Chapter 21: No One Can Save You Know

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Alright so this is going to be the last Chapter. :( There is going to be one more book. It is going to be a short one to just rap this whole thing up. I hope you are in joying this book and the book before it. Thank you for the views, votes, and comments. They all mean a lot to me. Thank you and you've been great.

Dipper POV

I was going around, girl to girl and still nothing. It was starting to bug me.

You are the only one that is tick off? What about me!

Oh shut it I'm trying to search for the princes.

No dip puppet!

Don't call me that!


I looked around. I saw Mabel dancing with a Turner, I couldn't see Jume, or Tori. Then I saw that Tori walking around.

Boy I really just want to strangle her breath out. It would be amazing to see her drawing out her last breath.

Trust too.

Then there a tug on my sleeve. I look around and could see this little girl in a pretty white dress and golden blond hair. Her eyes were like goats. "Excuse me, do you mind if we dance? Can we dance is what I mean." I look at her. "Err...Sure." I reply. Then she came up to me. My guess is that she was about 10. "May I step on your shoes?" "Err...fine." I said. I don't even know why a little kid is at a ball. The little girl grabs my hands and got on my feet....and we started to dance.

"My name is Lilli." Lilli said, "What is yours?"

"Um Dipper."

Oooooooo someone got a little crush....oooooooo.

Shut it!

"Nice to meet you Dipper." Lilli reply.

"I'm not going to be mean but...what a little girl you are to be doing here at a ball. I know that you aren't a Benson." I ask.

Lilli giggle, "It isn't mean...I understand. I...I just get special accesses."

I looked at her and raise my eye brow. Lilli giggle even more, "You look funny." I couldn't help but smiled a bit and I even laugh. Then I looked down and I could see it. It was a necklace with a white stone.

Holly puppet! She is the princess! No wonder nobody found her because they are looking for an older girl not a little one!

I can't kill her.

Oh sure you can just get the necklace off and use that curse!

I could feel the coldness pounding inside of me ready to get out and to be used.

I can't kill her.

You will.

I won't.

You must obey orders!

Then I started to get dizzy and my head started to pound. I started to feel cold again, like before.

Tick Tock the orders or else you will be punish!

"Dipper are you alright?" Lilli ask.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.


Then I reach down and grab the necklace and then yank it off her neck. Lilli cried out as I shove her away from me. Then I felt down deep down inside of me and I felt the coldness. Then I felt the coldness going all around me, consuming me. I made sure it travels through my body and to my hands, like what I will normally do with magic. Then it reaches down to my hands. Then I threw the power down to the ground. Ice started to form onto the ground then quickly just became a wave of ice. It went to the whole room, freezing everything in its path...even people. People started to scream but everything was quickly silence.

No One Can Save You Now (2nd Book of The Lost Brother)Where stories live. Discover now