Chapter 17: Pine Tree

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Mabel POV

I slowly woke up. I felt sick. I felt myself laying on a bed. I open my eyes and I was looking up to a wooden roof. I look around. I was in a small room by myself. I was still in the pink dress that Tori gave me. I rise my arm and grab my neck and the necklace is still there. I sigh. Then I remember everything that happened. Dipper, Tori, and Jume. Everything. I sat up. My head felt very heavy and it made me even more nausea. I think I'm going to throw up. I sat on the side of the bed. Then I heard footsteps. I turn my head and I could see an older man.

He had a long white beard and he was small and he had a cane. He wore a long brown rob with gray pants and a white shirt. He seems a bit startle, "Well hello." His voice scratch. His voice was scratchy but soft. The same with his eyes and face.

He bowed down, "Name Cade my lady." Then he pointed to some clothes that was on a chair nearby, "You can change clothes if you want. I wouldn't want to wear a fancy dress all day. Well actually I don't wear dresses but the thought counts." Then he walks over to the clothes, "You had a ruff time my grandson explain." He sighs, "It is a shame how power destroys. It destroys the mind and the will. But of course demons can't die so it doesn't matter." Cade grab the clothes and hand them to me, "Take it easy on how you move my lady. The venom is still in your system. It will take some time....i know I can make some stew. That always help my grandsons when they got sick. That will do yes yes." Then he left and close the door.

To me I thought that he was sweet. I change clothes. This type of clothes was dress but one of those old fasion simple dresses. I put on the dress. It was soft and light. It was nice to wear something simple. The only thing fancy about it was the laces at the chest part but that was good enough. It is about time that I wore something simple. The shoes where my favorite. They were flates. No high heels. It is about time!

I left the dress on the chair and I then came outside. I was in an cabin. I looked around and it was one room. There was a sitting area, a small table with chairs, and the kitchen. I could see the old man in the kitchen, Jume was reading a book on the table and I could see Dipper laying on the couch. I went up to Dipper. He was still asleep. He was in his clothes still with his clock on another chair. I look at Dipper's side. He wasn't bleeding anymore. the same his neck and leg. I knee down to his side and brush his hair.

Jume came up to me, "Don't worry he is fine. He is all healed up and back to normal. He is still unconscious though but he should wake up soon." I smiled, "Thank you, thank you for everything." Then I pause, "Jume I'm sorry about your brother." He shrugs, "It's fine."

Then Cade came in, "Well Lan will be fine. He was under the spell so he shouldn't go to hell. I say he is right up there parting with he always wanted to."

"What do you mean spell?" I ask.

"Tori is a love demon. It doesn't help that she is a vamp. Vamps are maids to demons. Vamps will go and lurn men to their demon mistress. Tori used to be just a Vamp maid. Then she was determine to be more. With years she became a demon. A love demon. Now she experiments on people, trying to learn more about the creatures. She learns more about them so she can destroy them. She have been gaining new powers with the knowelege see's been gaining. She gain the knowelge of how to put men in a love trance. She put my brother in a love trance. I lost him, he was never the same again. I went undercover to get him back. That Is why I was there in the first place." Jume explains.

"I know how that is." I said.

"I bet with your brother being Bill's assassin." Jume said.

I gave a very small smile.

"Oh William Cipher. I remember him when he wasn't a demon. Boy I'm old." Cade said, "How did your brother became his assassin? I know it can't be a love spell. That would be too weird. Or is he the assassin willinging."

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