~Whilst In The Dark~

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A/n: This is going to be one of the sadder chapters and I'll make it up to you guys... I just feel as though this chapter will help when it comes to you, the reader, and smol Levi bonding... Heh... I'm kinda taking a big risk with this too... Hope you guys like it ^^

((Most of this A/n is full of crap, I mean sure it'll help with bonding but tbh I just kinda wanted to write something sad because 1) I've been reading to many fanfics and 2) I'm a hormonal teenager having her pubescent mood swings~ jk jk...  Though I do want to say that this chapter is a little dark but tbh it's probably not... I mean it's kinda the whole "Reader has a dark past" cliche, but that usually makes the story better and to some degree relatable... I also kinda blame this on me listening to too much Marilyn Manson... yeee it kinda explains a lot now that I think about it...))

  As the hours passed, we stayed huddled together trying our best to gather the little heat that was available. I watched as the small subtle flame danced on the ever shortening wick. I watched unmoving, as the wax slowly dripped down the slick glossy sides of the candle. Both Hanji and Levi had managed to fall asleep but I was kept up by my thoughts. Nothing was able to comfort me, not even the sweet smell of vanilla that filled the room.

  My father had been away for about a month or so now and he hasn't once attempted to contact me. I wasn't all that worried at the start because he usually disappears for long periods of time, but this time I felt like something was wrong, like something went wrong. This was a new record, he's never left me for this long... I remember trying to ask him about his little trips but he would always refuse to open up to me. He's been like this ever since my mother left him...

  I don't remember much, considering the fact that I was quite young when it all happened, but I do remember the conversation my father and I had after the incident. He had told me that she left because she simply couldn't take it anymore, whatever 'it' was he didn't tell me. I remember the household being a lot more chaotic when I was younger, mostly because my parents were constantly arguing. After she left things became quiet, my father became depressed and stayed that way. I was left confused and in a way... alone... This is also when my father first started going on his "trips". At first he'd be gone for a day or so but it progressively got longer and longer. I noticed each time he came back he'd look worse than when he had left, I would ask him about the sores and that covered his body, but he would just give me some shitty unbelievable excuse. I had a good idea of what he had gotten himself into, but I chose to ignore it. I knew and still do know that wasn't the right thing to do but part of me still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, after all I was his daughter, I didn't want to make things worse for him by making him think I didn't believe him. 

 I shuffled around a bit and I ended up waking Levi in the process. He rubbed his eyes and then faced me, "Hey brat, why're you still awake?" I reached over to him and started to softly pet his head, he looked a bit startled, "Hey, why? Stop!" He began to quietly purr.

"Just admit it, you enjoy it..." I gave a quiet, half-hearted laugh followed by a weak smile. He continued to purr and for a moment he didn't speak. I could tell that he was worried and was trying to find the right words.

"Tch, is something wrong?" He began to examine my features as he waited for me to answer.

"No, I'm fine, just tired." I lied, I wasn't tired but I was okay, just anxious. 

"Brat, I hope you know that I can tell your full of shit." He knotted his eyebrows and crossed his stubby arms. 

"Psh, naw... I'm just thinking..." I muttered.

"About what?" He said while intensifying his stare.

"It's not important..." I calmly say.

"Tch, then why're you still up?" He pointed out bluntly.

   My phone began to ring and an unknown number appeared, I took this as my opportunity to a dodge the bullet and get out of explaining. I answered and brought it up to my ear while holding one finger up to shush Levi.

 "An inmate at Trost County Jail is trying to contact you, please press one." My eyes opened wide and I paused before slowly taking my phone from my ear. I shook my head and then quickly pressed one. 

"Hel...Hello?" I could hardly speak, it felt like my words were getting caught in my throat. My mind was racing, 'Who could this be?' I asked myself, 'Please don't tell me that this is my dad...'

"Hey sweety..." I know that voice... I was right, something did happen... 

"D...Dad, how?" I stuttered while I tried to calm and prepare myself. Levi just stared at me as he tried to make sense of things. 

"I... Well that's not importan..." I cut him off and raised my voice, "Of course it's important! You got arrested!" Levi looked surprised, I could also tell that my dad too was taken back a bit. There was a few seconds of silence before he continued. "Sweety..." I once again interrupted him, "Don't call me sweety, get to the point already and stop trying to avoid my question." 

"Alright..." He sighed, "I got caught with some stuff and as you can tell I'm now in jail, I was going to ask you to come bail me out with the money I've been saving..."

"How long are you going to be there?" I asked with a cold emotionless tone.

"(R/n)... Just" I cut him off again, "Not until you tell me how long they're keeping you."

 I could tell that he was getting frustrated but he answered anyways, "I'm looking at a year or so for possession of a controlled substance..."  

 "Oh okay, have fun~" I put extra emphasis on the word 'fun' and immediately hung up. The lights then flicker back on and the heater began to warm the house once again. "Whelp, looks like we've got electricity again!" 

  Levi looked at me but before he could say anything my phone rang again. I simply ignored it and pretended like nothing was happened. Levi hesitantly crawled onto my lap and placed my hand on his head. I started to slowly pet him and he began to purr, "Tch, I hope this helps brat..." He murmured. I began to smile, "It does... Thanks..."

"Tch, no problem..." He looked away, probably from slight embarrassment.

 He looked up at me, his eyes filled with concern, "Are you going to be okay?" I nodded, "I kinda expected this to happen... It could be worse, I'm happy that it's jail and not an over dose..."

"I guess you're right..."

 I looked over at Hanji who was still dead asleep, she began to quietly murmur things, things like, "Titans... ya..hoo... *fidget*... clones... worked..." She had a giant smile on her face and a puddle of drool beneath her. I let out a small giggle as I watched her, I began to soon forget what happened and began to feel more like it was a bad dream than actual reality.


   A/n: Yeah... I'm sorry that this wasn't all that light hearted... I still hope you enjoyed though!

~ Bokkusu

((Did you know that Wattpad, or at least when I write, it says that "relatable" and "Hearted" are misspelled? It also says that "Wattpad" is misspelled... it's kinda amusing))

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