Chapter 6: Over the Edge

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Mable POV

I was just admiring the view. The sky was bright with stars. Yes on this planet it is around noon but it was sunset. This was the dream universe basically so most of their day is night. Plus the stars are extremely closer than our stars on earth so even during the day there is stars that you could see. Then I heard a thump and it sounded to come inside. It was small but I still heard it. I just shook it off. My guess is that someone ran to each other or they drop something. Then suddenly the doors were just burst open and I turn around with a gasp. Then I saw a young man lying on the ground. He groans as he lay on the ground. Then I saw his face a bit more. It was Dipper. "Dipper!" I gasp. Then I saw a robot man coming in and he was messing with this gun. "Ha, finally got kill mood on." Then he pointed at Dipper.

"No! Stop!' I cried out then I came in between them.

"Back away citizen. He is an assassin on a mission to kill the royal family!" The robot man ordered.

"I know." Well I did know that Dipper is an assassin but I didn't know that he was after the royal family. Well it is mainly Bill that is after the royal family. He just sends Dipper to do his dirty work.

"You are making a mistake. You are with him. I must end you." Then he pulled the trigger. Then Dipper grabs my waist and slams me to the ground and the ray went over our heads. "Are you here with the royal family?" Dipper asks quickly. "Yes." I reply. "Great now hold on." Dipper ordered then he yanks me to my feet and we went over the railing and falling to our deaths.

I screamed, "Dipper what the heck! Are you trying to kill us?"

"Just trust me!"

We were getting closer and closer to the ground and Dipper tighten his grip around my waist. I close my eyes, ready for the SMACK part but then there was a hard jerk. I open my eyes and I was in the middle of the air only inches away from the ground. Then both me and Dipper suddenly just drop and I landed on Dipper. Dipper grunted as I landed on him. I was gasping for breath. I thought I was a goner. Dipper loosens his grip around my waist and he was taking gaps. I looked up and I saw this red beam heading for us. "Dipper!" Then Dipper grabs me again and rolled sharply with me. Then the beam hit right next to us making a dent on the ground.

"Come on!" Dipper ordered and he jumps to his feet and help me to my feet. Dipper grabs my hand and we got out of view. It was hard with a big dress. Dresses are not to be run in, only for show. We ran into the garden and was safe, hopefully. "Dipper what is going on?" I ask.

"What's going on? Well why are you here?" Dipper asks. Now since I got a break and get to look at my brother. He was wearing a dark cloak and dark clothing. His shirt is like a high V-neck and there was this leather fabric on his chest that makes an X and he wore a belt of knives, and his shirt was tucked in, and he wears dark pants and boots. He hair seems a bit messier than usual, I don't know if that is from falling who knows how many stories, and It looks like he haven't gotten much sleep.

"Well I was invited by the king to go to his party. What about you? And who the heck was that guy!"

"I have no idea. My guess is that he is a protector of the royal family here. He's wearing you. Red is this universe color. I guess the news got out that someone is hunting down the royals." Dipper looked disappointed in it, "It's my entire fault. I tried to warn them but they didn't. Why do royals have to be so stubborn?"

"Dipper it isn't your fault." I said.

"Well I tried to stop them. I find them before he comes out and kills them. I tried to tell them, give me want I want, then fake your death, then leave. Sometimes I need to fake their death because the time is ticking and they ran out of it. So far I haven't safe any royals."

"What does Bill want with stones? What are the stones that he is talking about?"

"I-I Um...can't tell you." Dipper stuttered as he looks away.

I nod my head a bit sadly. I wish I could help Dipper but I can't help him he if he isn't helping me but I know that sometimes...most times...his hands are tied. "How much time before he comes out?" I ask. Dipper looked at his watch on his left wrist. "I have about just about more than an hour. Like an hour and 10 minutes."

"Alright, so I got an idea that could help. I want to help you find the king and to get the stone. Maybe with me there he will give it to you and you can save a life." I wish we could just let them life with their stone but I know that if Dipper didn't come back with the stone then he will be punish and I don't know how bad. I know that Dipper doesn't want to kill.

"We don't have time Mabel! You know how huge this palace is? Plus the king doesn't have a system to go by. We will never find the king in time!" Dipper said.

"Well Grunkle Ford is with the king right now! The king tells Grunkle Ford everything. They are close like...I think they meet when Grunkle Ford was in the portal." I reply. "Alright I guess we can start with that." Then I started to leave but then Dipper grabs my hand, "Um Happy Birthday Mabel." He said. I smiled, "Thanks...and happy birthday to you also." Then I gave him a hug.

To be honest, I did like the other presents and Dipper's drawings but seeing my brother on my birthday is the best present of them all. Trying not to be mean but it is true.

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