Chapter 8: Hole in the Wall

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Mabel POV

I was getting a bit worry with Dipper. When I ask him if he was alright he will reply he was fine in a snappy mood. When I watch him I see him look distance and see how upset he was. It was either angry or sad. Something was going on. I wish I could help.

"So Dipper where do you think we can find the stone?" I ask.

Dipper looks up, "Hum?"

"Weren't you listening?" I ask.

"Sorry Mabel...I was thinking." Dipper looks away for a moment. I know that face. There was something going on. "Dipper is there anything that is going on? Dipper I'm your sister and I know your faces to things. Something is up. Come on you can tell me." Dipper looks at me, "Mabel there isn't anything going on. I'm just tired, that is all. Haven't gotten much sleep, that is it."

Then Dipper straighten out, "Well I'm guessing we should head down to the lower levels."

"Well shouldn't we try to the balcony again? Ju and the king were supposed to meet me there." I ask.

"I highly doubt it. The protector must have already told the king and princess that someone is after them. They are probetly somewhere else like down in the lower levels like the King's office. The kings office is the safest place to be."

"Alright then I guess we will go there. Do you know which floor that is? Cause I'm thinking it is on floor 6 or 10."

Dipper thought for a moment, "I know it is above level 15. Level 1 and 2 are welcome area and working areas. Like the kitchen, dinning room, rooms like that. Level 3 and 4 are servant levels. That is where they sleep and watch ever they do. Level 5-10 is anything really. Level 11-15 is guess corters. Then above that is what ever. the top five levels are for royality only or who ever the royal wants to be in there. This palace is 25 levels 6 million rooms. One of the smallest places really. The tallest is the King Universe palace with 300 levels and 500 billion rooms and 300 billion trans rooms. Those are the rooms that are within rooms. I wouldn't want a trans room. People think it saves space but really it doesn't."

"Wow, you sure know these things."

"Kind of have to."

Then we heard a door closing and heavy footsteps. I went to look around the corner to see who it was but then Dipper grab my arm and yank me away from the corner and he covers my mouth, "Shh. Don't move or make a sound." Dipper hiss. Dipper didn't move at all and I did the same with his hand still over my mouth. Then I saw this huge and I mean HUGE lizard. It had raser sharp teeth coming out from it's mouth, eyes pitch black, and ruff looking scales.

The lizard stop and look straight at us. it made this growling sound. I temble with fear. I wanted to run. Then lizard tough came out them in. Then the lizard looked away and walked down the hall.

Once it was out of view Dipper remove his hand slowly, "Be quite still." "W-what was that?" I stuttered in a whisper. "That is a Tanster. They are always at the palace. They go around finding people that don't belong in places. They aren't like normal lizards on earth Mabel. They are blind, they can't smell, or sense heat. They walked around looking scary as possible and for people you don't know about them they will run away and they could hear them and they will be caught. People usually don't know that they are at the royal palce. For thevies they become meals to them. So the story won't come out."

"How did you know that they are coming?" I ask.

"lessons Mabel. I was taught how to use my other senses other than. Site isn't everything. I could smell them easily." Dipper reply. At first he seems to feel a bit proud of it then he quickly went quiet and had a depressing face as if he was ashame of what he could do. Then he grab my hand, "Let's go Mabel, we got to find the royals." We went up to the stairs and then came up to this floor, I have no idea which one.

"What floor is this?" I ask, "level 16." Dipper reply, "Just thought it was a good idea." Then suddenly the whole place shook. Dipper and I hit the wall hard and fell to the ground. "What happen?" I cried out. The air was cover in smoke and I could smell something burning. People started to scream and come running down the hallway.

Dipper yank me to get out of the way. "Dipper what is going on?" I cough, "How am I suppose to know? Level 16 is supposed to be something for rolays like an office or gathering. Something like that."

I watch as the people ran away down to the stairs. They were all wearing nice clothing, some where wearing like servant clothes. "Hold on." Dipper muttered. "These are royal guesses and servants. It's a Maba!" "What is a Maba?" I ask. "can't explain but the king or princess is on this floor."

Then both me and Dipper got to our feet. The smoke was getting stronger and it was getting hotter. We watch for either the king or princes to run by but they didn't. "Help." I heard a very faint voice called out over the screaming. I started to push through the crowed. "Mabel? Mabel! What are you doing!" I heard Dipper cried out as I ran through the crowd. I went around the corner, where the people started to run away, and I couldn't believe what I saw. Down the hallway was the huge double doors leading to a huge room. The room was now huger with a huge hole in the wall. The room looks like a sitting area.

On the floor in the sitting area was a few people, cover in blood, even some with no body parts or burnt off or even on fire. Then my heart drop as I saw one person laying on the ground. "Ju!" I cried out. I went over to her. She was laying on the ground and she was cover in blood. "Ju! Everything will be alright." I said kneed beside her. Ju was alive...barely.

Dipper came to my side. "The princes." He muttered.

Then he came, "Where is the stone?" Dipper asks. I couldn't believe him really. I know he needs to stone and I know that time is running out but what the heck! She is freaking dieing and you have to ask about the stone.

"M-Mabel." Ju muttered. "I'm here."

"your unlce..." Then she point weakling at this large close door. "Oh no." Dipper muttered. "Keep your neck safe, Mabel." Ju muttered then I watch her hand drop and her eyes dilate. "Ju? Ju!" I cried out. She was gone.

Dipper quickly went up to the door Ju pointed out. Dipper stop at the door. Dipper got close to the door, I think he put his ear to the door.

Tears flooded in my eyes. I barely knew her really but she didn't diserve to die and I do hate when people just die right before me. I don't even want to think about all the deaths that I saw before my eyes....and sadly...most of them were because of Dipper.

Dipper came running up to me and grabbing my hand, "We got to go...NOW!" He didn't wait for an answer. He just jerk me to my feet and drag me to the door way. Right when we got to the door I heard a bang. I look back and I could see someone coming from the door. "Hey!" but I was gone.

"Dipper?" I ask. Dipper didn't answer he just lead me into to stairs then we appear on this floor. "Dipper?" I ask again. Dipper looks around. There was people cramming through the door, trying to get out. Then Dipper pulled me and we started to try to get through the crowd of people. We were going in a different way. "Dipper, where are we going?" I ask. Dipper just pulled me along. It was hard to go through the crowd with such a big dress. Alright now I hate dresses even more. I'll just stick with pants or skirts.

Then we went through this non bussy hallway and through this door. We were in the kitchen. There was nobody there and it was so clean. Dipper pulled me in. We stop there trying to breath in clean air and to catch our breaths.

"Dipper what is going on?" I ask.

"Something bad just happen, very bad. There is more than one assassin after the stones."

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