Chapter 30

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"OH MY GOD. I can't do this, I'm about to get married and...and...yep that's all I got." I squatted down next to Viky once she was done with her rant. "You need to calm the FUCK down." Viky looked at me with a smile on her face. "You've spent to long with me." I nodded and laughed. "Now as your Maid Of Honour, it's my job to make sure you walk down the isle, and marry the man you love. And if you don't I will whoop your fucking ass." I stood up and walked over to Viky's kitchen and got her a bottle of water. "Here, it'll help with the nerves."

I walked upstairs to get Debbie so that we can get hair done. "Ross? Debbie? Jai? Hello. Children?" I heard giggles coming from Nash and Viky's room. I opened the door. "What are..." I gasped at the sight of them. "You are in so much trouble if your mum see's this. Come on." I lead them to the bathroom, then going back into Viky's room, putting away all of the makeup they got out. "ALLI, WHATS GOING ON?"

"NOTHING, JUST HELPING THEM CLEAN UP." I walked back into the bathroom. "Okay lets get you cleaned up. Debbie first because she has to get her hair done." I sat Debbie down on the counter and washed her face. "Okay, tell your mum I'll be down in a few." She nodded and I started cleaning up the boys.

Once hair was done we moved onto makeup. My hair was in a half up do with the rest of my hair curled. The makeup lady put sparkly gold eye shadow on my eye with dark eyeliner and mascara. Once we were done with makeup and hair we went and got into our dress. My dress was long and dark blue; the top of it was sparkly. I paired it with a pair of black heels that are outlined with gold. I sprayed some perfume and went downstairs. "Okay, because you guys are the best, I got you something." Viky passed around little boxes. Mine was slightly bigger. I helped Debbie open hers. She got a cute pair of earrings, everyone else got a bracelet. I opened mine and smiled. Viky had gotten me a necklace with the letter A on it, almost identical to the H one. I gave her a hug and slipped it on. "Alright let's get you married." I picked up Ross and walked out of the hotel room and got in the elevator.

Once I got to the ground floor where the ceremony was held, I walked into the room and located Hayes. "Hayes." He turned around and smiled. "What's up?" He jogged over and smiled. "Ross is standing with you for the ceremony remember." He nodded and smiled taking Ross from me. "Do I look okay?" I turned around. Hayes nodded laughing. "What?"

"Nothing just how worried you are even though you look stunning." I smiled and saw one of the other bridesmaids trying to call me over. "I got to go. See you soon." I kissed Hayes on the cheek and gave Ross a quick hug before running as quickly as I could in heels. "Alli." I stopped in the doorway and saw Jai sitting in the back row, waving. "I got to get this done. I'll talk to you later." He nodded and shot me the thumbs up. I gave them back and walked out the door, shutting them behind me. As soon as I looked up I saw Viky pacing. "Where the HELL is she?"

"I'm right here." She looked up and let out a sigh of relief. "Let's do this."

~Skipping the ceremony~

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Viky and Nash kissed and smiled. I smiled and laughed as Nash pumped his fist in the air. I leant over a little bit so I could see Hayes and we made eye contact. I mouthed the words 'congratulations' to him and he nodded, squatting down to Ross' level and pointing me out to him. Viky and Nash walked out with the rest of us following. Hayes walked over and passed Ross to me. We walked out of the room and meet up with everyone. I put Ross down and held his hand as we walked around trying to find my family. "Oi, Alli." I turned around and saw Alex standing with Jackson all dressed up. "Ross, come and see Uncle Jack and Uncle Alex." As soon as I said that Ross took off pulling me with him. I let go when Jackson squatted down to his level and he ran over jumping into his arms. I walked over and gave Alex a hug. "I missed you so much." He lifted me off the ground a little. "I missed you to. You smell good"

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