Chapter 10: Gotten into the Deal

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Hey! I hope you are liking to story. I really do. Thank you for the views, votes and comments. Again thank you so much. It really means a lot to me and I REALLY hope this book will turn out well. You know when like your first book was amazing so now the stress of making a mistake on the second book....yeah I got that. So I am really hopeing that everything will go well. Again thanks for reading it and I hope you in joy. :)

Mabel POV

I was in the back. I grab a heavy pot and slam it to the door knob. I heard the chaos of the fight going on. I was hopeing that Dipper would be alright. Then finally I got the door open. I got a thought. I can't just leave Dipper. Sure I can't do anything and I do have the stone around my neck but if Dipper can't touch it then I'm guessing that they can't touch it either. Then I heard Dipper cried out in pain. I got worried. I couldn't leave Dipper.

I quickly went back to the kitchen and I saw that one of them was on top of Dipper strangling him while the other was holding is legs with this yellow sparky whip. I quickly grab a pan and I smack the guy with the whip as hard as I can. Then I hit the guy who was on top of Dipper with all my might. They both fell to the ground and loosen their grips.

Dipper started to cough hard and gasping for breath.

I reach down and unwrap the whip around his ankles. The whip was hot and it hurts to touch it but I suck it up and just yank it out. Then I heard Dipper's watch go off. I wander what that means. "Dipper?" I ask. Then he jerks his head up and I took a step back. His eyes were white. Then I watch as the blond one got up he rub his head then glare at me. Then he looks up and he saw the necklace. "You!" He snap then he lung at me.

Then 'Dipper' came up very quickly and he grab the blond one's arm and he twists the arm quickly over the blond man's neck then came up behind me. I hear this snap. It sent a chill up my spin and I look away. The blond man drop.

Then the dark haired one got up.

How come they weren't out like a light when I hit them?

Well the dark haired one grabs a pan and swings it at 'Dipper'. 'Dipper' blocks it and gave a dark glare with a smile. I saw the dark haired eyes widen and there was some shock and just a hint of fear. 'Dipper' shoves the dark haired one to the table, dropping the pan.

"What the heck are you!" the dark haired one cried out.

'Dipper' gave a dark laugh, "Scared are you? Good!"

Then the dark haired one struggle then 'Dipper' threw him to another table near a heater. "You wanted to kill me and take the stone? Ha! Well this time you are going to burn." Then 'Dipper' open up the heater and shove him in. 'Dipper' close the door and then turn up the heat to all the way.

I could hear the man screaming in pure agony.

I felt extremely sick. Then 'Dipper' came to me and grab my by the hair. I cried out. "Stop! Let go!" I cried out. "Can it Shooting Star!" 'Dipper' hisses. Shooting star? That is what Bill calls me. Why would the assassin Dipper call me Shooting Star? I knew it wasn't Bill. It was completely Dipper...the dark side of Dipper basically.

'Dipper' drag me out to the back. As we were leaving the screaming died down. Litterly. 'Dipper' drags me out to the back door. 'Dipper' pulled out a small little silver ball from his belt. Then he threw it in front of us and a portal appears. 'Dipper' shoves me through the portal. I went through it and I stumble through my dress and I landed on the floor of tile.

Then 'Dipper' walked behind me and came quickly came up to me, "Mabel! Are you alright! I'm so sorry!" I'm guessing that he was back once his mission was done I guess. Dipper helps me up to my feet and the portal close. I rub my head. The hair style was ruin and a sore head. "Boy you have a strong grip?" I mumble, "Where are we?" Dipper started to get nervous. "Ah...Bill's house."

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