~ END ~

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A/n: Thank you for all the support, I can't thank you guys enough. I know I've made it seem as though I'd never update, but... well here it is! This is sadly the end of this amazing adventure and I do plan to rewrite this book, but on a different website (Archives of Our Own) because I know I can write it better. 

    I felt his lips curl into a smile, one of the few that I was able to experience from the six months he's been here with me.  He said he wanted to be with me... I'm not going to lie, it's almost way too good to be true, but I trust him. I want to be with him.

   Levi pulled away slightly, forming a small gap between us. He took his hand and placed it under my chin, gently pushing up so that we could make eye contact. 'They're beautiful', I couldn't help but think to myself. My legs began to feel almost jelly like and I found it hard to stand properly, my cheeks flustered as he brought his lips closer to mine. 

   As our lips met, I couldn't help but notice the care and passion he put forth. They were surprisingly soft and warm, his lips sent volts of pleasure bursting through me and left my body tingling and mind buzzing. When he finally broke away, I was quickly brought against his chest while he rested his head in the crook of my shoulder, "Thank you for everything (R/n)...  Thank you for helping me become normal once again and especially dealing with four eyes... and maybe me too, but mainly Hanji." 

   "Honestly, I'm more than happy I was the one to help you and I want to thank you for staying with me..." I whispered happily. He let go and we were left in an almost awkward silence. I reached my hand out and grasped his. We made our wayover to the couch and sat in silence, I rested my head on his shoulder and we gradually drifted off into a peaceful slumber. 

~Time skip~


"Uh... I think it was a joint effort..." A hushed voice mummbled.

"Are you sure?"


"Well that doesn't matter! Let's go get Levi and (R/n)! It's time to goooooo home!"


  Hanji busted into the living room and let out an ear bursting "Yahoo."

  "We did it! Levi! Are you ready?!" Hanji asked full of excitement. Levi groggily looked up and then back down at my half-awake form. "Home?" I asked... "Oh!" I blurt out quickly, now wide awake, "You guys got a portal working?!" Hanji nodded quickly and harshly, so much so that I thought her head might go flying.

  As I focused on Hanji, I felt a hand intertwine their fingers with mine; I looked over to Levi and saw longing in his silver blue eyes. I could also sense fear, which most definitely an emotion that seems out of place on such a stoic man. 

  My hands found their way to his cheeks and I brought him close, slowly nuzzling and giving tender Eskimo kisses. "It'll be fine..." I cooed, my thumb running circles over his jaw. He took a deep breath before revealing his worries to me, "I don't want to leave. When I do, I'll lose you... Personally, it doesn't seem like this'll be fine."

  "Levi, you don't have to go without me..." I said, pressing my forehead to his. 

"You have a whole life ahead of you, (R/n), I couldn't live with myself knowing that it would be me putting you in danger and possibly cutting your life short." Levi expressed softly but ever so sternly. I shook my head, "You've already mentioned that you can't stay here, so I see no other way. Take me with you! Trust me, nothing will harm me."

"Titans could, don't forget about those sweet beans! They've broken down our walls and wreaked havoc!" Shitty glasses states. A shiver ran through Levi and in response I tightened my grip on him, trying my best to reassure him. Hamilton ran up and pressed himself against Levi's leg, purring. His jet black fur sticking to Levi's pants, a wonderful gift indeed, or so thought Hammy... most likely.

  "Hanji!" I quietly snapped, she looked back in confusion and shrugged before sweeping Hammy up. "Me and Armin will be waiting in the other room..." 

  "She's right, I don't want you to get eaten. I... I can picture it now, and it's... your disfigured remains, laying in the dew ridden blades of grass... crimson surrounds you... I don't: it won't become a reality. The only way I can keep you completely safe is by you remaining here." Levi uttered.



"Levi!" I raised my voice slightly, "We'll both end up being miserable if you do this... Even if it's for just a moment, I'd like to spend it with you. If you leave me here, you'll put an end to a future that holds unlimited possibility. Consider it, we would be together and maybe even have a family... no matter how crappy the situation, we can find a way to see the positive. I believe that we'll make it through whatever stands in our way." I desperately spoke.

He shook his head slightly and met my eyes, they were clouded with fear and uncertainty,              " Promise me, that no matter what, you will not die." I nodded and without hesitation responded confidently, "I promise."

Suddenly he jumped up and took me by the hand, " We should go..." 

   We walked hand in hand to the guest room, as we entered, we were welcomed by the unsettling grin of Hanji and the soft welcoming one of Armin. "Will you be coming with us?" I inquisitively asked the blonde. 

  Armin's eyes met mine and he paused before nodding, "I believe I will, besides, I'd have no one without you... It's not like I have any friends." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

I took Armin's hand with my free one and walked up to the portal's enchantingly iridescent surface. "Is it safe?" Hanji nodded, "Me and Hammester tested it not too long ago!" 

  With that said, with my right intertwined with my soon to be feme covert and in my left, my  fidus Achates, I leapt into the glowing film and arrived in a whole new world. Light blinded me and I could feel the wind bustle through my locks. I felt Levi's eyes on me and saw them soften as he realized how utterly mesmerized I was. Armin had a similar expression and it almost seemed as though he had no idea what to do with himself.

I moved towards Levi, and enveloped him in my embrace, "I love you..." I whispered into his ear before drawing my lips to his jaw and lightly pressing them against his cool skin. In return, he wrapped his strong arms around me and placed his forehead to mine and with that, gently began pecking my nose with soft kisses, "I love you too, (R/n)."

Neko!Levi x Reader {AU}Where stories live. Discover now