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Trin's P.O.V
In the pit of my stomach I have this fear, that I won't be able to escape. What if Kai doesn't know where I am? What if I'm dead before I can even try to leave this damned place? I took a deep breath. That's a lot of 'what ifs'. After my really freaky assessment, 29 had guided me to a room. Supposedly, it was mine. I was to sleep, according to his words. Well, here's the creepy part, he is now standing near the door, probably to make sure I don't do anything stupid. I sure wasn't going to sleep with some weirdo at my door staring at me.
"Excuse me, mister number 29, I don't think I can sleep if you're standing there, creepily staring at me!" I said, hoping he'll rethink his stalkerish behavior. I was replied with a grunt and he turned his back towards me, trying to give me "privacy". Seriously?
Just then someone knocked on my door, oh thank you my savior...
It turned out be 18. Never going to be my savior.
"32, I suggest you don't waste time sleeping and start training!" He stated accusingly, followed by an eye-roll.
I resisted the urge to complain about how I wasn't sleeping. What did he mean by training? And I still don't understand how that boy could read my mind. How did I get my ability? Why... Okay that's all questions for another time. I walked towards the door and followed 18 and 29 to my training place.
Okay, this is one huge training room. Inside there were at least fifty other people training for who knows what. As explained by 18, these were the new kids like me. I was supposed to find a weapon I felt most comfortable with and train with it. "Try not to die." 18 whispered, blunt as ever.
I wanted to argue with him but when I turned around, the mysterious 29 and ever so annoying 18 were gone. Looks like I'm on my own. I stepped away from the entrance and surveyed the whole training room which was about the size of two soccer fields. On my left there was the knife throwing section. Right next to that was the guns. Followed by the martial arts-one on one combat without weapons. And many more which I never knew existed.
Then my eyes landed on one weapon. The bow and arrow! I wasn't awesome at it like Katniss, but I wasn't that bad either. Speaking of Katniss, this seems a lot like the hunger games. Oh god no. Where's my Peeta and Gale? Okay never mind, my life is at stake here. I darted towards the archery section, narrowly missing a flying knife. There where two other people at the archery's  weapons/training section? I have no idea what they call it here.
There were ten targets we were supposed to shoot. I grabbed my bow and arrow, not before staring at one of the other trainees. She hit every single target, dead in the centre. Bullseye. Was everyone here awesome at handling weapons? My question was answered when someone said,"Not really, most of them are like you, unexperienced." I bit back a nasty insult back to turn and look who it was when I saw the same boy who I had to fight with in the assessment. Figures, he read my mind.
"I thought you died." I sneered.
"Looks like the jokes on you. They didn't dispose of me because you didn't kill me. Anyway, I let you win because I knew you didn't have it in you to kill someone. It's a win/win situation." He said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "As if. What's your number loser." I shot back. "Well as surprising as it is, I don't really like having a number as a form of a name so you can just call me Zay. That was my real name before I got taken to this hell of a place." He replied.
"You were kidnapped too? Do you know what they want from us? What they mean by ability? Why we have to train? And how to escape?" I whispered, my heart rising just a little bit. Maybe there is hope after all. "Woah woah woah, slow down missy. Mostly everyone here was kidnapped. They want to train us to become assassins to assassinate anyone their clients want to dispose of. And sorry but in this place, it's impossible to escape." Zay replied as my heart sank just as fast as it rose. "Nothing is impossible." I said, more to myself than to Zay. I earned a chuckle from him. Then something sparked in my mind. "Wait... Those missing children in my town. Were they all...killed?" I asked as fear threatened to engulf me.
"No actually they were taken too, just like you and me."
He replied, also taking a bow and arrow.
Just as I was about to ask about the police, Zay took the words out of me. "The police can never piece all of this up because our superiors make sure that we are in some remote place and that no one can find us."
Well that dashed the hopes out with of me. What superiors?
Also, none of us have any idea where we are and these people have technology so advanced that they never allow us to know what part of the day it is. Which is why your watch isn't working properly.
I forgot I even had a watch.
There is a bell that helps to signal information. One ring means we have a briefing. Two means it's lunch or dinner. Three means we have an emergency. Four means we have to evacuate.
I shivered as the feeling of Zay in my mind is definitely not comfortable. "Sorry I can't help it. So what's your ability? Precognition right? That's cool but not as cool as mine. Not only can I read minds, I can manipulate minds that are weak. But once I practice enough, I might be able to manipulate anyone, except our superiors. Some of the kids say that when they try, it's like something is blocking them from seeing anything." Zay rambled. Trying to take it all in, I asked,"What's precognition? And you mean other people have abilities too?"
"Precognition is the ability to see into the future. There's a lot of abilities. Like Retro Cognition is the opposite of your power. It allows the person to see anyone's past. Then there's Mechanical Intuition, which is like awesome. The person can fix anything or make anything. Enhanced intelligence is the power of being super smart. What else? Oh! There's Telekinesis, which is the ability to move anything with your mind. And there's Accelerated Probability. Which is a bit like precog but it enables the person to see many different possiblities in a situation. It's all pretty epic eh?
Also there's Technology Manipulation which is like the ability to manipulate technology. There's Enhanced Strength too. There's Intuitive Aptitude which is the ability to understand the complexity and exactness of anything without any special education or anything. There's Enhanced Senses too which is also pretty cool. There's also Extra Sensory Projection which is a sub power of Enhanced Senses. There's Elementary Transmuatation which allows the person to alter any substance to other substances. There's Regenerative Healing Factor which is like the power of healing only yourself. And there's Psychic Shield which enables the person to be immune against psychic attacks. And last but not least, there's Fear Inducement and Shapeshifting. And duh, mine.
So basically there's seventeen powers/abilities total that I know of. Wow that's a lot of talking." Zay replied, almost out of breath.
That's a lot of powers. They are all so amazing but how did we get them? How is it even possible? I thought-asked, knowing Zay would reply in my mind.
Well, rumor has it, a brilliant scientist who was working for our superiors created a mutation which enables us to have powers and injected each of us when we were born. I have no idea how he managed to do it without anybody noticing. But that's all I know. Now can we stop talking and start training? You know the annual competition is around the corner. And if we may be lucky, we may be recruited for a mission.
Just as I was about to ask more questions, two rings reverberated. Dinner.
Wow thanks for wasting my training time Trinity. Can I call you Trin?
I was almost so used to 32 and the fact that he could read my mind and know my name was a bit chilling.
I had so many questions and I was finally starting to get answers. But what next?
I followed Zay and made my way out of the room.

Heyyyyy peeps. I hope this chapter is interesting. Finally some questions answered! Okay I have a few questions for you!

What do you think about Zay?

Which is your favorite power/ability?

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