~A Visit From an Old Friend~ ((Slight changes have been made))

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A/n: I edited this a bit, the end of this chapter will go a bit different, but for the most part it'll stay the same. Also writing on a phone I've noticed makes errors easier to make =v=


I turned my head towards the front door as the doorbell went off and a hesitant knock followed. Levi was sitting next to me and decided watch me, I could tell he was curious as to why I wasn't answering. "Tch, are you going to answer the door?" I shook my head, "No, it's probably just someone dropping off mail or whatever... I'll check the porch later..." I picked up my orange juice and took a sip before... Knock knock, "(R...R/n)" the timid voice called. I immediately recognized it and ran to the door, opening it and startling the poor blonde coconut.

"Hey Armin!", I greeted with a smile. He took a deep breath, and calmed himself down before greeting me back, "Hey (R/n), heh, the teacher wanted me to bring you the work you missed from the past few weeks, and since I live only a few blocks away I thought I would come drop it off... and while I'm here I thought that I could possibly help you wit...th..." He didn't finish and I saw his bright sky blue eyes focus on the raven haired man behind me, he quickly grabbed me by the shoulders and whispered, "Blink twice if you're being held hostage by a short cat-human!" When he said this I couldn't help but laugh. I wiped the tear from the corner of my eye, "No, not at all, if anyone is holding anyone hostage it probably me." He looked at me with puzzlement, "How so... and why? I mean he looks kinda mean..." I shook my head again, "Naw, he's not mean, and...I didn't exactly find him like that." I answered mumbling the last part.
Levi snuck up behind me and whispered in my ear, I could feel my cheeks heat up as his warm breath hit my ear, "I wouldn't let Hanji see him..." He warned and before I could ask why, he answered, "He looks exactly like someone we know... someone who's recently... passed... I'm curious myself but I'm afraid Hanji will go overboard and who knows what would happen or how both Hanji and Arlert will react..." His voice was somewhat colder than usual and even more solemn.
I murmured back, low enough to where I know that only Levi could hear, "Well lucky for us, Hanji has been keeping herself busy in the guest room, she hasn't come out in a few days..." I paused and then continued in a simi-scolding tone, "Plus it's rude to not invite a friend into your home for a cup of tea, especially if that friend is your best friends." I gave Armin a friendly smile and gestured for him to come in. Levi glared at me and then sighed, "Seems like I can't stop you brat..." He brought his hand up and flicked my forehead, which I responded with a loud "HEY, that's not nice!" And a playful punch to the shoulder.
Armin sat on the couch waiting patiently, though I could tell a lot was on his mind. I've known him for awhile now. Ever since he transferred to my school, Freedom High, I became his first friend and so far one of his only friends. He was an easy target and I couldn't stand to watch him get bullied, so I did my best to stand up for him.
"Like I said, Levi's not mean, he may seem like it at first but you get use to it and after a while he becomes quite nice to talk to. I'll be preparing some snacks for us so please get to know each other a little." I said with a gentle and reassuring smile, but before I could make it to the kitchen Armin grabbed my wrist, "I can help if you want... not to mention I would feel better if we all sat down together." He offered. Levi didn't pay much attention and quietly began to groom his tail. I shrugged and brought Armin with me to the kitchen.
"You really don't have to do anything, I understand it's a bit awkward when you're left with a complete stranger." I said while opening a can of tuna and a lack of saltine crackers. "It's okay... and I want to help..." He quietly admitted. I turned my head and looked at him, "Can you get the cheese for me? It's on the bottom shelf."
~Le Time Skip~

