The File

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Questions raged in my mind, where did they take Trinity? Why? Who were those people? And most of all how do we save her?
Then someone spoke, bringing me out of my messed up mind. "We need to go back to my house, I think there is a way we can find her," Kai spoke softly. I glanced up at him. He looked fine but he had this forlorn look in his eyes, as if something terrible had happened. And something did happen. Trinity got kidnapped by God knows who and taken to some place. Then a thought struck me. "Kai, back at the restaurant I had a vision of the fire, it was weird and when the fire started, it was exactly like my vision..."
Kai looked alarmed. "We can talk about this later, first we need to find Trinity...." I nodded and followed Kai back home.
The house was as silent as a grave. Kai then directed me into his parents' room. "Why are we here?" I asked,doubtful. "Trin doesn't know, but ever since last year, our parents started acting strangely, like they were afraid of something. They both gave us watches. Being curious, I dismantled the watch and found that there was a tracker in it. I think my parents were afraid that something like this would happen. But I don't get why they would think that. Trin always wore it, so we can use the tracker to determine where she was taken to..." He said trailing off.
"Last week, I figured how to see where the person wearing the watch was. Shouldn't take too long. About an hour or so..." Kai said as he typed onto the keypad of his parents' computer.
While waiting, I took a seat on the sofa in the living room. I glanced back at my wrist and looked at my scar. It was so odd. Why could I see visions? Feeling someone sit next to me, I turned around and saw Kai staring at my wrist. "It's just taking some time..." He mumbled and looked away. "Umm, Kai?" I spoke,unsure of myself. "What?" He croaked, his voice strained as tears glistened in his eyes. "Who were you running from? You need to tell me, this could somehow be connected to Trinity," I whispered. Kai wiped his tears away furiously and motioned to his room.
Now that I was there, I took a good look around. There were papers stuck to the walls, with articles and some with post-it notes. His table was cluttered with books and papers. "Kai, you need to tell me..." I urge, as my eyes finally glanced at him.
"I'm sure Trinity told you what she knows. But that isn't the full story...
At age four, I was an orphan. My parents were dead and I roamed the streets. One day, a van appeared. A heavily-built man walked towards me and told me to come with him. Being naive and stupid I followed him. I was taken to a warehouse somewhere in the far forgotten areas of the city. There were other children there. And, there was a man, I called him the boss. He had a voice of authority and his figure towered over all of us. One day he got out a knife and started to cut numbers on us. That was how I had gotten my scar. And then I don't know the rest. The last thing I remember was seeing Trin,mum and dad and running towards them. I don't know why I can't remember the rest but it's always been nagging at me. One thing is for sure, I was running from him, the boss. I think, I think someone had made me forget my memory of what happened there on purpose... That's all I remember.
Kai stared at the wall and pointed to some articles. "I've been searching ever since, I want to find out what they did to me, who they were. When those ten people went missing, I figured it was related to what had happened to me. But it all led to dead ends. I just gave up and then when I saw you, I knew something wasn't right. And when I saw your scar and how you couldn't remember who you were, I knew it was no coincidence..." He paused as he gave me time to digest all I had heard.
Was I an orphan, was I taken too? By who? And why? "There's something else too, Trinity has been acting strange lately. She knew things before it happened. I've been worried that something was happening to her and now this happens. It's all my fault..." Kai says as he grips his desk so hard that his knuckles are white as snow. "Wait hold up, she knew things before it happened? The day she met me at the restaurant she told me she had seen me in a dream, and I was starting a fire or something. And... I can see visions sometimes too, like I saw the fire and wait the old man!" I sputtered, nearly falling off the chair I had sat on . "What? What do you mean by the old man?" Kai asked, confused.
Then I told him everything that had happened with the old man and what happened at the park when I had gotten the headache and saw my scar.
Kai looked at me, shocked." You know what this means right? The old man must know what happened to you. And maybe that injection was given to me too, to make me forget. But why? I think this has something to do with why you and Trinity can see into the future..." He said as he stood up and grabbed his jacket. "So you really think so? But how can we do that? I thought people only had superpowers in comic books and movies. This is way too weird..." I said trailing off as Kai got his phone and searched something. "Anthony Aptor lives right down this street! Let's go!" Kai grabbed my hand and we both ran towards his house. A cold breeze sent goosebumps down my entire being. Snapping back to reality, Kai knocked on the door of the old man's house. Five minutes passed, but no one answered. Having no choice, Kai kicked the door open and we both scrambled in. My heart thundered against my chest. What if we get caught, for breaking and entering? Then a smell so bad hit me. It was like a rotting corpse, like the smell of death... The pungent smell was so strong that I felt bile rise up my throat. Kai obviously was feeling the same, because he got his jacket and covered his mouth. We walked towards the source of the smell. And we found not something but Anthony Aptor himself.
His face was as pale as the color of the walls surrounding him. His eyes had a soulless look in them. His cheeks were sunken in, deepening his wrinkles. His mouth was open, as if he was screaming in agony. And next to his lifeless body, was a pool of crimson blood. As the thought that I was standing next to a dead body hit me, I retreated back and hit into Kai. Who killed him? I was just about to apologize when I realized how close our faces were. I chuckled uneasily and stood up gingerly. Kai blushed and looked away. Then something caught my eye. I walked towards it and saw that it was a desk. But what had caught my eye was the open drawer. There was a file in it. And next to it was a notebook. I don't know why, but an urge to take it surfaced in me, and I succumbed to it. I grabbed the notebook and the file and walked back to Kai. He had already made a anonymous call to the police and reported the dead body.
When we reached back home, Kai and I looked into the file. What I had seen, made me double back in shock. Kai's eyes widened as he stared at the photo. It was a photo of a group of children, and in it were two very familiar people.
It was Kai and I. The other people were unfamiliar but the photo dated back to 2005, the year I would have been four. Then Kai's words sparked a thought in me. This picture would mean that we and some other children were taken. But why? And by who? Then I thought back to the missing children. I glanced back to the picture and counted. 10 people exactly. But why would the old man have this picture? And why did he call me a monster when I had seen him in the town square? I don't get it.
Then Kai prodded me and we both looked at the other photos in the file...
Who am I? Where is Trinity? Why can I see visions? Why was I given an injection to forget my memories? Who killed Anthony Aptor? And how did he get a picture of us and 8 other children?

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