~Is There Really A Way?~

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(R/n)'s POV:

Levi and I finally got back to the house around twelve O' clock after of our little chat. I could feel him pull his tiny body closer to my stomach as he wrapped himself in the folds of my sweater. Not only did the little shit have my scarf but I ended up letting him also use part of my sweater because I swore I could see him shiver from a mile away.

To be honest I am okay with it, he finally looks like he can rest and take a break from whatever it was that was bothering him. He seemed like he had been quite stressed lately and I guess I can understand why, I would hate to be in his situation... At times wish he would tell me when something is bothering him, but I'm not sure if that is going to ever happen.
  Although I have not known him for long, I do know that he tends to keep to himself and I've only seen him open up once. I'm sure it was because he reached his breaking point. I just wish he would let me help him...

I reached for the car's handle as I cradled Levi closer to my body in hopes he would not wake up. As I opened the door I was met with a strong gust of brisk bone-chilling wind. I could feel a shiver crawl up my spine leaving a trail of goosebumps behind it and return I sprinted towards the door as fast as I possibly could without slipping on the icy driveway. I looked down at Levi's sleeping figure and when I looked back up I could see Hanji running full speed towards me.

"(R/n)!" Hanji shouted

I pulled a numb finger to my lips as I looked down at his sleeping figure, "Quiet, he is sleeping..."

"Oh sorry, but me waking him up is probably for the best, I may or may not have found something that could turn him back~" Hanji face was engulfed by a wide smile along with my own. She finally got to the point where she couldn't hold back anymore and jumped into the air releasing a loud YAHOOO!
Levi rose up out of the fold of my sweater glaring at Hanji; even though he was not fully awake I could see Hanji shutter.
"Hey shitty glasses!" Levi growled, "Shut the fuck up, can't you see that I'm trying to sleep!"
"Levi... This might be a good time to wake up... Hanji says she might have found a way to turn you back..." I whispered to him while tugging Hanji's sleeve. "Let's go inside, it's cold..."

As we walked through the door into the blissfully warm, cozy room I sat down on the couch with Levi still somewhat cradled in my arms.

"How..." Levi asked, his expression showing slight interest.

"Well..." Hanji started, "I took some time to think and try to remember what last happened in our world..."

"Go on four eyes, spit it out already." Levi's stare got a little more intense as he became more impatient crossed his arms.

"Well... Shorty, if I'm right, whatever happened to you is a lot like what happened to Eren."

"So your saying that it is like that weird titan thing?" His ears flicked as he swayed his tail, some of his tail fur drifting into my nose.

"Exactly!" Hanji shouted.

At this point I couldn't stop it. I brought my one free hand up to my nose and... Levi turned his head and glared at me.

"Don't you fucking dare..."

I brought my hand down and the sneeze was gone along with the tuft of fur that I flicked away. I guess he jinxed it...

"So, Hanji, you said there was a way?" Levi once again flicked his tail.

"Well there might be a way..." Hanji paused with a small grin, "We just need a little mixture, a potion, an elixir of sorts~" Her grin suddenly turned into a look of uncertainty, "The only problem is that I'm not sure what I would need and this is just my hypothesis..."

Then an idea hit me, "Hey Hanji!"

"Yes (r/n)?"

"Okay, by any chance do you know what was in the titan things you were talking about?"


A/n: Sorry for the short chapter... It's probably not that good but I felt as though I should update since I haven't for a long time. School has been keeping me up late so I haven't had time to write and because of that I've gotten somewhat deprived of sleep. Well I'll probably end up editing this later... but I still hope you guys enjoyed it...

~ Bokkusu

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