Story, again

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So maybe you have guessed by now that @7.18am is one of my favorite Instagram's another story, hope you like it:
"Take a deep breath. It will all work itself out eventually. I know things look terrible right now, but I promise you that you'll see a better day. I promise you'll smile again. I promise you'll dance around and sing like you don't have a care in the world. Life is a roller coaster babe, it has ups and downs, but if you don't have your downs, you won't appreciate the ups. I know you want it to end and I know that you keep telling yourself you deserve this, but you don't. You don't have to cry yourself to sleep again or tear open your skin to stop your mind from ripping you to pieces, pick yourself up, look in the mirror and repeat after me. 'I am worth it. I will get better. I will live to see a better day. Things aren't okay right now but that's fine because this moments shape who we are. I will smile again. I will make myself better because no one will do it for me. I want myself to see another up' I believe in you and I believe that you will be happy again. You just have to believe in yourself"

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