Chapter 19: A Party with a Curse

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Mabel POV

"How are we going to the princess universe? There are gaurds and protective things. I'm not sure but the point is that getting in isn't easy." I reply. Jume nods, "I agree with that. What do you have plan Grandfather?" Cade ran through his beard, "There is a ball quickly coming up. It isn't a party like what the other universes do it is a ball. A real and fancy ball. You two are going in."

"Wait what." I started

"Grandfather" Jume finish, "Why us? Why aren't you going?"

"I'm an old man my boy. You see this ball is very special; it is a ball for young and royal people. Many rich people but it doesn't matter. The point is that you two are going. I must stay here."

"Shouldn't Mabel say here? She has the stone." Jume ask.

"I wish but she has to go. They aren't allowing singles. One man and one woman shall enter as one."

"Then Dipper can't enter...I mean Pine Tree." Jume said.

I shook my head, "That isn't true. He will get in with or without a girl. He gotten into palaces, parties, everything and he just fits in. He will be at that party."

"And so would Tori." Cade finish for me. "But there is a happy ending with this."

"What could be the happy ending?" I ask.

"At the party there is high tops Mo."

Jume gave a sigh of relief. I was very confuse, "What does that mean?" Jume answer, "It means high senses. Pine Tree and Tori can't attack or it will blow their cover. This princes universe has the peace stone. So there will be no fighting."

"So Pine Tree and Tori can't attack."

"Unless they want to be kicked out or disintegrated. It all depends on how the Mo feels."

"So everything will be alright." Cade said.

"When is the party?" I ask.

"Good question, the party will stop this evening."

Dipper POV

It was latter in the evening when I was called up. I was shoved into Bill's office. I was still weak from Bill draining me. "I hope you got some rest because we need to get back to work and fast." Bill said. I gave a small groan. "What?" Bill snaps. "Yes sir." I reply.

Bill floated down by me, "You see now we got two people after the throne. This isn't good Pine Tree. Not at all. Well there is one last weak royal universe then we have the two main ones. There is a ball in a few hours in the princes universe. You are going to the ball."

"Don't I need a date? It is a royal ball at the peace universe." I ask.

"You can figure out how to get in there." Bill said.

You bet we can!

Then Bill snap his fingers and I felt limp. "Now Pine Tree here are your orders. This is going to be one of those were you need to be very patient. This is the peace universe so at the ball you can't attack. They will kill you faster before you can say die. Attack at the right time. The stone will be around the princess's neck. The only daughter of the royal family there. You can touch that because the royal has it. So when you dance around and you get with the princes you will take it. Got it."

"Yes sir." I reply but really I didn't, "But what will happen after. The princes will call out and I'll be killed faster before I could say die."

"I know that is why I have a friend coming to help you out." Bill said.

Then the doors open and this mist came in with a bag. "Ah my old friend! It is good to see you!" Bill said. The Mist put it's bag down on the desk and was going through it. "Thank you again my friend for doing this." Bill said.

Then the mist pulled out a small test tube full of a light blue liquid and came up to me. I reach out my hand and took the test tube and drank it, Even though it wasn't me doing the actions. I could feel this coldness inside of me. My lungs started to burn. Then I started to cough both inside and outside.

I gave the test tube back. The mist went back to his bag. "Thank you; I'll explain what is going on to him. Thank you again my friend." Bill said then Bill snaps his fingers and a bag appeared on the desk. The mist took the bag, and its bag then left.

What is this? I cough but of course nobody heard me because I wasn't in control.

"You see Pine Tree, that potion what you just drank will give you a one shot power, to freeze. It is a curse that you hold in your center. Take the necklace and use that curse. For this curse. Nobody could break it. Then start breaking them and they will die. Kill the royals that way." Bill ordered.

"What, cough, about, cough cough, Tori, cough, and, cough cough cough, Shooting Star? Cough, I'm sure, cough cough, they will be, cough cough, there." I chock. "Well if Shooting Star is there then the necklace should save her. That is why you use the curse after you take the necklace. So Shooting Star will be safe. Tori...well that is a 50 50 chance. 50 would be she will freeze because she didn't see it coming. The other 50 is that she will see it coming and use a spell on herself to save herself....the good news out of that, she will be weak. So kill her after the curse. Everyone else will freeze and you will kill them." Bill reply. "Got it?"

"cough yes cough sir cough cough."

Mabel POV

I was put in another dress. What are up with dresses? The first one was the red one, then the pink one, the simple one (Which is my favorite so far) and now this blue one. I was in a pretty and simple blue dress that is straight, not poofly like the first one, but if I spin around then my dress will fly everywhere. It looks like a long and straight sun dress in my opinion. I did my own hair. I did a simple braid. Then Cade added star glitter to my hair.

Jume wore a very fancy black suit. It brought out his starry eyes more. Jume reach out his hand, "my lady, shall we go to a ball." Jume said it in a fancy tone which doesn't work for him. It was hard not to laugh, "Sure.", as I rap my arm around his arm.

"Alright you know the plan. Find the princess and talk to her. She is our only hope. Remember don't fight with only one or they will kill you. Alright." Cade instructed. We both nod. Cade smiles "look at you two. So pretty and fancy. You two will make a great couple."

"Grandfather!" Jume snaps.

I could see he was blushing and I felt my cheeks warm up.

"I'm joking! I'm joking! Alright have fun you two."

Then Cade opens a portal for us and we step through.

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