Chapter 11: Turn

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Hey! Sorry I didn't update yesterday....something came up. Well any way......thank you so much for the 100+ is almost 200+ views...well never late then never! Thank you for the views, votes, and comments. I love reading them. You are all amazing! So...on ward!

Dipper POV

I was in Bill's office, "This is a mess!" He continue. I was still under the trance but I could hear and see everything that he was doing. "Shooting Star has the did she even get the necklace?"

"The princess gave it to her." I reply, "I don't know if she knew that people were after her and her family, but I'm not the only one."

"Of course you aren't. I just found out this morning. We know that you end off 5 princes universe and the son universe. Well apeartently others been killed off. with our 5 there has been 6 other deaths. So basically 11 universe are gone out of the princess and the one son. So 12 down and only one princess universe down and the queen and king. I know that there is another assassin of a demon. The real question is what demon is it? Can't be killed him. Chalka didn't have any family so I can't think of anything. " Bill continue.

"So what is your plan?"

"My plan is to set a trap. The other assassin will go to the last princess universe. You will go there and kill the assassin and gain the stones. Then we can go with our own plan." Then Bill stop for a moment, "But he could know that the princess universe is a trap and will trap us?"

"It is a tough stop. The son universe was a trap. I didn't kill the royals...the other assassin did. I killed his assaents. I could tell by the branding on their necks. They are assassin of an assassin. I'm not sure what demon the main assassin is servering. But sir we can't just go but we can't just hide."

"yes I know. Only if I know who this demon is. What were their branding?"

"A Snake with wings. I don't recognize it sir."

Bill thought for a moment as he pace around. "I can't think about it either...could it be Tory...Su...Lake...there is many people...but it is a female. If it was just a snake then it would be male...with wings it is a female. They are from the See Universe. A very small universe but quite dark and strong." Then Bill shivered.

"What is it sir?"

"Nothing...I just got the chills because my home universe is falling...the dream universe you know. The son unverse."

"Of course. I just didn't expect you to have the effects so soon."

"Me neither...but that doesn't matter. Pine Tree I want you to try to research about this branding. I'll call you when I need you."

"What about Shooting Star? What will we do with her? Can't kill her because the stone will be destroy, and we can't take off the necklace."

Bill thought for a moment, "right now she will stay in the room, locked up. I'll figure out what to do with her latter." Then I started to leave, "Oh and Pine Tree." I stop. "I don't want you to get near Shooting Star." I nod and I left. Once I left the office I regain my body.

I started to head down to Mabel.

Where do you think you are going? You can't see your sister.

I don't care what Bill says. I'm going to make sure she is alright.

You are under order!

I suddenly I couldn't move. I felt very dizzy and my head pound.

You aren't going to disobey your master are you? Disobeying Bill wouldn't be a wise choice. Why don't you just go study like a good servant.

I have to make sure that Mabel is alright.

Oh were with her for more then 4 years! She doesn't need you know. Just do what you were order to do! I'm warning you because with you disobeying I also get punish.

I don't care. You diserve to be punish.

Gee thanks but do you really want what happened last time?

I bit my lip. This was the first stage of disobeying. If I continue then I will pass out and who knows what will happen. I sigh.

You win.

Great! Now lets study.

I felt my body loosen up and I was able to move again. Then my vison cleared up. I sigh as I headed towards the library.

I don't think we will find anything. I've read every book in there at least twice and I don't think I could find the branding.

Wimp. You always been a whinny little wimp. That is why you need to kill willingly. If you kill willingly then people won't think you are a wimp. Trust me. Did you see that guys face when the real you came out. Boy he was scared for life! Even thought it was short but it still counts. Others will be scared of you and nobody would pick on you and nobody wouldn't dare to come to you. They will be afraid of you and you will be the best assassin in all of the universes! And Bill will be the proudest demon, and soon the more powerful demon in all of the universes with is loyal assassin by his side.

I don't want that. I don't want to kill willingly. I can deal with people picking on me. I've been pick on my whole life.

Well now is your chance to show them what you can really do and nobody will ever pick on you ever again. The same with your sister. As you as the galaxies best assassin, nobody will pick, touch, or hurt Mabel again. You will be able to protect her. she will be grateful.

That isn't who I am. I won't kill willingly. Did you see the face that Mabel did when I killed those two. It was fear and discuse. That was because of you. I can't imagan what It could be if it was just me. She will be so disappointed. I can't do that do her. I don't want her to be afraid of me.

Oh boo hoo, so you sister might not even like you any more....who cares!

I do!

Shut it! You see, you are quite powerful and you want to hide it. You can't hide me forever. This is what is you. I'm you...the real you. The real you will come out willingly. It will come. Then you will be able to kill who ever, fear will be your friend, I will be your friend, nobody will ever come and pick on you again. They will fear you and you will be powerful and could kill anyone. You will kill for fun, you wouldn't need me. You will be doing it all on your own.

No! Stop it!

You will kill, taste their blood, watch as they eyes fade away from life. You will love it and injoy it! Like that amazing day at the prison when you killed everyone there.


You watch then die, drown in their own blood, swallowing their own blood, and their life crashing on them. You watch as they ran away from you in pure fear. You watch then beg and pray that you wouldn't hurt them but you did anyway. You end them out of order and fun. Deep down you wanted to kill them. They didn't protect you, they pushed you and your friends around, they just watch you suffer. They didn't care about you. At the end the wimp became the king and everyone bowed down to you in their own blood.

Stop! Please Stop!

I could hear the screams and cries form those people on that day. They pound in my head. I cover my ears but that didn't help at all. They still pound in my head, making me remember what I did that day. There was blood everywhere, bodies everywhere, everything was a mess. My enemies were laying down on the ground. They never cared about me both the guards and the other prisoners. Even the ones that didn't pick on me but they watch. Now just thinking about it......I actually like it. I love how I was able to end those who punish me. It was fun to watch them beg for me not kill them. I didn't care what they say, I just ended them and it was fun to see their blood eating them up. Why did I push this away...this memory. With the screams crying in my head I could remember how much I loved it.

No One Can Save You Now (2nd Book of The Lost Brother)Where stories live. Discover now