Chapter 13: Trust No One

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Hey! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry that I haven't updated. I got grounded so that is why I haven't updated. Well now I am un grounded and so here I am. Again I'm so sorry for leaving you. I didn't mean to get grounded. I am so sorry.....well thank you for waiting and thank you for the view, comments, and votes. You are amazing and I did feel so terrible that I left you guys. I am really sorry. So let move one! On ward!

Bill POV

I was in my office. It's been a few hours and I haven't heard anything from Pine Tree. I wasn't really expecting him to find the branding within an hour. I was trying to think who it was. I knew it was female. What demon that I know is female? There was too many. Then the color started. When that started to work? There was no need for it. Then I saw the bone maid, who was cleaning in the office, fell to the ground.

What strangeness. Then I remember how Pine Tree passed out with certain gas. I train him how not to. Some of the creatures he might cross with will use gas to knock him out. Then a thought came into my mind. Then angry drench me.

I then quickly left to my office and was on my way to Shooting Star's room. They are here. The assassin and they are after the dream stone. What fools.

I came around the corner but then something grabs me and slams me to the ground. I didn't feel anything like how if I was in a human body then I could have felt something but I wasn't. I looked up and saw her.


"Of course it is me? What do you think? Do you really think that you are the only one that will be after the throne?"

I got red and I form blue flames in my hands, "If you know what is best for you, you better leave!"

"Oh don't worry I will but will a few souvenirs." She sneers.

I threw a flame at her. She ducks. She was a demon, one of a few demons that kept her human form. She was quite power. She was basically the demon of love and men. Arg! When does she have to be a part of this? I remember that branding was her symbol. A snake with wings.

She had golden blond hair and bright pink eyes and fangs for her teeth. She was quite beautiful. I do got to becoming a demon I actually had a crush on her...just a small one...then I learn she was a competition so I stopped liking her.


She laughs, "On come one Bill, we don't need to get angry."

I threw another flame at her and it actually hit her. She fell to the ground. I know she wouldn't feel the pain but it would hold her back.


Then I threw another flame at her and she rolled to the side. Then she gave a nasty smile then she disappeared, "Ah William Cipher, what a shame on how this ended up." Her voice hiss like a snake, that is where the branding fits in, "All I wanted was the throne. You could have kept everything else but why the throne? It is a shame."

"I'm taking the throne and bring back my friends. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO!"

"Ppplllease. You aren't thinking about bringing your friends from the nightmare realm?"

"Of course I am."

Then she came up behind me. "Well then I guess there is a competition." Then she grabs me and I felt so weak. I never felt so weak...only that one time while I was in Pine Tree's body and Shooting Star was running around. "I gain some new powers William. I'm stronger now and there is nothing that you can do. You like chess...well here is a chess reference....right now I'm taking your ponds...your jewel to win and you best pond out of the rest. Check mate William."

No One Can Save You Now (2nd Book of The Lost Brother)Where stories live. Discover now