The Assessment

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Trin's P.O.V
Okay...and I'm done eating the last slice-which I stuffed into my mouth, as 29 pushed me into a room. A blinding light is shone at my face and I instinctively block it. The excess heat is so warm that I can literally feel it radiating off the light. Sweat beaded on my forehead as my favorite top stuck to my body in a super uncomfortable way.
I can't feel 29's arm anymore. Dread starts to mount in me. Then as quick as it came, it went. My eyes fluttered open as a dim light illuminated my surroundings. I appeared to be in a large room. But nobody was here. The hollow emptiness was suffocating. Then a voice draws me out of my helplessness.
"Hello, 32. This is your assessment. You have 1 hour to display your ability. Everything you do is recorded. Don't do something you'll regret. Kindly proceed to the end of the room where your necessities for this assessment are placed. Good luck. Don't disappoint us or you will suffer the consequences."
My mind raced. I have so many questions. Basically everything they said was very confusing and vague but there's one thing I'm sure of. I so don't want to suffer whatever consequences these people have in mind.
I darted towards the end of the room. There's a black costume that's actually really cool. And a blade. What am I supposed to do with that? Are they going to make me use it? For what? Oh my god. They want me to fight. Why? Who do I fight? And must I mention I have no experience in fighting or handling a blade. Well I'm going to die either way. How depressing...
There was a mini fitting room near the end so I went in and changed into the black outfit. It actually fit me well. That's just weird. I grabbed the blade and nervously walked towards the middle of the room. What am I supposed to do? Stand around and wait for something to happen? A voice brought me out of my questions. "That wouldn't be wise." A deep male-like voice said. Wait did he just read my mind?
"Yes I did. No need to freak out..." The voice interrupted. What the fudge is happening? What kind of black magic mojo thingy am I involved in? Why is this happening... Oh wait he can read my mind. Shoot...
A humorless chuckle sounded the room, sending shivers down my spine. A dozen damselflies were in my stomach. I could feel them churning and twisting. My hands were clammy and I did the stupidest thing ever. My stupidity astounds me sometimes. I had done something that would serve as an advantage to the person who I was supposed to fight.
I dropped my blade. Who knew four words could end my life. A strike from behind sent me falling to the ground with a reverberating thud. Ow...that hurt a lot. I got up as fast as I could. How am I supposed to fight my opponent when I can't even see where he is? What ability did they want me to use? How could he even read minds? Could I read minds too? I pursed my lips in concentration. A few seconds passed. Okay I don't have the power to read minds. Then as if on cue, my unknown opponent who can somehow do the impossible, punched me in the back. I fell to the ground again. At this rate I'm going to die before I'm 16.
No I can't. I can't leave Kai alone. My parents. My friends. I'll do this for them. Then driven with a sense of determination. I got up and gritted my teeth. A wave of pain overcame me but it wasn't from external forces. It was internal. More specifically, from my head. This has happened many times actually. I get headaches and then I get a glimpse of pieces of information and what's weird is that these pictures or information comes true in real life. It's like telling the future. At first when it happened I was freaked out but now I've gotten used to it. I still have no idea why it happens. Well that's a question for another time.
Then a wave of realization swept me. Maybe this is the ability they want me to show. Deciding I don't need the blade, I place it on the ground.
I pay attention to what I'm seeing in my head. My opponent is right behind me. I see that he is preparing to tackle me. Seeing this as an opportunity, I move my body to the left just as he hurls himself at me.
It seems like forever but I hear a loud thud followed by a groan. Yes. 1 point for me sucker. I smirked. Then another series of images popped in my mind.
Okay my opponent, okay let's call him something else. OP, sounds better and easier.
So OP is angry, furious but I can see a maniacal grin on his face that sends tingles down my being. He is going to sneak up on me and try to strangle and pin me down to the floor. Possibly going to kill me. I say possibly because I'm going to stop him first. Making sure I don't let him read my plan, I run behind him. I kick him in the side and punch him two times in the chest. I'm not experienced but thanks to Kai's video games I know at least a bit of fighting.
OP goes down. Another point. Score! This is actually pretty fun. What am I thinking? This is a life or death situation. A punch to my face sends me back to the ground I was really missing, (not). Blood trickled down from my nose. My jaw was so sore and my head throbbed. Before I could even recover, OP sent a kick towards my hip. I screamed out in pain. A metallic taste filled my mouth. Owwwww that hurts so badly.
What happened to "hitting girls is bad?" I'm actually scared because I don't think OP would spare me. Wow, no Trinity. You can do this. Spitting the blood in my mouth out, I gritted my teeth and forced myself to get up once more.
Another set of images fill my mind. He's at the back of the room again. Instead of fear or pain, anger fuels up in me. He will never make me feel inferior without my permission, which I will never give. So what he can read minds? That's a pathetic ability. (Not really but just want to think mine is better.) He's running towards me. He does a cartwheel and plants a kick at my face where he knocks me out and takes out a knife which he will use to kill me.
Well that's not going to happen, bruh. I crouch down behind a wall in the room and make sure he can't see me. I place the blade in the direction he's heading in. As predicted, he runs and does a cartwheel. But the only thing different is that he trips on the blade and falls flat on his face a few meters away from me. I don't even want to think about how he learnt how to fight like that.
I place my foot on his face to make sure he doesn't move. To show that I win, I sit on him, much to his annoyance. But I don't kill him. Because unlike him I'm not some merciless murderer.
The voice erupts through the room.
"Wow that's a first. Congratulations you have survived. Please follow 29 out of the room to attend to your injuries. Good bye. And 32, mercy isn't accepted here but today is your lucky day. Consider yourself lucky."
Luck? There's no such thing as luck for me. How would I have gotten in this situation if I had luck? These disgusting scoundrels can't even accept mercy. They deserve to be condemned. 29 emerges and guides me out of the room. A thought hit me. OP couldn't read my mind when I was predicting what he was going to do. Another thought struck my mind. Couldn't or wouldn't? So many questions but no answers. Soon I will get the answers. But how,when?

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