Chapter 9: Kitchen Fight

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Mabel POV

"What do you mean? Dipper what did you hear?" I ask. Dipper looked at the door then back at me, "Alright I heard in there someone demanding where the stone is. It wasn't Grunkle Ford and I don't think he would demand it. Then I heard crying out in pain. He was torching the king. Then the King cried out, Necklace on my daughter. Then they ended him. They are also after the necklace."

"Do you think they followed us?" I ask looking back at the door, "I don't know maybe but who knows. Mabel you were with the princess. Did she talk about a necklace with a stone?" Dipper asks. I was trying to think but then I remember, "Dipper...I think she gave it to me." I said. "What?" Dipper asks. Then he looked at the necklace with his eyes, "That is it. I just didn't recinze it. There has only been one other universe with it as a necklace." Then Dipper went around me to unhook it, since it was too small to go through my head. I pulled my hair to the side as Dipper reach for the necklace.

"Ahh!" Dipper cried out. "What? What happen?" I ask. I turn around and could see Dipper rubbing his hand, "It shocked me!" Then Dipper started to mumble something but I didn't hear. I turned the necklace at the front and I look at a pan to help me unhook it. "Ah...Dipper. I can't take it off."

"What?!" Dipper came up and looks on how I was unhooking it. I was pressing on the little lever but it seems like it was jam. I couldn't get it open. "Here." Dipper said as he reach for the necklace but then it there was a small spark and Dipper cried out, "Ahh!"

"Great. Why do freaking Royals have to make things so compacted?" Dipper grumbles. "They charmed it! I can't touch it and you can't take it off. Nobody could take it off or touch it. Only a royal can take it off."

"What!" I cried out. Then there was a sound of a door creaking and Dipper grab me and we duck to the floor. We crawled to a table. Dipper looks off to the side, "Great. Two of them." I looked over and I could see two young men. One was taller with black hair and had one green eye and one blue eye. His skin was pasty white and there seem to be a scar on his left cheek. The other one was a bit shorter but still really tall, had blond hair, pitch black eyes, and a tanner skin then the other one.

They both wore future like clothes like Dipper. The black haired one was wearing a grey cloak, a navy blue high V-neck shirt, and he was wearing dark pants and boats. The blond one was wearing a blood red cloak, with a black turtle neck shirt, and was wearing like a very dark blue pants, darker then navy blue.

Dipper turns to me, "I want you to go to the back door. Leave out the door but stay outside of the door. Don't come in. I will try to stop them but you got to stay away from this." I nod my head. "Wait just a moment as I detract them." Then I watch as Dipper crawled away. Then I notice that the two men were started to walk around the kitchen. Dipper hide behind this heater or frige thing. Waiting pacently for one of them to come by.

The blond one was getting close to him, while the dark haired one was getting close to me. I started to panic. He was so close, he just got to look left then down then he could see me. Or even just look left. Since I was wearing a bright red dress in a white kitchen. Luckily there was things covering the table but it wasn't going to help me long.

Then I heard a crash. I turn and I could see Dipper on top of the blond one rolling on the ground. The dark haired one came charging. I got up and headed for the backdoor. I tried the door knob but it was locked.

Dipper POV

Once the blond haired one came close I grab him and bang him against the fridge or heater...whatever it is. Then he grab my and we both went down the ground. He was on top but then I kick up my feet under him and got up off. I jump to my feet and the other one came. I grab a pan and swing it at the dark haired one.

Come on! Don't be afraid to get some blood into this! Bring out the blood in them. Make them taste their blood and death.

The Blond one grabs my ankles and yanks me off the ground. I landed on my back and kick at his face and he let go. The dark haired one grab a big pot of something hot...I'm not sure, I'm guessing either water or Spoo Stew. One of those two....then he dump it towards me. I jerk my body back doing a flip to get to my feet. Spoo Stew was everywhere. Then he threw the pot at me but I dough it. Then the blond one came up and grabs two knives. He threw one at me but I grab it in midair and threw it back at him. He duck and barely missing it.

Come on! Don't scare them...kill them!

Shut up! I got this. And I am not going to kill them....

Unless you have to...uh, was that what you were going to say? Admit it. You can kill them and you shall! Don't try to scare who you really are and what Bill touch you. Show who you are!

Then the dark haired one came at me with knives and started to swing them at me. I dough them by moving or my hands. They were coming in close. These people were pros. Great. I grab a pan and when a knife came swing I smack the hand then I hit the head. I brought out my leg and kick him in the chest and kicked him hard and he ran into this big mixer and then fell to the ground.

The blond one came behind me with a dark smile, "So the rumors are true that there is another assassin after the royals. Who are you working for!"

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" I snap back. Then I grab a pan and swing it at him. He dough it by going to the side then he hit me hard in the ribs. I fell to the ground unable to breath. "You are a weak assassin."

NO! You can't take that! You know that you are strong and you can kill! Show him what his blood looks like! Show him what hell looks like! Do it! DO IT!

"I don't understand why your boss has you kill the others. What do you kill them with? boredom?"

You have no idea.

He started to come up to me then I brought out my leg and kick him hard up between his legs. He gasps and leans forward a bit then I kick up to his face then to the gut and he stubble back. I got to my feet, "Well I am a weak assassin then how come you are lying on the ground." I snap. were also on the ground. You are weak because you haven't killed one of them yet! Can I please come out now!


Then the dark haired one tackled me and we slam to the ground. He started to throw punches at me. I brought out my feet and flip him over. Then the blond one came on top of me. I grab his arms then I pulled them and he fell to the side. I brought out my foot and kick him and I was out. I got to my feet but then I felt a shooting pain around my ankles.


I fell to the ground. The blond one had a shock whip. It rap around my ankles and it burn with the whip contacting my skin and because it was a shock whip which shocks you. I cried out. Then the dark haired one quickly climbs on top of me, "I don't care who you are or who your boss is. Where is the stone!"

Kill him! Stop him! He will hurt Mabel! KILL HIM!

"Never! The stone is gone and safe from you." I reply. Then he cuffed me on the face. "Then I guess you are in no use!" Then he raps his hands around my throat. I brought up my hands and grab his ear. He cried out in pain but then he brought out his foot and pulled down my arm. His foot was now on my wrist and I struggle to get it out. He got the other one pin to my side by sitting on me.

I struggle as I tried to breath. "Poor little assassin losing your breath are we." The dark haired one sneer.

You fool! Get him off! Kill him!

I stared to see spots coming out and I was losing it. Then I heard a WACK! Then a second latter I head another. Then the fingers around my throat loosed. I cough and gasp from breath. Then my watch went off and I lost it.

No One Can Save You Now (2nd Book of The Lost Brother)Where stories live. Discover now