The Location

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"What, what is it?" Kai asked nervously with a tinge of hope clinging onto his voice. I turned around and regained my composure. I showed Kai the photo and the note written behind it. At first he was confused about why the photo was important. It took a few seconds for the name Marie to settle in his mind when he suddenly shouted out. "It's Marie Leigh from the missing person report in the park!"
I rolled my eyes and chuckled humorlessly. All the questions weighed on my mind. Then suddenly a beeping sound disrupted my thoughts. "What's that?" I asked. "I think the computer has recognized a place that may most probably be where Trin is held," Kai trailed off excitedly.
We raced towards the computer and one location shone brightly, as if it was our beacon of hope, signaling the end to all our misery. The computer had stated that the location was a few towns away(okay more like 15 towns away) in an abandoned warehouse. "Grab all the weapons you can find and then let's go kick some butts and take back Trin hopefully, if she's there!" Kai exclaimed, half way out the room and racing towards the kitchen.
In normal circumstances I would have laughed at the word butt but it was as if the seriousness of 'our mission' had sucked away all my humor. Setting my mind on finding weapons, I dashed out of the room.
I'm coming Trin! Those guys have no idea what they're asking for. Revenge will be mine...


Trin's P.O.V
I jolted awake. My senses were on overdrive. My whole body ached at places even I couldn't identify. My head throbbed and pounded. My hands itched and I had an urge to scratch them. I glanced down at my hands, only to see ropes snaked over and under my wrists. My hair was matted with sweat and grime. I studied my surroundings warily but everything was dark and it was too hard to see.
My thoughts were a mess. I took a deep breath and a single thought came across my mind at first.
Where am I?
As if a fog had cleared up, the events of what had happened flashed through my mind.


Ava had just left home to go meet up with Elly and Eli.
My 'meeting' with Sachin was in an hour...

I brushed my hair and tied it into a French braid. I let loose some of my stray curls to make my 'look' more natural. I smiled to myself and started playing a random song. Yes! I love this song. My feet moved on their own accord and then my hands waved in the air. My hips swayed side to side and my body grooved along to the song. I belted out the lyrics and sang into my hairbrush when the chorus came about.

Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away?
I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company.
Looking high and low, someone let me know
Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away?

I love Hide Away by Daya! It's very true. When Ava gets back I'm so making her listen to this song.
I grinned and grabbed my favorite t-shirt and jeans and went to go get changed...
I got off the bus and skipped towards Pastamania. A smile was plastered on my face as I thought of seeing Sachin. Just then, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned my head, only to see nobody there. I shook myself a bit, thinking I just had the jitters. But the footsteps were relentless. My pace quickened and my mind swirled with possibilities. My heart rate increased.
After watching Taken(Kai forced me to) I always felt very insecure. I have no idea how Liam Neeson did it. I wish I had learnt Taekwondo like Ava.
I counted in my mind. Two...four...six...eight. Then I snapped my head and turned around. I caught a brief glance of a figure and that was all I needed. Terror gripped me as my heart thundered against my chest. Paranoid and scared as ever, I dashed forward, trying with all my might to get out of this place and reach Pastamania.
I was just a few meters away from the restaurant when two big hairy hands grabbed me from behind and another figure appeared in front of me and stuffed something in my mouth. A sweet smell hit me and I found myself wondering. What is that smell?
And then it hit me, it was chloroform. I was about to fight and will myself to stay awake. But my stupid body gave way and I was rendered unconscious. Three thoughts came into my mind before my consciousness slipped.
Why are they kidnapping me?
Where are they taking me?
Will I ever see my family and my friends again?
And then everything went black...

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