeping, watching livestreams, or reading... I've been wanting to update but I'm just a little stuck and I'm having a little trouble coming up with something that I'm proud of... I don't want to half ass this and upload a crappy chapter... not to mention, here comes my crap excuse for not updating, I've once again been going through some stuff... I've been trying to update but for some reason before I can make much progress before I just stop...

On a happier note, thank you all for 85 followers! I'm so happy and thank you to those who've decided to add my story to your libraries and reading lists ^^

((I was seriously thinking about putting a David Bowie song on... for some reason I've been listening to him quite a bit...))


I could feel his chest slowly rise and fall. I could hear his calming heartbeat as he held me close. He was still fast asleep and while in his arms all I could find myself doing was admiring his strong facial features. I felt my cheek grow warm and I knew I was blushing, but for what reason... I shook my head and carefully tried to remove myself from his embrace but it only made things harder. He grunted and curled his arms around me even tighter than before as he pulled me back down, he turned on his side and nuzzled his head into the curve of my neck. It felt so weird, yet I found myself enjoying it despite the fact that it was a bit awkward. I let out a small laugh and a soft smile, 'He's actually quite cute'.

I heard a small ding and saw the screen light up with the small Twitch notification, I reached into my pocket but found nothing. 'Dammit, I could've sworn it was in my pocket...' I thought to myself as a looked around the room. I soon spotted it on the table as it went off again, I tried to reach for it but it was to far, the only way I would be able to get it was if I rolled him over a bit... As I began to push him little by little I found myself getting closer to the phone. 'I can't miss this stream!'. I urged myself to continue but I failed to notice that I was getting too close to the edge. As my fingers grazed the edge of the phone, Levi fell onto the floor and brought me with him.

"Levi, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He brought his hands up and rubbed his eyes, "Yeah..." He sighed. "I'm so sorry..." I blushed out of embarrassment and it only got worse when I realized what position we were in. I was straddling him and I could feel... everything... I immediately got off and apologized again. "Why are you apologizing so much, I said it's fine..." He replied calmly. I took a deep breath and then sighed, "Okay, would you... Oh god..." I said as I picked up my phone and turned it on. "What?" Levi asked. I turned the phone screen away and replied, "Oh it's nothing~" I tried to get up but he grabbed my leg, "(R/n), what is it?" I looked at him with slightly flushed cheeks, "It's a picture... I'm fairly sure Hanji took a picture of us..." Levi's eyes met mine but for some reason I couldn't keep eye contact for long. "(R/n)? Are you okay?" His face didn't show much but when I glanced into his eyes I could tell both worry and puzzlement clouded his eyes. "Yeah... I just feel a little off." Before he could reply I looked back, avoiding eye contact, and said, "I'm going to get a shower, I'll be back."

~ Le Time Skip ~

  I took my phone out of my pocket and pressed play on my playlist. The first song that played was "Around My Mind". I let out a sigh, 'How ironic' I thought. ((You can play the song if you want, it's not required...))

"I don't know why I got these feelings~"

  I turned the on the faucet and turned the knob that turned on the shower: I felt the goosebumps instantly rise as the cold water hit my skin. It gradually grew warmer as time passed and when it finally got to a comfortable temperature I sat down and let my thoughts loose from their prison which was the back of my mind.

Throughout my life I've found that the only place that I can really ever think is in the shower. Sometimes I just like to lay back and just think about whatever's on my mind or whatever's troubling me. This was one of those times where I just got a shower, not because I needed to, but because I needed to think.

"I don't think it's very nice to walk around my head all night~"

'I don't know what I'm feeling, I don't know why I can't look him in the eyes anymore, I mean... Who am I kidding... I know but I just don't know why I would feel that way I do all of a sudden. It's weird, I don't even know how old he is! He doesn't look that old, he looks like he's in his twenties, but it's not like that matters... I'm seventeen but I'm still considered a minor, so even if I wanted something to happen it'd get him in trouble... Though it'd probably not matter anyways... He probably won't be here for all that much longer... I believe in Hanji, I believe she'll find a way...' I could feel myself begin to tear up as I continued to think, 'Say that he liked me, like he has mutual feelings for me... gah, what am I thinking? It wouldn't last and I'd end up hurting him and hurting myself even more in the process... But... as long as we both enjoyed ourself  then it shouldn't matter... heh... That's a bunch of bull, like he'd ever like me back and I've never really gotten the people who've said that... I know that there's a 50% chance that the feelings are mutual but it's not a chance I'd like to take...' I felt myself grow cold and numb as I pushed my feeling aside and began thinking about the situation logically, 'It'd be better for me to just forget about this all... just try and push my feelings aside... just like I've done for so long... I don't want to ruin our friendship by telling him that I like him...'

"Find a reason for these feelings that are clouding up my mind... even still there are times that I'm wondering what you're thinkin about me... You're probably sure that I've lost my mind oh mind oh mind oh mind!"

  I got up and turn off the shower. I listened to the drops of water that dripped off both the shower head and my body as wringed out my hair. When I opened the curtains and stepped out, a cloud of steam followed me. I took a deep breath as I looked at my clouded, distorted figure through the fogged mirrors. I brought my hand up to the mirror and wiped off some of condensation when these lyrics came to my mind, 'You've got me tingled like a bread tie twisted'... "Heh, in a way, I feel like that song is a little more relatable now..." I whispered to myself.

~ Le Time Skip ~

I walked back into the Living room, where I found Levi sipping on his tea. When he saw me he sat the cup down, walked up to me, and hugged me. "L...Levi?" I exclaimed. "Tch, Hanji told me this is a way to make people feel better... You were in there for awhile and you said you didn't feel well..."

"Oh... thanks..." I quietly murmured as I hesitantly hugged him back. 'He's making it hard...' I felt like I wanted to cry, but I suppressed the feeling and just decided to enjoy the hug. Afterall, it means that he cares about how I feel... which is exactly why I want to cry... I can't seem to wrap my head around the reason why...

~Le edn of chapter~

A/n: I don't know why but I found the music video hilarious, I really like their music videos tbh...

Once again I'm sorry for not updating and I'm sorry if you find this chapter a little strange or really unrelatable, I kinda included some of my personal preferences when it comes to the whole crush thing and how I feel... kinda let's you in on how I think... which is probably a mistake and has probably ruined the story... I'm sorry I've just kinda been in one of those moods... e_e

and yes I spelled end wrong on purpose c:

If you get the reference I'm hella proud of you~


p.s Levi will be quite a bit younger in this story, like 23 or something... idk yet...

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