~Titian Lover?~

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A/N: I have nothing better to do and I wanted to update so why not ( ƅ°ਉ°)ƅ

Also there may or may not be spoilers because I have read the manga...


(R/n) POV~

Sure enough there she was, outside in freezing cold weather. You'd think she would have found something else to wear but I guess most would assume she is some crazy cosplayer, I know I would. I wonder if she had ever seen this much snow? She seemed pretty busy playing around in it and building what I assumed to be a titan.

I rolled down Levi's window letting in the cool winter breeze into the car, even though the car was no warmer than the outside.

"Miss?" I called to her,

She lifted her head and looked towards me, her lips had a bluish tent to them and her nose was a bright red.

"If I am correct you are Hanji right?"

"Hanji Zoe?" I repeated her name this time adding on her last name

"Yes, and how do you know my name?" She asked with a polite friendly grin.

Levi unbuckled his seat belt and crawled up to the handle and looked out the window of the car,

"Get in the car shitty glasses!"

"Levi?" She tilted her head, squinted her eyes, and then a wide ginormous smile spread across her face.

I watched as she ran over to the car and poked her head into the car,

"I can't believe it's you!" Her smile somehow grew even wider and she continued, "I've been looking everywhere for you, by the way has anyone told you how cute you look shorty?"

Levi glared at the woman and repeated himself, "Hanji I don't have time for your shit, get in the damn car."

"Okay, fine no need to be so grumpy, I know you're happy to see me."

~Time Skip because I am to lazy to write something for the car ride back~

We had turned the last corner that led to my house only a few seconds ago, Hanji would not shut up and along with that Levi ran out of insults and threats so by the end of the ride I had a pretty nice headache. Never the less I still liked her, she was nice and from what I have heard from her was quite interesting.

"So you're saying these giant humanoid creatures called titans may actually be humans?"

"Exactly!" She rose her voice in excitement and continued to explain,

"It is like that Eren kid I told you about, titan shifters seem to be able to avoid becoming fully titan!"

"I found this out when I was doing some experiments with Eren, we had him transform multiple times and by the end his face seemed a lot like his titan!" (Right here I pressed something and I am so happy Wattpad saved (๏д๏) )

We pulled into my driveway and I turned the key and placed them in my pokect, "Hanji I would love to hear more but we are here, we can finally get out of this freezing cold death trap..."

I walked up to my door and pulled out my house key from under the gnome which was pretty much as tall as Levi. I laughed silently to myself and them opened my door flipping the light switches and revealing a warm and cozy house hold.

"Make yourself at home..."

"Wow it is so clean, then again what more can you expect, i'm guessing Levi has been staying here?"

"Yeah, do you guys want anything?" I rubbed my hands together as I waited for a response

"I'm good, you want to hear more about where me and Levi come from?"

"Uh... Not right now, more or less I am wondering if you know what happened to him and or how to get him back to normal?"

"(R/n), we do still have tea left right?"

"Yeah why would we not?" I looked over at Levi with a puzzled expression.


A/N: Well I was going to add more but some shit happened and this chapter was supposed to be uploaded a lot earlier...

Anyways hope you enjoyed!


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