Chapter 20: Ball Room Dancing

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Mabel POV

I went through the portal and enter to a starry night. It was night time and the sky was full of pretty stars. Jume lead me to a crowd of people that was entering to the ball room. The guards where checking on them with tickets. I felt panic. I lean in and whisper to Jume, "Do we have tickets or invitation?" Jume nods, "Yes." Then he pulls out two tickets from his back pocket.

We got up to the gaurds and Jume showed them the tickets and they let us pass. "How did we get those?" I ask him. Jume smiles, "Well I am an assassin. I know how to get in to things." I gave a small smile.

The room was huge. There was a large (shaldolar ) above us all, tables full of food and drinks, full of dancing and happy people, and just very pretty with light and the color white and cream tan color.

"Come one, lets dance." Jume said. Then Jem grab my hand and waist and brought me close. I place my hand on his shoulder. Then we dance. "You are a pretty good dancer." I said. Jume smiles, "Thanks. You are pretty good for yourself." I smile back.

"Tell me Mabel, what is it like to be in the Tri Universe?" Jume ask.

I shrug, "It is kind of like everywhere else really. We are one kind, but there isn't much magic, we aren't high in the technology, and we are just a simple kind."

"I don't believe that."

"What do you mean?"

"Cause I meet you and your brother. I don't think humans are just a simple kind. Maybe lower is all the ratings but they aren't simple. Human are rare because they don't go out because they around advance in tec. So people don't meet them. There is a lot of things humans can do but they are just blind to see them. Wizlords are most likely the closest to humans. Some people say that Wizlords are truly humans but nobody has proof."

"Waist if the King universe is ruled by a Wizlord then shouldn't the rest of them be Wislords? Not all of the royals are human." I ask.

Jume gave a small chuckle, "Well the king had many mistresses and the prince and princess had different kind of spouse. That is the reason."

"Intresting." I reply.

Jume laugh, "Very interesting indeed."

Then the song was over and we bowed.

"Females and Males, welcome to the Ball of Peace!" Said a voice. When I look up I could see that there was the king, I'm guessing, was on top of the balcony. "Now let the real ball begain!" Then the music start up and I got with Jume. "This is a trade partner dance." Jume said. "Alright so you look out for the princess." I said. Jume nods, "You be careful. Dipper or Pine Tree will be here." "Then you be careful because of Tori." I reply.

We started to do the dance. "I don't know this dance," I claim, "Just follow my lead and work your way around it. Just follow the males." Jume advise. Then Jume spun me and I went to a new partner. I dance with this one eye creature.

"What a pretty creature you are." He claim. That brought back bad memories. Back at the prison that lizard guy said that before he tried to rape me. I swallowed hard, "Ah, thanks."

"A shy one." The one eye creature laugh, "Don't worry little one. I'm not going to hurt you. What is your name?"

"Ah...Mabel." I whisper.

"Jabel? Nice to meet you Jabel, I'm J." J reply.

"Um it's Mabel." I spoke up a bit louder.

"Well Jabel what are you doing here? Who is your special little date."

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