Chapter 24

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Being in London for 6 months have had their ups and downs. Ups of being in London have been:

- Having my own house to myself

- Making new friends

- No one judging you because you ran, only because no one knows your story

The downs being:

- The constant ringing and messaging of everyone who doesn't know where you are

- The constant home sickness

- The constant of not having anyone to hold your hair up or help you off the couch when you need to vomit.

Viky has been messaging me everyday to make sure I haven't gone into labour, well apart from today because well, I can't get to my phone it's in the kitchen. No I'm not lazy, I've been having contractions since 3 this morning and its now 12 in the afternoon. I couldn't take it any more. I am so in labour. I've just gone on 9 months and I have no idea what to do. I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. I shuffled to the door. Just as I got to the stairs another contraction hit. I sat down and slowly slid down the stairs. I got to the kitchen just as it finished and got my phone. The first person I rang was Viky. Yeah I know I should have rang someone closer or a ambulance but I might not evern be in labour.


"Viky, I think I'm in labour."

"Contractions for a while and at least 30 seconds apart."


"Okay, I'm booking a flight out right now. You ring someone that lives close or an ambulance and I'll see you soon."

I was about to say something and the beeping signalled that she had hung up. I went into my contact again and found someone to ring. Bailey of course. Yeah he is a boy but where close. And no I'm not replacing Hayes because I don't see him like that and he doesn't see me like that.


"Bailey how quickly can you get to mine?"

"In like 5 minutes why?"

"I'm in labour."

"Shit, ill be there in 7 minutes."

"Why 7, you said 5."

"I have to get dressed."

"Okay bye."

I hung up and slowly walked back upstairs. Once I got up the stairs, the doorbell rang. "Bailey?"


"It's open." The door opened and I kept walking into my room. "Alli?"

"My room." The door opened and Bailey walked in. "Why aren't you ready?"

"Because it took me 7 minutes to get up the stairs." I grabbed a pair of leggings and one of Matt's merchandise shirts and walked into the bathroom with the help of Bailey. I got dressed and walked out. "Okay lets go." Bailey had already, in the time it took me to get dressed taken my bag down and put it in the car. Bailey helped me down the stairs and into the car. "Bailey?"


"Why did I choose a hospital so far away?"

"Because my sister works there, and it's a good hospital. It specialises in girls like you."

By the time we had got there, they were expecting us and I was put in a sweet straight away. Bailey's sister checked up on me and made sure everything's going well. "Alli, you are in labour, but you aren't even one centimetre dilated. So we may have to wait awhile." I nodded and slammed my head into my pillow. "Why me?"

About 9 hours later I was 4 centimetres dilated and Viky turned up. "Aww look at you. How you going?" I smiled and sat up as much as I could and gave her a hug. "This sucks. If I ever decide that I want to have another child, remind me of how angry I am and how much pain I'm in." She gave a small chuckle and sat down on the other seat that Bailey was sitting in. "Alli, I couldn't find Coke but I found...Hi I'm Bailey." Viky stood up and shook Bailey's hand. "I'm Viky, one of her friends from LA." Bailey nodded and smiled. "Well I have to get home sorry. I have a massive family thingy tonight and I have to be there."

"It's fine. Thank you for this morning and have fun." Bailey waved and left the Pepsi Max on the table. "So, who's he?" I turned my head and looked at Viky. "A friend, and nothing more. Once this kids old enough, or at least one, I'm coming home." Viky's smiles widen. "So, how's everyone at home?"

"They've all been good. Shawn and Matt haven't told anyone and everyone is still pretty sad you left without saying anything. But then there's Hayes." At the mention of his name, my chest tightened with guilt. "He hasn't left his room in months."

We talked for hours non-stop just catching up on things. "Alli, can we check to see if you're ready?" I nodded. "Well good news, you can start pushing as soon as I get the other doctors."

"Viky you can go now if you want." Viky shook her head and grabbed hold of my hand. "I'm staying right here." I smiled at her and watched all the doctors come into the room. "Okay Alli start pushing as soon as the next contraction starts."

Skipping Birthing Bit

I laid in bed holding on to my baby boy smiling at him. "Hi baby."

"Can I hold him while you sign the Birth Certificate?" I nodded and handed over my baby boy. The nurse passed me the certificate and a pen as she pushed the table thingy over my stomach. I got my phone out and opened up notes where I had the girl and boy names that I chose.

Name: Ross Bailey Grier

Mother: Alli Zoey Winston

Father: Benjamin Hayes Grier

Once I was finished signing the Birth Certificate the hospital said I could leave. Viky stayed with me and Ross for 2 weeks then decided to go home.

Skipping time 

"Ross please go to sleep. I need to sleep. But I can't when you're screaming your head off like that."


"Alright you get off this time buddy." I picked Ross up from his cot and walked down the stairs. I went to the front door and opened it. "Look this really isn't a good time, I have a 1 month year old...Holy shit guys." Standing in front of me were the famous Shawn Mendes and Matthew Espinosa. I wrapped my arms around them both and gave them the biggest hug ever. "If this is a bad time then we'll go."

"No please stay." I opened the door wider and let them in. "Just put your bags there." I went and put Ross in his cot in the lounge room and walked back to the front entrance. I gave Matt another hug with both hands and then gave another to Shawn. "What are you guys doing here?" I lead them to the lounge room just as Ross was about to start crying. "We had to see the baby Ross for ourselves." I nodded gave Ross to Shawn first. "So, what's his full name?"

"Ross Bailey Grier." The boys looked at each other. "Bailey?"

"He's a friend, and nothing more than a friend. Anyway did Viky tell you that I'm coming back to LA in a few months."

"No. Are you really?" I nodded my head. "I might as well I mean I miss you all so much." Shawn passed Ross to Matt and gave me a hug. "We all really miss you."

"Did you tell everyone you were coming to visit me because if you brought your ticket on your computer they can check it and find out where I am." Matt and Shawn looked at each other. "Guys?"

"We might have told them that you live awhile away, in fact in another country and you moved away for personal reasons." I nodded and left the rooms moving their bags into the guest rooms. We talked and caught up for ages. "Guys its 11 at night, I need to get some sleep. The guest rooms are that way. Goodnight." The boys said their goodnights and turned off the lights as they walked through. "Ross you have to sleep tonight because we have visitors that aren't used to being woken up in the middle of the night. So goodnight." I laid Ross down in his cot and went and got into bed.  

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