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Hi guys. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I was super sick and had tons of homework. Thanks for being so patient!
Now on with the chapter;)


"Who do you think sent them?"

"Should we bring them back to base?"

"No dumbass. We kill them first."

"Wait was that sarcasm?"

"Goddamnit. Why'd you have to be so annoying."

"Matt I think one of them is moving."

Ava's P.O.V

All I hear is these voices in my head.
They just keep repeating and repeating.

Don't trust anyone.
Don't trust him.
Don't trust anyone.
Don't trust him.

I just feel like ripping my head off.


Why won't they stop.


And then it all stops.
What the hell is going on with me.
My head starts spinning and then I can't hear anything.

Something is on top of me.

I can't move.
I can't breathe.
I can't-
Why can't I move?

And then it's as if an ounce of energy dripped back into me and I find myself yelling.

I still can't see.
But all I do is yell.

It's the only way to control the insanity taking over my mind. So I just let it all out.
A rage of terrifying thoughts take over my mind. What if I was making up all these images. What if I'm really insane. What if I was made to forget my memory because I was evil?
What if-

"Could you just stop yelling? My ears can't take it!"
A voice stops me. And everything comes back.

My vision.
The pain.
All in one big blow.

I flimsily try to remove whatever is weighing me down. It proves to serve no help because my arms seem to have lost the ability to move.
I try to move my head sideways to see what the heck happened but a searing pain sends me back to the same position I was in.

My neck feels sore and my body, numb.
All I see is the sky above me.
I'd expect the sky to be stormy or angry in a way but it's as calm and magnificent as ever. It feels as if it's a treachery for the sky to be so beautiful when I'm in so much pain. But then again, I deserve every ounce of cruelty sent my way.
I still remember what Trinity had told me the day I met Kai and his friends.
Maybe I was the cause of everything that had happened, maybe I needed to die for the others to survive. But a bigger part of me, the one that is selfish, is scared.

Scared of everything.

Scared that I'll never remember.

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