Chapter 15: Test Subject #1

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Dipper POV

We step through the portal and went to this court yard. I heard some people talking, two girls. We were behind a bush by a door. "Stay here Grunkle Ford." I hiss. Grunkle Ford didn't say no as he lean against the wall. He started to feel a bit better already. I poke my head over the bush and I could see Mabel in a dress and she was with this other female. I could sense that she was a demon, most likely the other demon who wants the throne. I tighten my grip around the bloody knife.


I came out of the bush. Luckily we landed where the demon had her back towards me. I started to creep up to her. "%&Ki))@" I muttered as I creep towards the small group. Mabel looks a bit up and she saw me. He face was surprise. Then I threw the knife.

You can't kill demons and I know that. I killed Chalka because he wasn't a full demon. He was just a demon want a be. So I can't kill demons...right away. That spell I muttered went to the knife. Once it hits the demon it will weaken her and drain her powers. Then if I keep picking on her then she will die. It is harder because their strengths aren't weaken, only their powers and immortality. People will ask, why not use it on Bill? I wouldn't dare to do it to Bill, for two reasons. One, I was order to not use that spell on Bill. If I try to do it then I will be punish.

You dare right.

Two, is because he is my master.

Master Bill's loyal servant!

The knife flew through the air about to hit the demon then suddenly a flying object just cut through the air and hit my knife and neither of them touches her. It made a loud sound, which startle Mabel.

"Don't move!" A voice commanded. I turn my head and I could see a man with a bow and arrow pointed at me...wait a second... "Didn't I just kill you?" I groan. The man seems to be in shock as he lower his weapon a bit then he sharply brought it back up. "You killed my brother!"

Arg great. Twins. Why are there so many twins in the galaxies?

"You shall pay!" He sneers as he releases the arrow. I brought up my hand and caught the arrow before it could pierce my heart. "Nice try." I snicker. By this time the demon already turned to face me. I was close to her. I quickly and silently muttered the spell again to the arrow. Then I lung to attack the demon before the twin could pull out another arrow. I raise my weapon to the demon. Then the demon hisses, showing her fangs, and then she jumped on me crashing me on the ground. She was a Vamp. She was basically a Vampire on earth but Vamps and Vampires are different in their ways but they are similar in their own ways.

I fell to the ground with the Vamp demon on top of me. I had dropped the arrow as she crushes me to the ground. She pin my arms. Then she sank her fangs into my neck.

Mable POV

"Stars tell stories you know." Tori said as we look up to the stars, "Everything has a story." I nod, "Everything does have a story. No matter how small, big, weird, creepy, and so on you are. There is always a story on how you came to be what you are right now." Tori nods as she took a step closer to me, "Exactly, so Mabel, what is your story?" I turn and face her. "I don't know what you mean." "How you came to be here? You were Bill's prisoner before I came. So how did you become William's Prisoner?"

I pause for a moment. I really don't know how to reply to that. Then I saw Dipper creeping towards us. Then Tori looked at me and she started to turn. Then Dipper threw the knife. Clash! It was a loud sound and it startle me, I gasp scream. "Don't move!" A voice commanded. I look and could see a man with a bow and arrow. Dipper groan, "Didn't I kill you?" The man seemed to look upset as he lower his weapon then sharply brought it up. "You killed my brother!" He cried out, "You shall die." Then he releases his arrow. "Dipper!" I cried out but then Dipper stop the arrow form killing him. "Nice try." Dipper sneer. Then he lung at Tori. Tori hiss then she jumps on Dipper, pinning him to the ground and lean in. Dipper started to scream.

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