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Thanks to alinathaykayjosi for making this beautiful banner!
Btw hope you like 18! Max Theiriot is super cute. XD on with the chapter!
Hope ya like it!


Ava's P.O.V
It's been about twenty minutes since Kai's outburst. The weirdest part was when he came back in the car, his face was painted with sadness and his eyes were dull. His warm brown eyes had become dark and lifeless.
I wanted to ask what was wrong but he gave me the vibe that he didn't want to talk.
He went back to sleep not long after that.
I continue to stare out of the window as some song by a boyband plays softly in the background. There were no cars ahead of us and I was starting to think we were lost.
"Uh. Noah are we lost by any chance?"
"Nope just in some really deserted place." He replied, not a single trace of sarcasm in his voice.
Well that was reassuring.
Bored, I start fiddling with my hands. I remember my bandage on the head and lightly brush my fingers against it, wincing at the memory of the pain.
I was still trying to figure out the dream I had. It was as if the answer was at the tip of my tongue yet out of my reach. If everything I dreamt became real, what did the images mean. And how would I know when what I had seen was going to happen?
At some point in time Noah had attempted to strike a conversation but I was too wrapped up in my thoughts to pay attention.
What did it all mean?
I tapped my fingers on the window. Making a rhythmic sound.
What did it all mean? What did it ALL mean? What. Did. It. All. Mea-
Noah's incessant ramble came to a stop, as if he was waiting for someone to answer. It takes a moment for me to realize that he was asking me something.
"Huh what?" I asked, staring at anywhere but his face, trying to recollect my thoughts.
"I was asking if you could wake Kai up and if you still wanted to listen to this station." He clarified, sounding tired and slightly annoyed (my fault most probably.)
"Umm... Anything's fine." I reply, turning sideways. I gently nudge Kai, a grumble is all I hear. I poke him harder and this time there isn't a response. Just as I was about to resort to something particularly nasty, he shifts and suddenly, his head is on my shoulder. His warm breath sends goosebumps down my arm. Feeling super uncomfortable with the sudden weight on my body, I shrug him off and his head lands on the seat. It takes him a few seconds to get up. Groggily, he yawns and stretches out his hands. In the process, my face gets smacked and a string of curse words find their way into my mind but not out loud. All I do is grit my teeth and punch Kai in the stomach.
"What the fudge was that for?" His response making me laugh out loud.
A few seconds of silence passed. As if answering his own question, he sighs and mutters an apology, taking me by surprise.
Was all I could say because just then a sound ripped through the air and the rest was a blur.
All I remember is someone jumping into the back and blocking both Kai and I.


Noah's P.O.V
(Five years prior)

"Jacky come out, come out wherever you are!" I shout, scanning the entire living room.
A giggle echoes from somewhere. I see Dan pointing upstairs. We both silently creep up the stairs. Once again, I ask "Jacky where are you? I'm gonna get you!"
A louder laugh this time. Dan takes the lead and by then we both had deducted that Jackson was hiding either in the playroom or the bedroom. Dan goes to the bedroom, motioning me to go to the latter. I hunch a bit and start "pink panthering" towards the playroom. Looking everywhere, I spot Jackson crouching inside the mini tent on the super high double decker bunks.
"Aha! Found you Jacky. Now let's go join the others downstairs for lunch Kay?" I ask, hoping he'll come down and not pull a fuss.
"Nooo! I wanna play again!"
Ugh why are 5 year olds so obstinate. Where is Dan when you need him? Why did he have to leave me to my doom. I'm so gonna kill him later.
Summoning my strict older brother-ishness I crane my neck and stare at him. "You come down now mister! Or no Choco pudding for you!"
"Nooo! I want Choco pudding! Fine. I'll come down. But you need to catch me 'cause I'm gonna jump!"
A wave of panic engulfs me.
"Jackson no. It's dangerous."
But the child turned a deaf year and as if in slow-motion he gets out of the tent and starts climbing on the railing.
I start to position myself below him. Praying that he'll change his mind.
"Please Jacky, don't do this."
"You better catch me hehe!"
And then he took the leap. I knew just then that I had made a terrible mistake.
All I heard was a crack and then my emotions tumbled out of control. I stood there frozen, nothing in my arms. No annoying 5 year old weighing me down. I stepped back and right to the left of me, Jackson lay unconscious as blood tricked out of his head. Tears come crashing down. I gawk at his figure. Hoping he'd move. Praying.
I kneel down and poke his body. Nothing, no laughter, no cry of annoyance, just nothing. And that was the most terrifying thing. Not able to accept it, I carried him in my arms and held his hand. Just willing him to wake up.
I closed my eyes and curled up, hugging him tightly. I'd been there for what seemed like eternity. In the background a voice shouts for us to come down for lunch.  I kept replaying everything in my mind.
And then as if mocking me, a voice whispered in my ear. "Noah why are you crying?" It was Jackson's cheery voice. Shocked, I looked up only to see his big eyes staring at mine. My heart skipped a beat. How could it be? I looked down at my hands and there was still the blood from his head on it.

Then how was he alive?

That was the question wasn't it?Jackson just went down and ate his Choco pudding, as if nothing had happened. Everything was normal and that was the problem. The next day nothing abnormal happened.
That is until one year later.

(One year later)
I'd been cutting tomatoes for that night's dinner when I accidentally cut myself. A dull pain coursed through my body. I looked down only to see a deep cut on my palm. Just by looking at it, the dull pain ignited and built up into a full blown wave of agonizing pain.
I bit my lips as hard as I could to numb the pain. I ran towards the basin to wash the blood away.
Turning on the tap, I put my hand underneath the running water. You could imagine my shock when there was no deep cut.
Just slight pain and the residue of blood.

Noah's P.O.V
(Present time)
I didn't know whether to question Kai about his previous outburst or burst out laughing when Ava punched him in the stomach. They're bickering was very entertaining to say the least.
A weird sensation started to creep up my neck, that feeling you get when someone's watching you.
At the corner of my eye, a man and a girl were staring at us. I was creeped out so I continued looking in front, purposely ignoring them. And just like that the man pulled out a gun and a bullet pierces through the air, nailing one of the wheels. Another bullet makes the windscreen crash down on me. Some shards cut me but I know I'm going to heal.
Another round of bullets fly through the air.
It's Kai and Ava I'm more worried about. I jump to the back and try to shield them. Not having time to think about doubting my ability to heal.


Hope you guys like this chapter!
I'm sorry if it isn't that long and for the super long wait!
So now my updates will be every weekend since school has started. If I don't update on a weekend, it means I'm busy and I'll post the chapter the next weekend. I hope you guys are not too stressed out with homework.

So as usual I have questions.

Were you expecting Noah to have an ability too?

Who do you think that man and girl is and why do you think the man started shooting at them.

Anyone gonna catch the 5th wave? I AM!!!

Wohooo Nick Robinson is da besttttt. XD I hope it's good:) anyways if I'm free I may update another chap tmw!
Until then, byeeeee

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