The Name

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It was... Kai.
Who the heck is that?
I stuffed the post-it into my sling bag and walked forward. I'd at least try to make it to the highway and maybe hitch a ride.

A stiff breeze smacked my entire body as I clenched my sling bag to myself. Why couldn't I have brought a jacket instead?
I had so many questions and what scares me is that if no one answers them, they'll drive me to the brink of insanity.

Unless I'm already insane.

I was contemplating about how my karma was really,really bad when a thought struck me. Would anyone even want to help me? I look like some dirty homeless person who's "slightly" insane. Wow. What the fudge cake was I thinking.
I should just stay here until I die from starvation and animals feed off my body.

I inwardly shudder. No way am I going to let that happen.
I try to think of anything I remembered.
A few memories opened and I found myself recalling that I knew Taekwondo. I also knew I could not touch my nose with the tip of my tongue.I tried to think of something more important. Hmm. What about my age?

It's as if the answer was buried in my mind, just waiting for me to uncover it. A number comes into my mind. I like it, I'm fourteen going on fifteen.
What about my birthday? Nothing comes up and I rack my brain for more memories. Only unimportant things like ice cream and swimming comes up and I give up.

After a while, my teeth start chattering. I try to focus on where the sounds from the cars were coming.
I look back and I realize I have no idea where to go. I was utterly and hopelessly lost.
Well done (whatever my name is)!
I shook my head in annoyance and internally face palmed my self. My eyes were so dry that I was starting to think I'd never be able to blink.
Nah. I blinked.

I try to gather up all the body warmth I had and hug myself (really uncomfortable if you must know).
While I was shivering and probably suffering from hypothermia, I heard footsteps.
No that can't be right.
The footsteps became louder.
Panic gripped my entire being.
Two thoughts came across my mind.

I tried to think of a Taekwondo move to confront the person following me. Ughhh what do I do? There's so many blocks and kicks and I'm afraid if I even try to move I'll just fall to the ground. The cold had already seeped into my bones.

A figure appeared out of the shadows of the woods and started walking towards me, looking down. I tried to squint and examine who I was going up against. The figure just kept walking and looking downwards at something in her/his hand.
Before I could react, he/she smacked into me and I fell to the ground. My body went limp.

The darkness overwhelmed me as my eyelids confined me in solitude...

I was in a room.
Tongues of flames licked and devoured everything in its way. The flames grew and grew. My lungs threatened to explode as terror gripped me. My breathing was ragged as the last drops of hope drained out of me.

What do I do? How did I end up here?

Smoke overwhelmed the whole room. The fire seemed to be mocking my pathetic state. I chocked on the acrid smoke as the darkness swallowed me into eternity as I experienced a feeling of weakness...
Searing hot pain shot through my entire being. I immediately jolted awake.

Who am I? Okay I still don't remember. What was that? Maybe it was just a nightmare. Or a memory?
The figure stood above me. "Is that a devil who has come to claim me for all the sins I have done?" I ask, clearly delusional and not in the right mind.

When did I become so dramatic. Maybe this memory thing is getting to me.
"No umm it's just me, a human," a throaty voice said with a tinge of anxiety,"Are you okay?"
"I think so, wait, did you just slap me?" I said with confusion. "Yeah". I could hear the embarrassment in his voice. It's definitely a he. "Umm okay could you please help me get up?" I asked impatiently.

A hand grabbed my palm and pulled me up. Okay, it was definitely a he.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking because as you see I was engrossed with my phone." He explained as he showed me his phone.

I stared at him, he seemed to be pretty confused. He cleared his throat.

"Umm are you sure you're okay? What's your name? Wait, that's quite impolite, I should introduce myself first, I'm Eli." he said.

"Well I can only answer one of those questions, I am quite okay, as for my name I don't remember..." I said as I glanced at the now even more confused Eli.

"What do you mean by you don't remember? Are you pranking me?" He said, clearly starting to get annoyed.
"This isn't funny. Cut the act." He said again, freaked out by my dirty appearance most probably.

Before he could ask me anything else, I explained my situation to him. I know it's wrong to go sputter everything to someone you don't even know but as it's pretty apparent, I wasn't thinking properly.

His eyes bulged out of his sockets,okay I'm exaggerating but he was quite shocked, for a moment I thought he was going to get a seizure or something and fall to the ground in a fit.

Obviously, that did not happen.

"Okay maybe you need to rest a bit. School just finished. I was taking the normal shortcut to the mall to go meet my friends, when I bumped into you, would you want to come with me?" He asked helpfully. As much as I was wary, I was also very tired and cold.

Sucking a deep breath and forcing a smile onto my face, I spoke up. "Okay show me the way, but please don't bump into me again or I may forget my memory again!" I grinned jokingly.

He chuckled uneasily.

"Okay let's go." I said, breaking the awkwardness...


Hey guys! Hope this chapter was okay! Btw found a cute post it note- pic above. Thought it fit the story well:)

What do you think of Eli?

Until next time

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