Chapter 14: Break Out

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Dipper POV

"Is there gaurds here?" I ask. "Yes. They come once in a while." Grunkle Ford reply.

"What kind of creatures?" I ask.

Grunkle Ford thought for a moment. He didn't look to well.

"I'm not sure what they are called." He finally said.

"What is going on with you Grunkle Ford? You don't look too good."

"They...They gave me something...I'm not sure. I'm feel weak and just sick."

"They probity gave you Mu, it is a type of drug. It makes people, creatures, sick so they can't break out."

"Why didn't they give you any?"

"Bill made me amu to drugs like those. That is why they strap me to the bed." Then I showed him my bloody wrist. Then the doors open. "They are coming to check." Grunkle Ford mumble.

Show time!

I gave a dark smile.

Remember this is for Mabel. They took you away from her. All you wanted for her is to stay on earth, to just be happy and becoming something amazing. Finding a guy and having a nice family. Make sure that happens to her by killing anyone you gets in the way.

I then looked up. Then I climb on the bars then climb up to the roof part. Then I watch this large trole walking through. It was a toffer. A larger , tougher, stronger, type of trole. He look at Grunkle Ford's cell then into my cell. He did a double take.

"What the..." He grumbles. Then he came and unlock my door and came in. He look at the bed and looks around. He was right under me. Then I watch as a drop of blood from my wrist was coming down. Then it drop right on the trolls head. Then two more quickly fell right after it. The troll touch his head and look at the blood. Then he looks up.

I relase my grip and came on top of him before he could say anything. I landed on top of him and he fell to the ground and I was on top of him. I would have broken his neck but Trolls' neck and spin are so think that nothing can break them, or cut them. Not even a bullet. It would just get stuck at the first layer of bone. Luckily for me I know how to kill trolls without any knives.

I rap my arm around his throat and stab my fingers behind his ear. "Shshshs." I hiss, "We don't want anyone to hear your death." He started to struggle and I tighten my grip and shove my fingers in deeper into the back of his ear. He started to slowly weaken. I tighten my grip and shove deeper in. I could hear the troll whimpering.


I tighten my grip even more. Then the troll went limp. I held it for a moment, making sure that he was dead. Then I release. My hand was cover with this green slimp, "Blah! I think I went a little too deep." I mumble.

Nope...that was perfect.

I whip my hand on the troll's shirt and then grab his keys and unlock Grunkle Ford's cell. He looked bad even more up close. "Don't worry Grunkle Ford, once we leave the prison then the drug should start wearing off slowly." I said. "Within an hour or two you will be fine...sort of." I unlock the door. I threw Grunkle Ford's arm around my shoulders. I was about as tall as he was. Then I help him get out.

Mable POV

We walked around outside. It was amazing. I do love the views, how close the stars where and how bright they were. They filled the sky with wonder. I was off in the garden with Tori close. Then something ring from Tori's wrist. It looks like a bracelet to me. Tori walked away a bit, I started to listen but act like I wasn't.

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