Humanity is fucked up...

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So, humanity is sooooo fucked up, I login on twitter and the first TT I see is this: #savemarinajoyce if you don't know her, she's a british YouTuber that has been looking odd lately, she looks scared and some other stuff, and her most recent tweet is for a meetup at 6am, obviously her account has been used by other people that's not her. Some people say she's been "kidnapped" by her boyfriend, and I think so too.

The third TT I see is this #SiAbortosNoAdopcionGay that is the same as #YesAbortionNoGayAdoption WHAT THE FUCK?! Do people prefer to kill a living thing than to correct somebody's mistake? REALLY? Why are people so against gays? Because they're different? THEY ARE STILL HUMANS AND DESERVE RESPECT! SO WHY DON'T YOU TAKE YOUR TT AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS SO HIGH THAT IT CUTS YOU IN HALF! People need to learn respect, what would you feel if someone called you names because you love someone? Huh?

If you want to know how that feels, watch this video (Warning: It's pretty graphic and can trigger emotions)

Ugh, I'm losing my faith in humanity

(TT=Trending Topic)

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