I placed the tuna and cheese crackers in the middle of the table and Armin sat down after handing us our preferred drink. Levi of course had his Earl Grey tea, Armin had a cup of orange juice, and I had (f/d) (favorite drink).
The room was filled with an awkward silence, so I decided to bring up a conversation. "So, anything interesting happen at school?" I asked. Armin eyes lit up, "In AP- Science we're doing a project on the sea and we get to dissect a small shark: you're really missing out (R/n)! I know how much you like dissecting!" I giggled and did my best fake pout, "What am I going to possibly do! Your going to have to take picture for me so I don't feel so left out."
I could see the confusion in his eyes as he gave us both an annoyed look and asked, "What's a shark?" Armin looked at him surprised but seemed excited and happy to share any and all knowledge he had about the sea, "Well a shark is a predatory fish that comes in many shapes and sizes." He began while sketching some pictures of a Great White, Hammerhead, Goblin, and Whale Shark. "Here are some examples. Each species lives in different places, for instance, a goblin shark lives deep down in the deep sea while the great white lives near the surface; and did you know that they've been around for millions of years! It's incredible, they're kinda like the cockroaches of the sea!" Before he continues I place my hand on his shoulder, "I think he gets it." I laughed. "Oh..." Armin said embarrassed with lightly flushed cheeks. "Tch, it's fine, it was pretty interesting." Levi reassured.
"Well... it's getting late, I'd better head home. If you need any help with the homework please don't hesitate to call." Armin had a small smile on his face as he dismissed himself. "Come back soon, and I'll make sure I call if I fun myself stuck on a problem~" I said while walking with him to the door.
After he made his way out the door, Hanji came running out of her room and shouted, "I almost did it! I almost got the portal to work, but there's something I'm missing!" She whimpered, "I've been going at it for three days straight!" I looked at her with wide eyes, she was a mess, and Levi noticed it too. "Hey four-eyes get a shower, I can smell you from here and it pisses me off." Levi spouted. "But I'm soooooo cloooose! One more night and I may have it." I gave Levi a puzzled look and he decided to give me a brief explanation, "Portal to our world, not sure how she did it in the first place. In all honesty I've stopped trying to find out how she does stuff like this." I nodded and placed my hand on my chin, "Hanji, if I were you I'd take a break and get some rest. Lack of sleep is probably your problem and if you still need help I have a friend who may come in handy~ He loves stuff like this!" I smiled but then I remembered 'That's right... She knows who he is... But he really would like this though...' .
Levi gave me his signature glare and I shrugged, "Sorry, for a moment I forgot..." He walked up to me again and once again flicked my forehead, "Is this going to be a thing now? Flicking me on the forehead? Hmm?" I asked with slight irritation. His response was, "Maybe, it's amusing, not to mention you deserved that one." He had a smirk on his face and it really made me want to punch him. "Eh..." With a small thud I punched his shoulder, "You really need to work on your punch." He stated well quite obviously amused. I became quite flustered and I turned my head while crossing my arms, "Psh, if I actually punched you it would've hurt more~"
"Surrrre, then how about you try it again brat." He teased. I punched again, this time with all my force and for a moment everything fell silent. I looked up to see that he had the same expression, that same annoying smug ass look, "Tch, that sucked." I glared at him, "I'd like to see you do better!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah!" >:c

"You sure?" He asked with slight concern. I replied with a louder, "Yeah!" And looked at me and paused, waiting for me to change my mind. "Just DO IT!" I shouted while doing that Shia pose. He shrugged and then swept me off my feet and threw me onto the couch. Instead of frogging my leg he flicked my forehead, "Tch, your weird but it's kinda cute sometimes."
I froze. Did he just call me cute? Hanji appeared once again and dropped the plate of crackers on the floor. The plate shattered and her mouth went agape, but soon it formed into a gigantic smile. I felt my cheeks become superheated and what Hanji said next didn't help, "I totally ship you and short-stuff~ It's my new OTP!"
A/n: Thanks for reading and thank you all for 90 followers! I'm sorry I didn't update sooner, I just had a week full of traveling... I really need to stop with the excuses =u=
Also I'll go through and edit this sometime tomorrow since I finished it so late... There's probably a lot left to fix... I may change some stuff, if I do I'll have a little a/n at the beginning.


Neko!Levi x Reader {AU}Where stories live. Discover now