Chapter 16: Siblings Together and Forever

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Mabel POV

I was in horror. They were now going to cut Dipper open. Dipper is going to die, right in front of my eyes as he bleeds to death.

"I was always wondering about those floating ribs of the human body. Get one out for me Jume." Tori order. Jume had a huge smiling face. "Finally!" Then Jume reach to another desk and pull out a knife. Then he went over to Dipper.

"Don't! Please don't!" I cried out. Jume looks at me. With a soft face then look down at Dipper then back at me. Then he shook his head. "You are going to regret this." Dipper mumbles with a mouth full of blood and pain. "Oh please you are going to regret kill my brother."

"And you can live kill her brother?"

"It's not the same."

"It is too the same. You were close to your twin brother. She is close to her twin brother. What does that mean to you?"

Jume bits his lower lip.

"It is a code for you, "Siblings together and forever, let not even death do them apart. Let them stick together for all time. Take revenge on those you kill your other half but do not kill the other half of another." Don't think I haven't study ancient codes." Dipper reply. Jume bit his lip. He was thinking. Then he looks back on Tori who were busy with...whatever she was doing with Dipper's blood, skin, and teeth. "I'm sorry." He mutters. Then he cut Dipper off to the side then starts digging at his ribs. Dipper cried out as he starts digging for the floating ribs. I look away.

Then I heard a small snap. It sickens me. Then I look up and I could see in Jume's hand was a bloody rib as he walks towards Tori. I look at Dipper. He was in pain and I could see blood dropping to the ground. I knew that Dipper wasn't going to last very long.

"What is next?" Jume ask Tori. "Bring me his tousles if he has them. I heard that they are useless and I want to know if they are really useless." Tori replies. Then Jume went over to Dipper and open his mouth and look in there. I could see some sadness in his face. I knew Dipper still had his tousles. Then Jume brought out another knife, a skinny one, and put it into Dipper mouth.

I had tears in my face as I watch this whole thing. I started to look away; I couldn't bare it any more. I knew that Dipper couldn't fight back. I could see him slipping. There was too much blood and pain. I didn't know how long it took Jume to cut out Dipper's tousles. The next thing was that Jume ask Tori what is next. I open my eyes and look over at Dipper. He was barely conscious.

"I want you take out his beating heart." Tori said.

"What?" Jume gasp, "But that is dark magic."

Tori rolls her eyes, "You can do it right?"

Jume swallow, "Yes of course but that is dark magic. It is against of what I believe in."

Tori rolls her eyes, "Oh your code blah, blah."

"It wasn't just my code. It was mine and my brothers. We promise to never use dark magic. It destroys our father and mother."

Tori looks at Jume coldly, "Well you serve me and you will do what I ask. Now do it!"

Jume pause for a moment.

"Do it or I'll do it to you but since I don't have magic, I'll carve your beating heart out."

Jume swallowed and then went over to Dipper. Jume close his eyes and sigh. Then Jume raise his hand and then jam it into Dipper's chest. I gasp scream. Dipper winces and muffles gaps. Tears flooded down my cheeks. Then Jume yank his hand out and in his hand was a beating heart. I cried out. Then I saw Dipper go limp. I started to cry. "Dipper! Dipper!" I crock out. Then Jume grimy walk over to Tori and set the heart on desk.

I look at Dipper. He was limp and he wasn't moving an inch. Blood ooze out of his mouth, nose, neck, leg, arm, and side. He looks lifeless. It hurts me. I don't know if Dipper is alive or dead. Well his heart just came out of his chest but I don't know. Magic is a strange thing.

"What is next?" Jume ask grimy. Tori thought for a moment, "Well something that you don't need to do." Then Tori snap her fingers. Then this machine came down from the ceiling and came towards Dipper's head. It was a drill.

"I need to get into his brain. And there is a need to be very careful with it. You are no longer needed. I got everything from here." Tori said. Then she went over to Dipper. Tori then pulls the drill to the front of Dipper head.

"Tori don't!" I beg. "Please stop." Tori just ignored me. Then continue to head for Dipper's head. She started the machine and the drill started and it got closer to Dipper's head. Then Jume came and yank Tori away. The machine stops only millimeters from Dipper's head. "What are you doing?" Tori screamed.

"Siblings together and forever, let not even death do them apart. Let them stick together for all time. Take revenge on those you kill your other half but do not kill the other half of another." Jume said, "I don't care if he killed Lan, my brother. Lan moved on and so should I. I only serve you because of Lan but now Lan is gone, so there is no will to serve you!" Then Jume shove Tori across the room. Then Jume reach and grab the betting heart on the table. Then he moves the drill away from Dipper's head and then jams the heart back into his chest. Dipper gasps for breath.

Then Tori came and tackle Jume. I then yank on the chain trying to break free. Tori hiss, "How dare you betrayed me! You will die! Join your brother in hell!" Then Jume close his eyes and mutter something under his breath then Tori flew in the air. Jume got up to his feet and Jume raise his hand and the metal cuffs unlock around Dipper and me.

Then Tori came with two knifes in each hand. She threw on at me; I duck and it clatter to the wall above me. Then Jume came after her. I then crawled over to Dipper. Dipper was breathing and he was partly awake. "Dipper!" I muttered to him. Then Jume fell over my head. I look and could see Tori. She pulled out another knife and she threw it at me but I duck. Then Jume came up and threw a spell at her then duck down next to me.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

Jume shrug, "Like I said before, but I can't explain. We just need to leave before Tori used her powers. She uses her powers. It won't be pretty."

Then Jume looks then a blast full of pink fire his him. Jume fell back to the ground. I then grab Dipper and pull him to the ground in my arms. He was cover in blood and I don't think he is going to last long. Then Tori jump to the table with a pink flame in her hand. Then Jume threw a fire ball at Tori and Tori block it. Then Tori came and threw a fire ball at Jume and Jume roll to the side and then he threw a powerful invisible force at Tori and Tori fell off the table. Then Jume came up to me and raise his hand above Dipper's wound on his side. It started to heal up. Then there was a small explosion and I could feel the heat. Tori threw a fire ball that exploded the table. I grab Dipper in a better grip and moved away from the fire.

Then Tori jump through the fire. Jume jump up to defend with a spell but then Tori brought up her leg and kick Jume. Jume didn't fall. Then Tori and Jume started to have a hand to hand combat. I cradle Dipper in my arms. The wound at his side stop oozing so much. Dipper was still unconscious and he was mumbling.

Then Jume came up to me. He had scratches all over him, and he was bleeding on his left arm. He quickly came and scoops up Dipper over his shoulder, "Let's get out of here." Then h quickly reaches to his belt and pulls out a small little ball, like something what Dipper had around his belt. Then he threw it to the ground and a portal appeared. "Go!" Jume order.

"NO!" I heard Tori screamed. Then she threw another fire ball, this time at me. I barely had time to duck. Then Tori attack me. She tackled me to the ground. She climb on top of me, "You aren't going anywhere jewel! You are my ticket to the throne. I'm not going to lose up!" "Get off of me!" I cried out. Then Tori bent down and bit me on the arm. I scream, "Stop! Stop!" I started to feel a burning weakness. I started to get weak and tired. I try to squirm out by she just tightens her grip around my forearm. Everything started to get fuzzy and dark. Then a strong force pulled Tori away from me. Then I felt someone scooping me up. "NO! NO!" I heard Tori screaming. Then I heard nothing and everything went back.

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